Chapter 38

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Carter's POV

After I spoke with my father over the phone, I entered the living room where my brothers were. 

"I have news. Jazz is with my father somewhere close to Mexico. I'll have the exact location soon. I have a plan in mind. Right now, my focus is to get Jazz back. I know there's no way he'll rest once we get Jazz out of there. I'll need to shut him down. Permanently."

I explained to them what the plan was and we left the house. Kathy was to stay back because of Alec. She said she'll contact us if she finds out something useful. 

Max was driving and I was on the phone most of the time. A few calls and my network of people was working for me again. I honestly didn't think people would remember me, let alone help me go against the most powerful man in their state... but everything worked out fine.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to call the next number on my phone... Chatara. She was a girl I had saved but I know she didn't approve of my decision to leave. On top of that, she had gotten too close to my father. She always seeked a father in her alpha, but my father, being the dog he is, exploited this very emotion in her. I hadn't seen her in a long while. She worked for my dad and I always felt guilty for not being able to keep her out of that circle. I brought her home so she was my responsibility... only if I had stood up against my father for her... I guess that is a decision I will always regret. I figured I'll call her anyways. 

Her phone was ringing...

"Hello" I heard from the other end.

"Chatara... it's..."

"Carter. I know. Hold on..." she said.

"Hello" that was JAZZ!

"JAZZ! Are you alright? Don't you worry baby, I'll get you out of there soon." I said in one breath ignoring all the questions I got from my brothers. Max pulled over on the highway and I put the phone on speaker.

"Carter, I'm alright. I can't talk for long though. I'll be home tomorrow Carter. When you get here... I'll be home..." and before she could speak any further, Chatara was on the phone again.

"Sorry, that's all I can do for you. Before I hang up, I need to know Ace will be safe with you."

"Please be assured that no harm will come to him... and Chatara, thank you. I really appreciate this." I said and hung up. This was a big relief. I knew now that Chatara might not entirely be on my side but she'd protect Jazz with her life. 

"HOME... Jazz emphasized home..." Max was saying.

"I knew Damien Smith won't take the chance of keeping Jazz in the same place he was meeting me. I know exactly where Jazz is but I also know that Chatara is with her. She's not going to let Jazz go that easy. She might think she owes me one but she's also very loyal towards her pack. She'll keep Jasmine safe... from EVERYONE. Looks like we need a different plan. I don't want to have to hurt Chatara." I said thinking out loud on purpose.

"Would you happen to have blue prints of the house?" Max asked.

"Actually... yes. What do you have in mind?" Jace said.

"What? When did you get them? How did you get them?" I asked.

"Carter, let's not talk about it now. I'll tell you everything you need to know once Jazz is back." he said quickly.

"Carter, will it be ok if we take a strategy break?" Max asked. When I nodded, Max took the next exit and we were looking at all the information we had.

"Carter... how do you think the security will be?" Max asked.

"If you don't see visible security, there's probably really tight security. If there are visible people securing the area, don't worry too much. But I highly doubt he'll take that chance. Expect snipers guys. He's not taking this easy." I said while pointing to the spots on the blue prints where snipers might be.

"There's probably surveillance cameras everywhere too..." Jace was saying.

"That's Jake's department. I want his men leaving us a wide open road to escape. The only problem I see is Chatara. Carter doesn't want her hurt. Ohh how much you've tied me down brother!" He said exhaling being dramatic.

"Ok, so Jace will have to be our decoy. You'll go with Carter first and I want Carter to ask you to leave. When you do leave, I'm sure he'll have men following you. I don't know if he'll try to abduct you too but in any case, I want you to run towards the house Jazz is in. Make as much noise as you can. This will get Chatara's attention, as well as the snipers'. I need you to make sure Chatara comes out so that they won't shoot you. At this point, all the cameras need to go down..." Max was speaking

"I'll need to get to their operating room. Taking down one camera at a time is going to take too long." Jake said.

"Hmm... it'll have to be before I get there. He probably has placed men there too. It's here in the basement and there are 2 entrances. If they smell anything funny, they'll move Jazz. We need something to knock them out." Jace said.

"Umm... may I suggest these?" I said bringing out my briefcase.

"What are these?" Max asked.

"I thought you'd never ask! These are used to put animals down for a while. It knocks them out so that zoo keepers and vets can take a look at the animals. They use these in tourism as a self defence weapon." I said handing them the gun.

"And you have these because...?" Jake asked.

"We'll clear that out later. First the two of us will need to get into the building. Once the cameras are down, I'll go get Jazz from this window down to the car and get out of there." Max said.

"Dude, what about our escape plan?" Jace asked.

"I AM your escape plan. I'll drive right past the front with a dummy in my car. That should give Jake enough time to get to the car parked here, where Jasmine will be waiting for him. Jace will be the cover just incase we need it. I'll have a car parked for you in the forest area opposite of the direction Jacob will drive Contact Carter as soon as you can which will be his cue to leave. Than you just get back home... I'll meet you guys there." Max finished.

"I'm not leaving you behind Max. Your escape plan needs change. I have tracers for all of you, I'll come find you while these two take Jazz away. They're going to shoot at you and I can't have you take a shot." I said.

"Carter, tracers aren't the safest option. If you can track them, so can they!" Jake said.

"But Max will NOT be driving in front of them without me. Let's decide on a place to meet. I'll get you from there. I think I have a special surprise for those bastards." I said while smirking as the idea just occurred to me. 

I never thought I would think this but now I was actually looking forward to meeting Mr. Damien Smith. He needed to get a piece of my mind.

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