Chapter 22

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Jasmine's POV

Carter and the boys were back. Everything seemed normal but carter didn't speak to me. It had been a busy day so I was hoping to avoid Carter too but Kathy didn't let that happen. After dinner, Kathy asked Carter to stay back in the kitchen. 

Kathy: "I think you should hear what Jazz has to say. Jazz..." she looked at me indicating that I should start talking.

Me: "Carter... I... I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I should've let you guys know where I was and that... I... I tutor a girl named Lily for math... I figured that you would object to it like you did when I asked to baby-sit but I swear I did it just because I wanted to help. I was tired of doing nothing while you and Jace were working so hard to keep everything together. I feel like I'm dragging you guys down... like I'm a responsibility that you can't get rid of... that doesn't make me feel good about myself." I could tell by the quietness in the house that the other 3 were listening to the conversation too.

Carter: "But baby you're NOT dragging anyone down. You're my princess remember? I just want to make sure that you get everything you deserve. If you have to work for money, I feel like I'm not doing enough. You know all you have to do is ask if you need something... you're just a kid, why do you want to work?"

Me: "I never intended to hurt you Carter. I'm not even getting that much money out of it but just being able to pay for my lunch at school or buy something on my own means alot to me. I mean, you pay for everything else as it is... I just want to be allowed to pay for small, personal things. Please don't ask me to quit tutoring."

Carter: "Jazzy, I'm not very comfortable with the idea..."  

Kathy: "Carter common. The girl told you why she wants to tutor. It's not like she's out there lifting heavy boxes. You can't tell her to quit just because the fact that she works makes you feel bad. You need to understand her position too. I see nothing wrong with it and you need to realize that too."

After a deep breath Carter said, "I guess you're right. Plus it seems close to our new place anyways. You can work BUT if your work has a negative impact on your grades, I will ask you to quit. Fair?"

Me: "YES! Thank you soo much." I said hugging Kathy. 

Thankfully, the rest of the week was pretty uneventful. We moved to our new place which was a Gothic era house. It was AMAZING. It was built with special permission or something. It was on the edge of a rocky cliff where on one side there was sea and on the other there was a forest. There was a bus stop at 5-7 min. walking distance and the closest neighbours were two blocks down the street where there was an entire row of houses. This place was closer to Chris and Tyler's place and we didn't have to change schools.

The ceilings were much higher than normal. There were 2 bedrooms on the main floor, 3 more on the second and 2 on the top floor excluding the study/library. Each bedroom had an attached bathroom which blew my mind and the closets were really big too. Each room had a HUGE bed and an indoor balcony. I say indoor because it had two doors; one attaching it to the room and the other opening to outdoors (I didn't like the railings but Carter said we weren't getting rid of them!). The basement wasn't all underground, it was very bright during day time. It was just one huge area with a bar. I assumed it was meant to be the "party room". When you enter the place, there was an area with staircase on either side making a semi-circle with a lobby on 2nd floor. There were two bedrooms on either side where the staircase began. There was a balcony type of thing on the top floor facing the front doors as the stairs for second floor were not visible from the ground level. When you cross this area, you enter a huge room divided in two areas, one with sofa set and the other with a fancy dining table. The chandeliers in the house were magnificent. There were balconies from both middle and top floors facing this room. When you go further, there was a kitchen with granite counter-tops and an island for 5. There was another room without a door that had a fireplace with a sofa and a bunch of bean-bags. This room was also the only one in the house with carpet. Everywhere else was hardwood flooring. I fell in love with this place. I don't even know how we could afford this but somehow Carter and Kathy made it work.

Now, everyone in the house was working. Jace quit the weekend job though. Now Carter, Jace and Jacob worked at university. Kathy got a job as a receptionist in a rehebilitation center and Max worked in a restaurant as a chef. I tutored one more kid now. He needed very little help so it was only an hour, twice a week. This was my life with my extended family and I was loving it. 

I graduated to highschool and today was my first day...

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