Chapter 47

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Max's POV

I carried Jazz upstairs to Tyler's room while Tyler looked for the others.

Me: "Jazz... how much did you drink?"

Jazz: "Ughh... I don't feel very good."

Me: "ok... let's get you to the bathroom. Do you feel nauseous?"

Jazz: "I'm feel like I'm going to puke." and puke she did. I held her hair behind her head. She was throwing up everything she had to eat along with the alcohol. I felt terrible. As an older brother, I should've been watching her. Yes she was old enough to judge for her self and she made the wrong choices but I still felt partly responsible. At this point nothing mattered more than her well being. I was rubbing her back to sooth her when Jace walked in the washroom. 

Jace: "Holy shit! What's going on?"

Me: "Go get some cold water." he didn't ask any more questions, he just left. Right when he left Chris and Tyler came. 

Chris: "Is she going to be alright? Who the fuck gave her alcohol?"

Tyler: "She was with the senior girls when Max and I saw her."

Me: "I don't know how much she drank. She should've known better though!"

Chris: "Max, she's 14. She has never had alcohol before. How was she supposed to know better? Why are we even talking about this right now? Where's Jacob?"

Tyler: "I couldn't find him!"

Chris: "Ughh... I'll go look for him. If anything, give me a call on my cell."

Me: "Ty, get me a towel and something for her to change into." while I was saying that Jace came back with a jug and a bottle of water with a glass. Jazz wasn't saying anything. Tears were rolling down her eyes but she wasn't crying.

She had stopped puking and I made her wash her mouth and face with cold water. She sat down on the floor and was just breathing when Chris came back.

Chris: "Guys, we might have another small issue. Jacob is no where to be found. Not in the house, not in the backyard and not even in close proximity at the front."

Me: "Ughh... Jacob! Jace, why don't YOU go look for him?" I said indicatively. He understood right away.

Jace: "Why don't Chris and I split up and look for Jacob. Do you think we should let Kathy know?"

Me: "Not yet. I'll deal with that if need be. Just go find Jacob." They left and I was standing in the bathroom with Jazz and Tyler. Jazz was holding her head with her hands and her head was resting on her knees. 

Jazz: "I'm sorry Max."

Me: "We'll deal with that later. Right now, I need you to tell me if you can shower yourself. Can you stand up on your own?"

Jazz: "Yeah. I can do that." She said slowly getting up. I helped her. 

Me: "Ty, why don't you go down and make sure everything's ok." he left for downstairs.

Jazz stepped in the shower, closed the curtains and handed me her puke covered clothes. I stood there till she was done showering with cold water. I handed her the towel and then the clothes when she gave me the towel back. She stepped out and almost fell. I helped her get to Tyler's room and put her to bed on her side. I put an empty bucket next to her just incase she needed it and sat there drying her hair. 

Jazz: "I'm so sorry Max. You must be super mad right now. I'm really sorry!"

Me: "We'll talk about it later. How are you feeling?"

Jazz: "Better than before."

Me: "How much did you drink?"

Jazz: "Just a cup."

Me: "A glass of what?"

Jazz: "They said it was vodka."

Me: "Vodka with?"

Jazz: "What do you mean Vodka with? I had Vodka!"

Me: "WHAT? You had an entire glass of plain VODKA? That can't be! What did it taste like?"

Jazz: "It burned when I took the first sip so I just chugged the rest. It's hard to describe the taste."

Me: "Oh my god Jasmine! Why would you chug alcohol? Why would you have any to begin with?"

Jazz: "Everything's so much easier for you guys. You guys have already tried everything but when I want to try something I always hear a NO. I figured if I asked you guys to let me try alcohol, you wouldn't let me so when the senior girls said they were Jace and Jacob's girl-friends and offered a cup, I took it. I've heard nothing happens if you drink just one so..."

Me: "Jazz, we only say no to a certain things because we know first hand how bad they are. But next time you want to try something, please come to me. Don't you dare pull a stunt like this again. Have I made myself clear?" By the time I was done talking I heard her snore softly. GREAT! Now I'll have to carry her home. Atleast she won't say anything in front of Carter and Kathy if she's asleep. 

I called Chris to see if they found Jacob yet. Calling Jace would mean that he'd have to shift back to answer. Chris said they were still looking. I wonder where this guy went!

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