Chapter 35

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Max's POV

Jazz left for washroom when we were having lunch. Alec left soon after saying he needed to see a teacher. I was sitting with the guys making sure there was a safe distance between Ty and myself. I loved Tyler and he was my mate but just as I couldn't tell him about my werewolf life, I couldn't tell my brothers about him.

When Jazz and Alec didn't come back for 15 minutes, I grew suspicious and decided to look for Jazz. I looked for her everywhere but couldn't find her. I looked for Alec too but he was no where to be found either. 'If he so much so touches Jazz, I will kill him.' I thought to myself when I heard the bell.

Lunch was over. I decided to wait outside Jazz's next class but she was a no show. Now I was starting to get worried. I ran to Alec's class but he wasn't there either. Something was wrong but I didn't know what. I texted the other guys to meet me urgently. We met in the field outside the school.

Jake: "You better have a good reason for this, I don't want to deal with Kathy about absences anymore."

Me: "Jazz is missing... and so is Alec."

Jace: "WHAT? What do you mean Jazz is missing?"

Me: "She left the table at lunch and never came back. I thought she was upset with what Jake said so after lunch I went to her class just to make sure she was alright, but she wasn't there. Alec's been missing since lunch too. I have a feeling he was lying to us."

Jake: "I'm sure they're somewhere close, let's look for them before we call Carter or Kathy."

We all split up and started running the grounds. We searched every inch of our ground but they were no where to be found. We met up at home and I called Carter while Jace talked to Kathy. They were home withing 10 minutes and now we were searching the grounds beyond our 'unclaimed territory'. Carter had asked our neighbouring alpha to watch out for both Jazz and Alec as well as a possible attack. It was evening and we were far beyond our ground when I smelled blood. I ran in that direction to find Alec on the floor with significant blood loss. He was unconscious. I gave everyone the message that I had found Alec. The blood had clotted and he wasn't bleeding anymore but he wasn't in a very good condition. Kathy and I decided to take him home while the other 3 kept looking for Jazz. 

Kathy: "He has lost a lot of blood. We need to hurry, he won't make it otherwise. Take him home and I'll meet you there."

I did as I was told and took him home. I ran as fast as I could with him on my back and tried to keep the thoughts of finding Jazz in a similar position away from my head. I was hoping that the other 3 would find her and bring her home safe and sound. As much as I didn't trust Alec, I had a feeling he knew something about her whereabouts, which is why I wanted him alive. He had vital information. 

I reached home and started to clean up the wounds when Kathy came back with an infusion machine and blood. 

Me: "Where did you get those?"

Kathy: "Not now Max. Let's get him to live first."

She set up the machine and he was getting blood now. She asked me to help her with the cleaning of his wounds. She also applied medicinal creams and bandages. 

Kathy: "Go look for Jazz. I'll be here with him. I'll send you a message when he comes to consciousness." 

I wanted to ask her questions and ask that bastard a few too but I figured this wasn't the time so I left the house trying to find Jazz again. 

It was late evening when we received a message from Kathy stating that Alec was awake now and she needed all of us home. I got home to find a very worried Kathy and a very angry Carter. Jake and Jace were right behind me. 

Jake: "What's going on?"

Kathy: "Alec said that... Jazz is with her father right now." 

Jace: "What? That can't be... tell me that's not true!"

Kathy: "Alec worked for Mr.Damien Smith. He was sent here to locate us and when he didn't get back to them, they came here looking for him. He says they don't know our exact location."

Jace: "I am going to kill that bastard." he said with anger moving close to Alec's room.

Carter: "STOP. You won't touch him Jace. He's the only source of information I've got right now. I want my sister back safe and I'm willing to do absolutely ANYTHING to make that happen. Don't make this harder than it has to be." I've never seen Carter like this. He was angry, worried, upset... almost crying... all at the same time but he was still thinking clearly! 

Carter: "Kathy, I need you to get more information out of him. Guys, get some food and some rest. I'll need all of you in a fully functional state of mind and body." he said and started to make a phone call.

How could we eat or rest knowing Jazz was out there in the worst possible situation! I made sandwiches anyways. No one really ate and we were in the living room waiting for more information while hypothesizing where Jazz could be. 

Carter came rushing through the doors. "I have some news."...

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