Chapter 10

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Jace's POV

"WOW Jace... how long has it been since the last party?... I saved you last time, don't expect the same again. Have you any idea how hard it was for me to convince Carter to let it go? Your ass would've been family history if it wasn't for me." Jazz spoke after Carter left.

"I know I know! It's just that even though I haven't known this guy for very long, he's one of my best buddies here and he personally invited me. He even planned it on Saturday so I could go." I said. "... Jazz, you're the best, prettiest, sweetest, nicest sister I have. I love you soooo much." I said trying to make a puppy-dog face.

"I'm the only sister you've got and whatever it is that you want to ask me, count me out." She snapped back.

"Well... I was actually thinking of taking you with me. You know, just get to know the people you'll be in school with in September." I said hoping she would agree.

Jazz: "You're joking right?" 

Me: "No... I'm absolutely serious. If YOU ask Carter, he won't say no."

Jazz: "Well... if I get to go... do you really think it'll be ok? I don't want any trouble!"

Me: "I princess promise Jazz. I don't intend on drinking and there's nothing more than alcohol there. Plus with you there, there's no way I would do anything out of the ordinary. Actually, we can even take Carter along if he wants to!" Princess Promise was something Jazz had come up with when she was 5. We were too old for this but somehow it still held it's value for us.  

Jazz: "OK... fine, I'll do it. I can't believe I'm agreeing to this."

Me: "OMG, you're the greatest thing to ever happen to my life. I love you!" I said hugging her. We made our way out to find Carter waiting by the car. We were going to drop Jazz off first.

Jazz: "Carter... umm... I was wondering... actually..."

Carter: "Baby, when you have to come up with different ways of asking for something, you're probably asking for the wrong thing. If this is about the party, I'll talk to Jace about it later." Damn, this guy could see right through us! 

Jazz: " Actually... I want to go to the party with him." It came out very quickly and unexpectedly.

Carter: "Wait WHAT?"

Jazz: "Well... Jace said he'd take me. I'm already 13 Carter and I've never been to a party before. I usually don't ask to do things because I know how worried you get. If I'm with Jace, nothing can go wrong. He'll be the one responsible and I promise I'll be on my best behavior. Infact, he was saying you should come along too. We'll come back by the time you pick. Please Carter? Pretty please?" and than she made that face... Carter or I have never been able to say no to that face. 

Carter: "Can I think about it?"

Jazz: "Never mind than. I got your answer." She said in a sad voice and started staring in space outside of the car window.

Carter: "Oh common Jazz... be reasonable!" She didn't reply to that. "Fine, I guess you can go." he said in a defeated tone. I can't believe this worked!

"But I'm not joining you guys. Is it alright if I go out with some people from university for dinner? I'll probably be back by 9-9:30 anyways." he added. 

Jazz: "Ofcourse Carter, you're the best!" She said smiling.

Carter: "I know! But I have a few conditions. Both of you will be back by midnight, there will be no alcohol intake for either one of you, and I'll drop you there so I know exactly where this place is."

"DONE!" both of us said in a unison. We dropped her off and now were on the way to my school. 

Carter: "That's dirty play Jace. Getting Jazz to get permission for you! You knew I'd say yes, didn't you?" He said smiling and nodding his head.

Me: "I was hoping you wouldn't catch it."

Carter: "Just know that if anything happens to her... or you, I'll hold you responsible. I don't want to have to break your bones and than pay for getting them fixed at a hospital. I hope I've made myself clear." He said smirking right before he drove off after dropping me.

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