Chapter 3

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Jace's POV

I get a text while I'm in class that something happened with Jazz where a guy tried to kiss her. I found myself trying to control my anger as soon as I felt myself getting warmer. I am still a relatively new shifter so if I get to extreme emotions, I might shift involuntarily. I asked to go to the washroom and left the class to call the guy who texted me.

For me it is usually easy to get a place wired but it took some work to set up a network in Jazz's school considering I never attended the school myself. It's still not as good as I'd like it to be but I guess it'll have to do for a couple of months before she starts attending highschool where I study. I want my sister safe from any harm... above all, the harm my dad could bring to her if he found our whereabouts.

My contact told me everything I needed to know. I called Carter to let him know that I was going to Jazz's school. He said he was going to join me. We were talking to Jazz after school when I heard someone yell 'Carlos' and a guy with an icepack in his hands turned. I knew this had to be the guy. I looked at Carter intentionally seeking permission. When he nodded I started leaving but he asked me to keep it clean. I hate it when he does that. I think a blow that leaves a scar is much more effective and a long-term reminder than me just verbally threatening a guy.

I wanted to verify that he was the guy so I listened to the conversation they were having. It was about what happened to him today and how he will get back at Jasmine for this. I got angry now and followed Carlos in the parking lot to his two wheeler that was parked in a corner by a big tree. This made it very convenient for me. As he was about to get on it, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I need to talk to you for a sec." I said

"Who the hell are you?" he said with disgust in his voice.

" I am your worst nightmare." I said taking his hand and twisting it enough to make him get on his knees, but not enough to break it. I badly wanted to break his bones for even thinking of getting back at my sister but I knew that Carter would skin me alive if I did. I left his hand and grabbed him by his hair.

"Look here you moron, Jasmine Smith is my sister. If I ever find out that you were within a 10 feet radius of her, I'll have to re-visit you. The arm I spared today will not be spared along with your leg if I have to come here again to see you. Do you understand?" I said threatening the guy.

Ok ok " he said in a scared voice.

I let him go, glared at him one last time and went back to the car. Carter was surprised at how soon I was back. What else did he expect? He told me to keep it clean. We were driving home and since he didn't say anything, I assumed what I had told him was verified. Jazz and I were both looking at Carter... he seemed worried. I started thinking that I should double check that there weren't any videos or pictures taken of the event that can end up on the net.

We reached home and everyone went to their own rooms to freshen up. Carter has picked a location where there aren't any other werewolf families close by. The territory is unclaimed. In fact, I am the only werewolf in my school. Our house is surrounded by trees and the backyard leads to a forest. We do share a small part of the territory (North West edge) with a pack but we are not part of the pack. This is considered to be very weird but we have our own reasons.

Before Carter got us here, he had already spoken to the alpha of the pack to whom the North West edge  part of the territory belonged to. He had asked Carter to join their pack but Carter had declined. The alpha was nice enough to agree on letting us run in his territory. We can't commit to a pack because we would be putting them in danger if we did. Our father probably spends a good amount of his time trying to track us. Carter makes sure that we are untraceable. All three of us have to keep a low profile and thus live in areas where there are no other werewolf families. Our father would suspect that we would join another pack and thus look for large werewolf packs in hopes of tracking us.

"Where are you going?" I heard Jazz downstairs.

"For a run, why?" I heard Carter now.

"Nothing... just asked out of curiosity!" Jazz said.

"Wait for me" I yelled from my bedroom. 

I ran downstairs and Carter and I headed out. While we were headed deep into the woods still in our human form he asked "Do you know if there are any pictures or videos of whatever happened today with Jazz?"

"As far as I know there are none but I'll find out for sure by tomorrow." I said.

He nodded and then shifted. I shifted after him and followed him.   

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