Chapter 18

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Carter's POV

I took the guys out around 10:30. I drove them to a mall and picked up cell phones. Since it wasn't confirmed that they were to stay here, I didn't bring up sim cards. I picked a phone for Kathy and to my surprise both of them agreed that she would like it. We then got Jace from work. I took them to a coffee shop. We got coffee and sat in a corner table.

"Guys, I actually brought all of you here to ask for your opinion. I was wondering if it was ok for Kathy and you two to stay here with us. What do you guys think?" I asked. I was hoping all of them would agree but no one said anything.

"Look, you don't have to answer right away. You can take your time. You guys are staying here for the time being anyways. Let us know whenever you're ready." I said.

"I've made up my mind." Said Max. I thought, here it goes... the first no.

"I would love to stay here." he said with a smile. This surprised me... in a good way ofcourse. I was so sure that Max was going to say no after what happened this morning but he said yes. Jace and Jacob gave him a weird look. After a few awkward moments of silence Jace decided to speak.

"Honestly speaking, I am just concerned about Jazz. I mean there's enough 'guys' in her life as it is, don't you think? Plus, we didn't join a pack till today for a reason." he asked.

"Why don't you see it this way Jace... there's Kathy. Both Jazz and her have lived their lives with pretty much guys. It'll be good for them to have each other." I said.

"Dude, with Jazz... I just got my sister back. Yes, her name is different and she looks different... heck she is a completely different person but Jazz is no less of a sister to me than Mandy ever was." Max said. Mandy was their sister they lost to drugs. I couldn't believe this guy, he was... helping me?! 

"Jazz is no less of sister to me than Kathy is either but my concern is that... we agreed we will never be part of a pack. I agree with Jace in that I don't want to be held responsible to any harm that we can bring. You do realize that there are people after us and we don't even know why. There are people after them too. We put each-other in danger." Jacob said.

"I am well aware of that Jake. I thought about it too. I figured that the people who are after us are same ones who are after you guys. If we stick together, we risk being found all together but at the same time, there are better chance of escape if it ever came down to having to fight them. If we live in the same place, there'll be more of us to scan the area. Technically, we aren't a part of a pack. For safety purposes, it is just more convenient for us to stick together." I tried to explain to him. He went quiet.

"I don't have a problem with them staying here." Jace said after a few seconds. We were all waiting for Jake's answer now. He didn't speak.

"What are you thinking about Jacob? It's really not that complicated." Max said getting irritated.

"Max, let him take his time. You are entitled to your opinion and he is to his." I said.

"Can I please get some more time to think about this?" Jake finally said.

"Definitely, take all the time you need." I said. We left the shop with Max and Jace ok with the situation and Jacob being unsure.

We got home to see a couple of curious girls. Everyone sat in the living room and I broke the news. 

"So, Jace and Max think it would be alright for us to stay together here. Ofcourse I think the same. Jacob is unsure and he's still thinking about it." 

"Jasmine and I think it'll be alright too." Kathy said with a worried smile.

"I thought you'd be happy for your sister Jacob. She finally found her mate and you don't think she deserves to stay with him?" Jazz said half upset half angry.

"WHAT?" was the reaction she got from Jace and Jake. For some reason, Max didn't find this surprising. Kathy and I were dumbstruck when she said that. I didn't think Jazz would... well... just explode it like that. 

"Ohh... you didn't know?" Jazz was now much quieter with a confused and embarrassed expression.

"Wait, the reason you want us to stay here is... THIS?" Jacob said pointing at me.

"Sorry guys! I thought it was obvious! I didn't mean to..." Jazz was apologizing to us.

"That's alright Jazz. Really. We had to tell them sooner or later anyways." Kathy said with a wary smile.

"Why didn't someone say that earlier!? I would've agreed much faster. Congratulations bro!" Jace said.

"WOW... Congratulations Kathy. I guess I better unpack." Jacob said and Jazz screamed with joy, "Group-hug". Every fell into a group hug. I think this was the best day of my life so far! 

"This calls for celebration guys. How about some champagne?" Jace said. I looked at him with a cautious gaze. 

"How about 'you're still underage'?" Kathy replied. 

"Which is why we shall drink under 'adult supervision'" said Jacob agreeing with Jace. When they saw that we weren't budging, all 3 of them looked at Jazz with puppy dog eyes.

"Ohh no no no... don't you even dare to think that you can use Jazz to get past this one." I warned.

"But Carter PLEASE? All we are asking for is to share ONE bottle. There isn't even that much alcohol in it. Plus we are celebrating soo many occasions. We are celebrating our new family, their new family and above all,  the two of you... see! 3 reasons!! Need I say more? Common Carter... please?" this was Jazz. 

"I guess I better go get a bottle of champagne." I said and all 3 of the guys bear-hugged Jasmine. Kathy was there nodding her head in a 'no' with a smile on her face. She took a camera out and clicked a picture of them. 

Kathy and I went to get a bottle of champagne. We came back to find the gang on the floor of the living room laughing away.

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