Chapter 12

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FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT... people surrounded us making a circle.

"Now we're talking. Common." the second one said.

"Jasmine get back." Tyler said. "Look man, I don't want any trouble" he said turning around. The first guy came from the side and I couldn't help but to step in. I kicked him in the stomach and while he bent down holding it, I kneed his head. This made Tyler turn and the second guy held him from the back but Tyler elbowed his side followed by a punch in the face. Both of them were bleeding and the crowd was cheering. Tyler and I freaked out and turned to the door to leave the place. Jace and Chris were right there, staring at us in disbelief. 

"Terrace, both of you, NOW." Chris came close and said to us such that only the two of us could hear. Tyler and I were on our way up when I started panicking. 

"Jace is going to kill me... if Carter finds out... it's the damn shorts... I should've listened to them... what if... cops... no no no no... this can't be happening!" I was freaking out.

"Alright alright... just breath Jazz... it'll be alright... just let me do the talking... I promise you nothing will happen to you... just breath." He said trying to calm me down but I could see the panic in his eyes too.

"You don't understand..." I just left it at that.

"Yeah... I don't understand what you're saying... SHORTS? COPS? ok here they come, just let me do the talking... and keep breathing... please!" He said as I saw both our brothers walking to us. 

"Are you guys alright? What the hell were you thinking Tyler?" Chris yelled at Tyler. 

"They started it. We were just having a good time dancing and... out of the blue they picked a fight." Tyler said. Technically he wasn't lying... he just skipped the minor details about the argument.

"It's always THEM who start it with you but was it really necessary to finish it? Is it really that hard just to walk away? Jazz, what the hell was that? and I don't want to hear it wasn't your fault." Jace said looking at me.

"But it really wasn't. They are homophobic and that's why they picked a fight with me. Jazz had nothing to do with this." Tyler stepped in front of me.

"Oh don't even try to defend her on this one. I saw her knee that guy's head." Jace snapped back.

"She was just trying to help! They weren't going to fight fare anyways." Tyler was still doing all the talking.

"AGAIN... was it necessary to fight? It is OUR house we're in. If anything happens... and WHY would you involve her in this? Was it really that hard to get her to move away? If something happened to her... I would've killed you myself before Jace or Carter could've even gotten their hands on you." Chris said getting closer to Tyler.

"Chris, I'm fine. Really. He did tell me to..." I was saying but Tyler cut me.

"I'm sorry guys, I should've asked her to stay behind. But we're ok."

"What you did is NOT ok. Now I have to take care of a guy with bleeding nose and another one with a bleeding lip. If I have to deal with cops or medics... this is the last of daylight you will see. I don't want to see you downstairs for the rest of the evening. You will go to your room and STAY THERE." Chris was on the verge of losing it with Tyler.

"Chris, it really wasn't his fault." I said when Jace looked at me saying "You're going home, NOW."

Tyler: "Jace, I've already said this has nothing to do with her. There's no reason she should be blamed."

Jace: "Give me one good reason she should still be allowed to attend the party."

Tyler: "Alright, I'll give you two. One, because you're probably going to help Chris with those motherfuc.... I mean those guys from your school and I'm sure you wouldn't send her home all by her self. Second, if Carter found out about this, she won't be the only one in trouble... Look, we're sorry this happened. If you don't want us down there, that's fine. We won't come down to the party." 

Me: "Chris, Jace, I'm really sorry! It all just happened in the heat of the moment. We'll stay away from the party but it wouldn't be fair if Jace had to leave because of me. Please stay?" I tried my best to do the teary eyes.

Chris: "It wasn't your fault. You can stay here as long as you'd like. Common Jace, let's go downstairs." and just like that, they were gone. 

"Never underestimating the power of a girl's tears again." Tyler said after they left.

"hahaha... do you even care about what just happened?" I asked.

"Look, all that matters to me is that I know it wasn't my fault. I try to convince Chris but if he doesn't believe it, there really isn't much I can do about that! Now, if we're done talking about it, let's get out of here." Tyler said.

"Wait What? What do you mean get out of here?"

"Ohh common, I'm not spending the rest of the evening stuck in this house. We're getting out of here. The beach is calling me." He said being dramatic.

I can't believe this guy. Here we were two seconds ago trying to save our butts and the next min. he is inviting trouble!

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