Chapter 40

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Max's POV

Carter's bike was now in front of my car and I was following him. He pulled in at a gas station. I got out of the car. Jace followed. Chatara was not coming back to her senses for a while so we weren't worried. I looked at Carter's tormented expressions. 

Me: "What's going on?"

Carter: "WHAT'S GOING ON? What the hell was all the fire about?" He looked at Jace now, "Why are you not wearing a shirt and who the hell is in the car with you?" I could tell something happened while he was talking to his dad. The frustration was clear in his voice.

Jace: "Well, when they started shooting, I kind of got pissed off so I improvised and..." he trailed off.

Carter: "We'll talk about that when we get home. I just want to know who's in your car!?" He said moving towards the car now. 

Jace: "Carter... umm.. that's... Chatara."

Carter: "WHAT? You guys abducted Chatara?"

Jace: "Well... that's not exactly how it happened. She was physically on me as soon as she saw Max driving towards us. I wasn't going to make it any other way so I jumped in the car with her. She won't stop fighting so Max stabbed her with a tranquilizer."

Carter: "Ughh... there's no point in discussing this further. Max, could you please ride the bike? I'm driving the car with Jace and Chatara." I suppose he realized at this point too that he was taking it out at the wrong place and pulled it back together. 

Me: "Yup." I said and looked at Jace's face. His expressions said DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HIM. Carter had already left for the driver's seat. In response to Jace, I murmured "If you don't make it home in one piece, I'll know what happened." To my surprise Carter heard that and smirked and Jace just swallowed his spit loudly.

There weren't any more troubles on our way home. I got home to a relieved Kathy and a happy Jazz. She gave me a hug. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you. How's the weather?" she asked tilting her head towards Carter.

Me: "Aww... don't worry. He's just glad to have you back. Plus, I think Jace has you covered as far as thunderstorms are concerned." I winked with a smirk on my face. Carter and Jace started walking towards the front door. Carter made Jace carry Chatara. It was pretty obvious that Jace didn't like it. Kathy hugged Carter and gave him a little kiss. "I'm glad everyone's ok."

We went in and Kathy made arrangements for Chatara. The 3 of us stepped out in the backyard. The nerd was no where to be seen so I asked Jacob about it.

Me: "I hope you guys didn't have much trouble getting back. Where's the guy you promised to save?"

Jacob: "Yeah. It was a pretty smooth ride. That guy IS safe."

Jace: "What guy?"

Jacob: "Oh, just this guy I ran into in the basement. He was a computer geek. He wasn't even a werewolf. He was human. I got him to give me alot of stuff I need to scan through. I left him with the US protection services in a different state. He'll be safe."

Me: "Not bad. What kind of stuff did he give you?" 

Jacob: "I have a gold mine guys... he gave me EVERYTHING he had. I haven't had the chance to look at it yet but I'm sure there's a lot we can use."

We all turned as we heard Jazz step out. 

Jazz: "Guys, I wanted to apologize for... this. If only I'd let you guys know that I was going to run, this wouldn't have happened."

Jace: "Even if you did tell us, this would've happened. You weren't running our grounds." The edge in his voice made her tear up.

Me: "Jace, give her a break alright! She just got back." 

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