Chapter 8

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Jasmine's POV

It's not like I'm desperate for a boy's attention but I can't get myself to forget those eyes. Those eyes are something that make me want to go back to the first place we rented. We had to leave that place because dad had managed to track us and had sent people after us. That in itself is a long story with the point being, Jace screwed up! BIG TIMES... Carter was mad but he loves Jace too much to kill him so instead he saved our asses by bringing us to where we are now. Everything happened in the matter of a couple of days. But I've been able to catch up with studies here and I'll graduate to highschool in September. That's why I was so scared about the Carlos incident. I was afraid we'd have to move again. Hopefully we'll get to stay here for atleast a few years. Atleast till Carter Graduates. It must be so hard for him to switch universities, find new jobs, find new place, set up new bank accounts, new phones... Jace and I help but still...! 

I miss our old neighbours sometimes, they were like the grandparents we never had. They used to bake for us from time to time, tell us stories about their youth... just a lot of fun to be around. I think Carter also had the peace of mind that there were adults watching over Jace and I. I like the place we have now too... It's bigger than the last one and we don't have anyone living in the basement. It's not semi-detached either. We have a backyard leading to the forest and I get my personal bathroom. The only downside to this place is that on the north-west edge of the parameter, there's a wolf pack.

I wish someone from that pack was my brother's mate. Atleast there'd be someone he could share his worries and responsibilities with. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Ahh those clear, green eyes... like spring after a cold winter. (Damn, I'm back to thinking about the guy) I feel stupid even thinking about that guy. I don't even know his name. I just saw him once... that too the day we left our old place. He seemed new to the area. He was looking around like he was lost, searching for something or someone. I felt like I should go talk to him but since Carter and Jace were both with me, I couldn't dare to even think of going upto him and talking to him. Plus the situation was hardly helpful, we were escaping! Sometimes I get scared of thinking about him with Carter and Jace around... too scared that if they hear my thoughts, all hell will break loose. 

The next morning, I woke up around 7 like usual, took a quick shower and went down to find Jace and Carter eating breakfast. 

"Good morning sunshine!" Carter said

"Wow, you guys are up early! Why didn't you wake me up? I would've made breakfast." I replied.

"We decide to make you breakfast and this is what we get." Jace taunted.

"haha... no, I do appreciate the effort, thank you but I feel like I don't do enough around the house. You can't go stealing my job!" I smiled grabbing a toast.

"Don't worry, we're not planning on doing this everyday anyways!" Jace said sticking his tongue out. I chuckled.

"Ohh, I'll drop you to school today." Carter said.

"Why? I can take the bus." I said.

"Well, my morning class got cancelled so I'm early anyways. Might as well make use of the time." Carter replied.

"Ok, will someone please tell me what's going on? This isn't about the Carlos thing, is it? I'll be fine, really." I said.

"It's not about yesterday. I am dropping off Jace too." He said very casually.

"OK great!" I said.

"Umm... Carter... I was wondering if... it was ok for me to go to a friend's party on Saturday evening?" Jace said sounding kind of scared.

"Jace, look at me." Carter said with his voice getting harsh " After everything that happened last time, are you really asking me this question?"

" I'll be careful I swear." Jace said.

"We'll have this conversation after school. We're getting late, let's go." Carter said and left without waiting for a response.  


Alright guys, I know there are not many readers but the ones that do read please leave a comment or a vote. That would be much appreciated. I don't know if I should continue this story if people are not liking it!

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