Chapter 14

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Jasmine's POV

So after the argument, Jace said I could drive for a bit but than he'll take over. I agreed, I just wanted to know how to ride the thing. We reached home around 11:50 to find an empty house. Carter wasn't home! We initially thought he went to sleep but when Jace checked, he wasn't in his room either. We looked everywhere in the house and even outside. We checked again to see if he left any notes. We checked our phones and e-mails but no message from him. I called him but he didn't pick up. I kept calling him but he never answered.

"Ohh this is bad! This is sooo bad!" I said worried for Carter.

"Okok... let's think... where can he be? Still with his buddies?" Jace asked.

"Maybe! Do you know any of them? Do you have their number? Can we call any of them?" I asked.

"I'll do that." He said looking through his contact list. He was calling now.

"Hey Joe, sorry to call you so late. This is Jace Smith, Carter's brother." 

"Oh yeah. No problem. Is everything alright?" I could hear a sleepy voice from the other side as the house was dead quiet.

"Well it's not so much of a problem yet. You went for dinner with the guys right? Did Carter leave with you? He isn't home yet." Jace said.

"That's strange, infact he left before me. He got a call and he said he had to leave. He left around 9:00. Are you guys alright? Do you need me to come over?" He asked.

"Yes, we're fine. You don't have to come over. Everything's fine, he'll be home... sorry I woke you up so late." Jace said.

"No problem. Listen, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call. I'll see if I can find him. I don't think any of the other guys have seen him either because we all left together. But it's worth a try. Call me if you find out where he is and I'll give you a call if I find him. Don't worry, we'll find him." He said.

"Thanks man. I really appreciate it. Bye." and with that Jace hung up. 

"I'll call the alpha of our neighbouring pack. Do you think he'd know?" I asked. 

"No, wait. You keep calling Carter. Let's wait a while before we call the alpha. We don't want them to think that we've created some issue that can endanger their pack. I now realize what Carter must feel like when I'm not home on time. I want to kill him but I want him to come home safe first!" He said putting his hand on his forehead.

"I think you should run the area, maybe you can find something." I said. Jace thought for a while, handed me his phone and went out through the back doors. He was going to run. After a few seconds of him leaving the house I hear him scream "Where the fuck have you been?"

Carter was home. Thank god nothing happened to him. I called Joe to tell him everything was alright. I was on the phone when they came in and when I turned, there were 3 other people with them. I wanted to go hug my brother but figured I shouldn't as the other 3 people were wolves as well. Instead I just stared straight in his eye. 

"Umm... hey Jazz, I know I should've called... things just happened too fast! Anyways, this is Max and this is Jake" He said introducing me to the twins.

"... and this is Kathleen. This is my sister Jasmine and you have already met Jace." Carter added. The way he looked at Kathleen... the way he was standing next to her... could it be? She was going to be my sister-in-law? She was Carter's mate?

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