Chapter 7

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Jasmine's POV

Once I was done cooking, I got dressed and went to a house close to school. Mrs. Bird has asked me to tutor her younger daughter Lily who is in grade 4. She is having troubles with math. Her older brother Chris is in my math class. We aren't great friends but he sits on the desk next to mine. I agreed to it and today is my first day. I didn't want to tell my brothers because I know they will never approve of this. 

"Why do you need to work? You are only 13! You're not even in highshool. Do you need something? Do you need money? Is there something we should know about?" Yeah... I got this and more when I told them I wanted to babysit the 6 year old twins who live 10-minute drive away from our house. 

I don't want to work because I need something, I just want to help Carter and Jace out. Carter pays his tuition with scholarships, grants and bursaries. He is saving up for Jace's tuition and mine as well. There is rent, groceries, Internet, gas, and all sorts of bills to be paid. Carter and Jace work really hard to make the two ends meet and I just want to help. Why is it so hard for them to understand?

I ring the doorbell of Mrs.Bird's house at 6pm.

"Hello Mrs. Bird."

"Hey Jasmine. I'm so glad you could make it. Lily is in the study-room just down the hall."

She lead the way.

"Jasmine, this is Lily and Lily, this is Jasmine Smith. She will be helping you with math. Please be a good girl and do as she says. Would you like something to eat or drink Jasmine?"

"I'm fine. Thank you Mrs. Bird."

"Hey Lily." I said once Mrs. Bird was gone.


"Alright so let's get started. I know math can be very hard but I promise I'll make it fun for you."

"How can it be fun? I don't even get it. I suck at math." She said in a quiet voice.

"You don't suck at it, you just need a little help so you can get better at it. It'll be fun... you still have the rest of the semester to make up for your grades. Trust me, it really won't be that bad." I said trying to cheer her up.

"If you say so." She said handing me her book.

After a 2 hour study session with her, I left for home. Mrs.Bird paid me in cash. I will teach Lily math three times a week. 6pm - 8pm. Carter and Jace won't know since they work 5:30 - 9:30 everyday at Carter's university. On weekends Jace works the morning shift at a grocery store and Carter works as a cashier at a gas station. They keep these jobs to get employee discounts. I try to do as much as I can at home. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing... they try to help me but I don't let them. I feel bad! They do so much and I feel like I could do more. 

I took the public transit back home. Started working on my homework. Carter and Jace came back by 9:00.

"Back a little early today?" I asked.

"Yeah, work was done so we got to come home early. I'm hungry, can we eat please?" Carter said.

I had already laid the table so I started heating the food while they went to their rooms to change.

"So, how was work today?" I asked both of them.

"We did finish early so I am not complaining!... but I'm sure Carter enjoyed work today." Jace said with a huge smirk on his face.

"Jace, I will kill you!" Carter said trying to sound serious.

"Carter? I demand to know what's going on!" I said in a motherly tone trying not to smile.

"I'll tell you what happened." Jace said.

"Jace SHUT UP!" Carter said now getting up.

"Carter has a date!" Jace said smirking and running away from the table. 

"That's it... you're a dead man Jace" Carter chased him.

"OMG Carter, you found your mate?" I got so excited!

"Hahahaha... " A huge laugh from Jace right before Carter jumped on him and both of them were on the floor. Carter had Jace's left arm twisted on his back.

"Guys... Carter, stop it!" When they didn't listen, I went there and pulled Carter off of Jace by twisting his ear.

"OUCH... THAT HURTS!" Carter said.

"OK... both of you, on the sofa." I demanded. Both of them sat on the sofa.

"Now, Jace, tell me what happened." I was still very excited for my brother. 

"Well, a guy thought Carter was gay so he left his number at the desk for Carter and asked him to call for a date. Fortunately, I found the note instead of Carter. Nothing wrong with it bro. I still love you the same!" Jace said bursting out in laughter again.

Carter was about to attack him again but I stepped in the middle. 

"Carter, you are not going to touch him."

"But Jazz, I'm NOT gay! Not that I'm homophobic or against gay guys... I'm just not gay myself! " Carter said.

"OK OK.... Jace, apologize to Carter." I said.

"I'm sorry bro... " he was trying to hold his laughter.

"You got me excited for nothing. I thought I was going to have a sister-in-law... but I don't mind a brother-in-law either." I said and than started running.

"Not you too! Come here you..." Carter was chasing me now.

In the end all 3 of us were on the floor just laughing. Ohh... how much I love my brothers! We ate and got some studying done. All of us went to bed around midnight. I started thinking about my mate while in bed...  

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