Chapter 30

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Jace's POV

We chased after Jazz once we figured that she knew about our little hacking trick. Max and I searched the entire downstairs within a min. and she wasn't anywhere. I went to the last place I expected her to go to and that was the guest bedroom on the ground level. It was locked. So I banged it.

"Jazz, open the damn door."

But I didn't get a reply. Max came to me by then too.

"Jazz, come on! Open the door." Max yelled too. Still no reply. We saw Jacob come down the stairs.

"I took care of the number thing. Where's Jazz?" he asked.

"She locked herself up in this room. We're banging the door but she won't respond." I said.

"You guys are idiots! The balcony of this room opens to the forest. She's not replying because she probably isn't in the room!" Jacob said half running out the front doors. The thought of her running in the forest all by herself freaked us out. Let alone our own regrets, Carter was going to roast us alive if anything happened to her under our watch. We ran out the front door towards the forest. We started looking for her and calling her name when it started raining. Than we heard her scream. All of us phased at once and ran towards the scream. We reached the site to see a rogue staring at Jazz. All of us jumped in front of her with Jacob closest towards the rogue. I looked back at my sister to re-assure her but her face was already fearless. Jacob jumped for the rogue's throat and we heard Jazz scream yet another time. Except now, she had phased into a white wolf. She was standing on all four and visibly in pain but it was as if she refused to lie down. This was enough time for the rogue to escape and Jazz was on the floor now. We ran to her and phased back to human. 

Max asked Jacob and I to follow the rogue but I didn't want to leave Jazz alone. Max said he'll take care of her. When Jacob pulled me away, I realized that it was all the rogue's fault that my sister had phased earlier than her time. She probably phased because she felt threatened to the degree that she must've thought she was going to die. That made me angry and I started running with Jake to track the rogue down. Both of us split up such that Jake would be following the rogue and I'll take another route to corner him. We knew this ground and  we were pretty sure where he would go. As I suspected, the rogue ended up stopping in front of me with Jake at his back, uphill rocks on his left and a cliff leading to water on his right. He had nowhere to go. We had him.

Jacob and I shared a quick smirk when this bastard went for the waters. He jumped off of the cliff! I was shocked at his guts but he wasn't getting away. I jumped after him. That probably wasn't the smartest idea but I really didn't want this guy to escape. Jacob started running towards the beach. After I hit the waters, I smelled blood. The rogue was hit by a rock on his way down. His shoulder was bleeding. The thought of letting him drown was tempting but I saved him anyways. I pulled him to the beach by the rocks where Jacob was waiting for us. He wasn't bleeding enough to die so we tried to bring him to consciousness. He did and that's when Jake phased back to human and asked him to phase to human as well.  He didn't retaliate. Jake put my shorts on him and put his human body on my back. We started walking back. 

Once we made it to our backyard, we saw Max taking Jazz inside. I wondered what took them so long but than realized that it must've been different than it was for the rest of us as Jazz was too young to have phased. She stopped when she saw us. I think she was shocked when she saw the blood on the rogue. She was staring at him. Max had to drag her inside. Once she was gone, we took the rogue to the basement through the separate entrance. He was unconscious again. I phased back to human and asked Jake to get me a pair of shorts and the first aid kit. He was back really quickly and we started working on the wound. We cleaned it, it didn't seem too deep. Jake said he'd stay with the rogue so I went up to check up on Jazz. I met Max on my way. He asked me not to disturb Jazz as she was taking a nap. He said he had already talked to Carter and Kathy, and they were on their way home. I decided to wait upstairs while Max went down to the basement. 

In a while, Carter and Kathy rushed through the door together. 

"Where's Jazz?" asked Kathy.

"She's taking a nap. She's alright." I replied.

"Where's the rogue?" Carter asked.

"In the basement.. still unconscious." I said and Carter went down to the basement. Kathy went to Jazz's room and very carefully opened the door. She closed the door behind her. I went down to the basement to see what's happening. As I was going down, I saw Jake and Max coming up. 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Carter wants a mattress down there." Max said. I helped them get a mattress down to the basement. We put the rogue on it with a blanket and pillow. Max went upstairs to get some water. 

Carter: "How come no one detected his smell while running?" he asked. Neither one of us had the answer to that. Kathy came down and told us that Jazz was awake and wanted to see Carter. Carter seemed to be in his own thoughts for a few seconds and than he started to walk up like he had made a decision. While he was walking away, he gave us the 'I'm not done talking to you guys' look. Once he was gone, Kathy started talking.

"Are you guys alright? Did any of you get hurt?" I could see that she was genuinely concerned.

"We're fine." I said.

"If you guys want to rest, I'll watch him." she offered.

"I think Jazz needs you more right now." Jacob said.

We watched Max come down with a glass of water. It had been over an hour and the rogue was still asleep. I was starting to get worried.

Kathy: "Looks like he hadn't slept in days. Guys, let him rest. He won't answer any of our questions properly if he can't think straight. Keep an eye on him and call me if you need anything." she said and left. Now it was just the three of us and an unconscious rogue.

Jacob: "What are we telling Carter and Kathy? If we tell them what happened, we're double booked... Kathy will kill us for the phone thing and Carter will break every last bone in our bodies for what happened to Jazz. Who went for the last run anyways?"

Max: "I did, but I swear there were no signs of him then." We heard Carter come down and all of us went silent again. 

Carter: "Guys, what exactly happened?" None of wanted to answer this question.

Carter: "Answer while I'm still being nice. WHAT HAPPENED?" he almost screamed at us. For the first time I was ok with the rogue being here. It was because of him that Carter was controlling his temper and voice. "Max, I want an answer and I want the truth."

Max: "Well, we were just playing around when Jazz decided to run out of the house. We ran after her but she was already in the forest. We were calling her name and looking for her when we heard her scream. We ran in that direction to find her and the rogue staring at each other. We jumped in front of her and before we knew it, she phased. Jake and Jace went after him and I was there with Jazz. I brought her back and called you."

Carter: "Why was he bleeding?" he looked at us.

Jacob: "Because he jumped off the cliff and hurt his shoulder."

Carter: "He WHAT?... how did you get a hold of him?"

Jacob: "Because..." he was looking at me.

Me: "Because I jumped after him."

Carter clenched his jaw and his hands formed fists. To be honest, I was scared shitless but I tried to play it off cool.

Carter: "Who said it was ok for you to risk your life like that? It may not be of any value to you but I rather have you alive." He said separating each word. Right than the rogue was coming to his senses. Carter probably had a lecture planned for me. Carter signalled us to leave. We left as fast as we could without being obvious about it. I wondered what Carter wanted to know from the rogue...

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