Chapter 32

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Jasmine's POV

Carter told us Alec's story and how he got here. I was just happy that he was alive. I would've felt guilty for the rest of my life if Carter chose not to spare him. Carter asked everyone for their opinion and everyone except for Max agreed that he should be allowed to stay. When Carter asked me, I wanted to say yes but instead I said, "How would I know? I haven't even seen him!"

Carter: "Ok fine. Let me know whenever you feel ready."

I went down to the basement with Kathy to call him for dinner. He was still asleep. Kathy woke him up.

"Hey Alec... you want to have dinner? Aren't you hungry? Wake up sweety." When he woke up, I got to see what I had been dying to see for the entire evening... his green eyes. His warm, green eyes. They were the same green eyes I had seen when we moved from our first place. They had to be...

I was staring at his eyes and he was staring right back at mine.

"And this must be the reason I busted my shoulder. My shoulder says 'nice to meet you'" he said to me. His voice was amazing but what he said wasn't nice atall.

"Yeah, my first shift at 14 has similar feelings for you too." I snapped right back. I knew I had won this round before I even said that. It was really mean of me but he started it. Actually, I don't even think I phase because I was scared of him. I would've phased much earlier if that was the case. I think I phased because I was scared my brothers would hurt him. I didn't quite understand the whole thing but I believed eventually it'll make sense.

"Wow... aren't we all just going to get along fine!" Kathy said with sarcasm, disturbing my train of thoughts.

"I'm sorry." he said looking down now. I didn't respond to that.

"Jasmine..." Kathy said indicatively.

"I guess I'm sorry too." Honestly, I wasn't the slightest bit mad at him. I didn't mind the fact that I had shifted. I was happy that I get to do the things everyone else in my family does. 

"Alright, come upstairs, you can freshen up and join us for dinner." Kathy said. SHIT... the guest bedroom door! It's probably still locked from the inside. I ran upstairs ahead of them and looked at the 3 of them.

"What?" Jace whispered.

"He's going to be using the guest bedroom RIGHT NOW." I said softly. This was enough to send Jake out the front doors. Carter was in the living room so Max and Jace decided to make sure he stays there. Jake came out of the room when Kathy and Alec were about to enter that room.

Kathy: "What were you doing in that room?"

Jacob: "Nothing, just checking that everything was there... you know, towel, toothbrush... Call me if you need anything." He was looking at Alec now.

That was a close call. Kathy was suspicious but didn't say anything. Alec went to the room and I went to the kitchen with Kathy. We all sat down for dinner. Alec was sitting right across from me. This wasn't helping my case. I was obsessed with his eyes. Max was sitting beside me so he nudged me when he caught me checking Alec out. Max wasn't happy about this. This was so unfair! I was ok with him dating my BEST FRIEND but he couldn't tolerate me just checking someone out?

Kathy: "How about we get you enrolled in school tomorrow? What grade did you attend last?" Everyone looked at her in surprise. "What? I'm going there tomorrow anyways." she looked at all of us.

Alec: "I almost finished grade 10 last time I was in school." he said.

Kathy: "Ok, You should be able to start grade 11 here or grade 10. Whichever one you're more comfortable with."

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