Chapter 25

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Jasmine's POV

I ran down after leaving Max's room. I was still trying to digest what I just saw. I was in the kitchen drinking water when I saw Max come in.

"Jazzy... please try and understand..." he spoke.

"OK... Why don't you try and explain why you were on top of Tyler?" I asked trying to be as calm as I could.

"Because we love each other." Tyler came in.

"WHAT?" I was in shock. 

"Don't hate me Jazz... this is why I didn't tell anyone." Max said in a sad tone.

"Nonono... Max, I don't hate you! I can NEVER hate you. I have absolutely no issues with the fact that you're gay. I was just shocked to see you two... like that... out of the blue. I will always love you for who you are. Your being gay doesn't define you Max." I said giving him a hug. 

"With that being said, why didn't you tell me anything about this Mr. I'm your best friend?" I looked at Tyler now.

"Because it wasn't my story to tell. He has been tormenting himself for so many years but I can only encourage him to come out, I can't force him." Tyler replied.

"Does ANYONE know about the two of you? Chris maybe?" I asked.

"NO!" Tyler screamed. "I mean Chris doesn't know about us." he added quietly.

"If he finds out he'll kill me." Max said. "Me... with his baby brother... ughh... it sounds worst when I say it out loud." he added.

"Why? Chris knows you... why would he be mad?" I didn't understand.

"Precisely, Chris knows me. THIS... is a violation of the bro code. There are certain things you just don't do. You know... like for girls the whole thing about you don't date a guy your best friend has just dumped.... or you don't date your best friend's older brother." Max was saying.

"HEYY!" Tyler said after the last comment of Max.

"hahaha... okok... I get it. But what do you want me to do now? As much as I wish I could "unsee" it... that's not going to happen. I can keep it to myself but I think you should consider coming out Max." I said.

"I don't know... I'm just not ready yet." he said. 

"That's alright... baby steps ok? It'll be fine. I'm here for you." Tyler was saying massaging his shoulders. This was going to take some getting used to. Max had already cooked dinner so in the evening the three of us had dinner together. After Tyler left, I asked Max what Tyler knew about us.

"He doesn't know... he doesn't know that we're werewolves and nor does he know of our past. He doesn't even know that he's my mate. Jazz... you're ok with this right?" Max said letting out a sigh.

"Aww... Max... ofcourse I'm ok with it. Though I am going to get back at that boy who dares to claim that he's my best friend yet hides these things from me." I said.

"Actually, you were the first person he wanted to tell but I asked him not to. How about I tell you instead?" Max told me about their story. Why he was so awkward when he had first met Tyler. How he managed to ask him out. Why they've been hiding it from everyone... etc.

Later that evening Jace and Jacob came home with Kathy. Carter wasn't with them. 

"Hey guys. Where's Carter?" I asked. Jace and Jacob looked at Kathy too.

"He.... he won't be able to make it home tonight. Something's happening with his project at the forensics lab." I could tell Kathy was stressed.

"Kathy, you're saying it so we'll believe it but please tell us if there's something else... we might be able to help." Jace said.

"No guys... there's nothing else. Let's eat." she said going to the kitchen.

They ate and we just talked about casual things but all of us knew Kathy had something to hide. She was usually good with these things but I guess whatever it was, bothered her too. She couldn't hide how stressed she was. The next morning, we were waiting for Carter but he didn't make it home yet. 

"Kathy, where's Carter? Do you know when he's getting home?" asked Jacob.

"He won't be home till 10ish. You guys go ahead." she said. 

We went to school and it was yet another ordinary day... we went home to see the car parked in the driveway but no Carter or Kathy in the house. Kathy had left a note saying Carter and her were on campus. They wouldn't be coming home till later that night so they left the car for Jace and Jacob to get to work. 

I was starting to get really worried now. This wasn't like them. They were always on our behind asking where we were and going on about how important it was for all of us to know each-other's whereabouts. Recently both of them had been very... detached. I wanted to know what was going on.


Quick question to the readers... would you guys like to know the story between Max and Tyler or just let it be? 

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