Chapter 36

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Jasmine's POV

We were traveling by car with a few more cars following us. Damien Smith was driving and I was in the seat next to him. There was no one else in the car.

"Jazz..." he said trying to initiate a conversation.

"Only friends and family call me by that name. It's Jasmine for you Mr. Damien Smith." I said in a flat voice.

"That's no way to speak to you father!" he growled.

"I am well aware. Carter has taught me manners. Don't worry, I haven't become a savage like..."

"Not another word from you..." He sighed and added softly, " Can't you see I'm trying? Do you really hate me that much?" genuinly hurt.

"I thought I did... for the lonest time. For blamming Carter, putting him and Jace through so much, never being there for me... for a lot of things. I thought I'd tell you how much I hate you when I saw you but honestly, I feel nothing. Like you're a stranger. It's sad that I don't even have hate to spare for you." I said looking out of the car window.

I could tell he was hurt but I didn't bother looking at him. I was too busy worrying about Alec. I could only hope that Alec would survive. I knew he was a fighter but even if he was found by my family, Carter was not going to be gentle with him. Kathy was all the hope I had. 

"It must've been hard for you... living with just guys." my train of thoughts was disturbed. I thought about what he said and realized that he knew nothing about Kathy, Max or Jake. 

"No. Not atall. I've always recieved as much love from them as I would have from my parents if they were alive." I said confidently. 

He didn't respond to that. We just kept on driving. After long hours of driving with a couple of breaks, we eventually reached the destination. It was a place near the Mexican border. Not the same location as the last house but I figured it would be pretty close. It was a big place but didn't seem too fancy from the outside. We went in to be greeted by a few familiar and a whole bunch of unfamiliar faces. I was just looking for a couple of people when I heard Mr. Damien Smith,  "Chatara, why don't you show Jasmine to her room?".

I followed the girl to a room in silence. She didn't say anything and neither did I. She seemed to be around my age. A year or two older maybe. 

"This is your room. If you need anything, there's always people around." she said before leaving.

I looked at the big room and immediately felt out of place. I looked out of the window to see if there was a way out, but as expected, Mr. Damien had kindly placed his men at all possible exit points. This place was tight on security. It would take alot to break out of here. I guess Alec was right in that it would be close to impossible to be able to make it out of  this place in one piece. 

For some strage reason I am not worried right now. It's like I know I'll get out of here, with or without help. Chatara came to call me for dinner. The last time I remember having a proper meal with Damien Smith was when my mother was alive. I went to the dining room to find a whole bunch of werewolves surrounding a long table. Chatara went for the seat next to that of alpha but the stare she got from her alpha made her stop. 

"Come, sit." He was talking to me now. I could feel all the eyes on me. I went to the chair but instead of sitting there, I pulled it out for Chatara.

"No one can take your place." I said while gesturing her to sit. She looked at me in shock and than she looked at her alpha. He had the disapproving look so I gently grabed her by her hand and sat her down. The seat next to her was empty so I decided to sit there. I felt more confortable here anyways. It was the usual spot on a table for me. We were just finishing up when Damien's phone rang. He excused himself but I wanted to listen so I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Surprisingly it was located close enough to the backyard for me to be able to hear both sides of the conversation. 

"Hello" he said in a curious voice. Like he didn't recougnise the number of the caller.

"Hello Mr. Damien Smith" OMG... that was... CARTER!

"Ahh... it's been a long time. What makes you call me?" 

"It seems that you have abducted my sister..."

"You mean my daughter? I would hardly call it abduction though. I didn't accuse you of such when you ran off with both MY kids."

"So how do you propose we settle this? Have you ever tried asking HER who she wants to live with?"

"You have poisoned her mind. Ofcourse she'll pick you. She's just a child."

"History repeats itself doesn't it. Once upon a time, I said the same thing about both YOUR kids. They were too young but you insisted that they get involved in 'avenging their mother'. Well, I suppose I'll have to break her out of there if you refuse negotiation."

"Let's talk face to face shall we?"

"Ok. I'll meet you at your house in two days. 6PM."

"Impressive. I must say, it took me ages to locate you and I still don't know where you live, yet you seem to have no troubles tracking people."

"I would like to speak with Jasmine. I just... need to know she's doing alright."

"What do you think I'll do to her? I'm her father!"

"I don't know... after what my father has put me through, it's hard to trust him with anyone else."

"You're not speaking with her. I'll see you in two days."

And he hung up without waiting for an answer. NO! I wanted to speak to Carter. I wanted to ask him whether they found Alec. Ughh... stupid alpha males and their pathetic excuse of an ego.

I hurried back to the table before he could get back. Though I am pretty sure he was well aware of my eaves dropping. I pretended like nothing had happened and he didn't confront either. I was escorted to my room by Chatara. 

"Thank you." is all she said. 

"Any time." I replied before she left.

The next morning, Chatara came to get me for breakfast. I like her and all but this is too weird. Getting escorted everywhere and having people around 24/7... I'm not a big fan of the situation. I guess I'll just have to stick it out for a couple of days till Carter comes and gets me. 

I was the only one on the table for breakfast with Chatara. I gave her the confused look.

"Everyone's back to work. The dinner last night... we call that family dinner. It doesn't happen every night so it's kind of important for me." she explained.

"And I'm guessing I'm your duty. I've never really had a baby sitter before!" I said lightly.

"Hahaha... you can say that. Keeping you safe is my job." She had laughed for the first time! It wasn't going to be too bad afterall... 

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