Chapter 44

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Tyler's POV

I made sure Max safely reached the ground but Chris had already seen him. I didn't expect him to come out of the shower so quickly! He asked me who it was.

Me: "Who was who?"

Chris: "Tyler, don't make me ask again. WHO was that?" he was shouting at this point.

Me: "Chris relax. Why are you so worked up?"

Chris: "I'm worked up because I care! I trust you Ty. I want you to trust me. I just don't want someone taking advantage of you."

Me: "Bro I appreciate the concern. I assure you NOTHING happened."

Chris: "I need to know who that was."

Me: "No one of consequence."

Chris: "You're getting on my nerves now. You know I'll find out. Why don't you make my life easy and tell me?"

Me: "Chris... I'll tell you when the time is right."

Chris: "That's it! Pray that I don't dislike him enough to break him."

Me: "Chris, please! It's really not that serious. We didn't do ANYTHING."

Chris: "Than tell me! Look, when you tell me that a girl is no good, I listen to you. I just want to be able to do the same for you."

Me: "I trust you. I really do. I'm just not sure if we're at that point yet." That was a lie but I can't have anyone find out until Max decides to come out. 

Chris: "Alright. Tell me when you feel comfortable but know your limits Ty. Don't do anything stupid."

Me: "I'll keep that in mind." I said and I left his room. 


Max's POV

I decided to phase and run home via the forest. I was hoping that Tyler wouldn't get too much shit from Chris. I was running when I was joined by Carter. I opened the lines of communication.

Carter: "Dude, Kathy is pissed."

Me: "What? Why?"

Carter: "Because you stayed out past curfew."

Me: "But I told you not to wait up for me."

Carter: "I know but she's pissed at me too for not asking you where you were. We need to head home NOW. Where were you?"

Me: "Ughh... this is going to be a LONG night. How mad is she?"

Carter: "Mad enough that I've been running for an hour now. I didn't want to go home without you."

We ran home to a furious Kathy.

Kathy: "On the sofa." Both Carter and I just did as we were told. I felt the presence of Jake, Jace and Jazz. Since they chose to not be up front, I figured Kathy must've threw a fit at them too.

Carter: "Kathy, sweetheart..."

Kathy: "Don't sweetheart me Carter! Why would you let this boy do as he pleases without informing us?"

Me: "I did inform Carter though."

Kathy: "Oh really? Did he know where you were going? Did you tell him? Did he ask you when you were going to be back?"

Me: "Kathy, I think he trusts me enough to realize that he didn't need to ask me all that. You know I wouldn't do anything wrong."

Kathy: "It's not that I don't trust you but problems come uninvited too. The situation is going out of hands.  Carter doesn't want a pack setting for our family but I WILL put my foot down if need be. Clean up your act or there will be consequences."

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