Chapter 50 (The end)

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Max's POV

We didn't know who asked Jazz out. We did try to find out but whoever it is, has managed pretty damn well to keep it low. I knew Alec wasn't lying about it because he was more anxious to find out who it was than any of us. 

We decided to ask Jazz directly. She refused to say anything. She wasn't how I expected her to be. She wasn't defensive atall. She was rather a storm of confusing emotions. Ughh she is entering the age  where hormones devour her brains!

Kathy and Carter asked us to leave her alone so we did. They were headed out for a few days on the day before our prom. This had to do something with Carter's work so we didn't ask any further. Alec, Jace, Jake and I were personally threatened by Kathy to leave Jazz alone while Carter threatened that if we leave her alone and something happens, we will never see daylight again. Ofcourse Kathy did it in presence of Carter and Jazz while Carter waited till the ladies were gone. 

The day finally came. It was prom night. I was very excited to go with Tyler but I was also worried about Jazz. She refused to talk to anyone or come out of her room. I told the guys to carry on and I would talk to her as Tyler was supposed to pick me up at our place and so was the guy she was going with. As expected they refused to leave. Their dates weren't going to appreciate this but I guess Jazz... and their lives, were more important.

Tyler came and I explained the situation to him. He said that he could talk to Jazz. Surprisingly, Jazz let him in her room. He came out with her and told us that she wasn't going to the prom because she didn't have a date. She refused to talk to any of us because she thought we had something to do with it. 

Me: "Oh great! Who's brilliant idea was this?" Everyone just looked at each other. None of us even knew who her date was!

Me: "Ok, listen Jazz, none of us even knows who the guy is. How do you expect us to do anything to him if we don't know who he is? Please just come along because otherwise some of us would have to stay here with you and that's not fair. This is our senior year. Do you really want us to miss prom?"

Jazz: "I can stay home by myself. I want you guys to go and have fun. I won't do anything... I promise!"

Jace: "Yeah... that's not happening. Either you're going with us or I'm staying back."

Jazz: "But I don't have a senior to go with!"

Tyler: "Never fear when Tyler is here. I'll ask Chris to go with you. It's just the matter of getting in. He is going with a senior girl so she can get in herself. What do you say now Jazz?"

Jazz: "Fine, I'll go. Help me get ready Ty."

When Jasmine came out all dressed in a white dress, she was looking beautiful. I could almost read the thoughts on Alec's face and I wanted to punch him but I guess she deserved the attention of her... mate. Ughh... it sounds weird even in thoughts!

On our way, Tyler took me aside and said that we couldn't find out who asked her out because no such guy existed. No one had asked her but she was hoping to make Alec jealous by saying that she had a date. Wow... part of me was relieved that me or my brothers weren't the reason for her misery. If she has Alec issues and wants to hurt him, I'm all for it but other than that, she's going to have to take care of it herself. 

Once we were in, I saw Jazz's motives coming true. Every time some guy complimented her, I could sense Alec getting a little tense. Tyler pointed out that even though Alec was with his date, he was looking at Jasmine unless and until his attention was demanded by his date for a few minutes. He didn't dance with Jazz but he didn't dance with his date either. At the after-party at Tyler's place, Alec's date was all over him but he just didn't seem interested. It was very interesting to watch... until I got something more interesting to watch. Tyler! He took me to his room and we started making out.

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