Chapter 39

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Max's POV

Me: "Alright guys, let's do this." I said into the mic as Jake an I entered the neighbourhood. According to the plan, I took down two snipers with tranquilizers guarding the back door to the basement and Jake went in. He took down 1 guy who was a guard and the other, from what I heard, he didn't want to hurt this guy because he was a computer geek. I guess he sympathizes with nerds. 

Jake: "Aww man, I really don't want to hurt you."

Nerd: "Then.... don't?"

Jake: "I won't. But if I feel like you're pulling something off than I'll kill you without a second thought."

Nerd: "I'm going to die after this anyways.  You don't know who you're messing with. These aren't NORMAL people like you and I. They're ANIMALS... practically!"

Jake: "Sorry to pop your happy bubble brother but I'm an 'animal' too... I suppose. I'll help you get out of here if you help me with the system here."

Me: "Jake! What the fuck man? FOCUS. How are you going to get him out? Don't promise if you can't deliver!"

Nerd: "They'll find me and kill me. There's no way out of here!"

 Jake: "That's non-sense. There's always a way if there's will." I didn't understand whether he was talking to me or the nerd at this point. He continued, "Look, I'm the good guy."

Nerd: "I'll help you."

Jake: "Sorry Max, but trust me with this one. I know what I'm doing."

Me: "If ANYTHING goes wrong, I swear I'll..."

Jake: "Nothing will." he cut me off. I sighed and waited for my signal by a balcony.

I heard Jace approach. He was arguing with the guards at this point. It was getting louder. I saw Chatara leaving for the front door.

Me: "Get ready. In 3...2...1... NOW"

I jumped into the house and started looking for Jazz. I saw her by the window watching the argument between Chatara and Jace.

Me: "Jazzy... Sweety... Oh thank god you're alright!"

Jazz: "Max!" she almost screamed and ran to me. I gave her a tight hug when she started crying.

Me: "Nonono... what's wrong? Are you hurt? Did they do something to you?"

Jazz: "No. I'm alright. I just... let's get out here first!"

Me: "Ofcourse."

I jumped out of the back side of the building with her and put her in the car. 

Me: "Alright. Jacob will come out of the basement and drive. You need to hide in the back. Are we clear?"

Jazz: "Yes. I'll see you home bro!"

Me: "I'll see you home." I kissed her forehead and gave her a hug. I ran to the car with the dummy in it.   

 Me: "Alright guys... I'm going in. Jake, stand by. Wait for my signal."

I took a U-turn and raced towards the front of the house. Chatara was practically on Jace. He wasn't going to make it to his car with Chatara there. I jumped on the breaks, opened the back door and yelled "In here WITH her Jace." and to my surprise he pulled it off easily. He held on to her and dived into the car. I pushed the gas with an open passenger door, two werewolves fighting in their human form at the back seat of my car and a bunch more following my car. I was just scared that if either one of them phased right now... I was screwed! 

Me: "Jake GO NOW. GO NOW!"

Jake: "I'm with Jazz. We're a go. What's your position?" I didn't know how to answer that so I didn't. It occurred to me that I had tranquilizers in the car. I took one out and stabbed Chatara with it. Thankfully it worked. 

Jace: "Fuck... this bitch!" he was checking out all the bruised and the bleeing parts of his body.

Me: "Hahaha... she knows how to fight. What, you can't deal with a little competition?"

Jace: "Oh shut up. Why don't you worry about the cars and wolves that are after us right now?" He said while calling Carter.

Jace: "Damn it Carter, pick up!.... oh hey." I could only hear one side of this conversation.

Jace: "Change of plans. I'm with Max...... ok. We'll meet you there."

Me: "Why didn't you tell him about Chatara?"

Jace: "What about Chatara?"

Me: "Jace! I'm not leaving her here."

Jace: "Why not?"

Me: "WOW... I know she hit you hard and all but DUDE!... plus Carter specifically wanted us to lead these guys into the border area."

Jace: "FINE! I still say she's no different than that Jack Ass being taken care of by Kathy."

Me: "Whatever Jace..." I was saying when they started shooting at us. 

Jace: "Son of a Bit... tell me you have something I can work with."

Me: "All I have is tranquilizers..."

Jace: "Ughh... you're hopeless. Is there extra gas in the car?"

Me: "Yeah. Why?"

Jace: "Because it's show time." He took the gas container and took his shirt off. He then found the glass Christmas balls from the trunk and filled them with gas. Wrap the balls with pieces of his shirt soaked in gas. 

Me: "Dude, what the hell are you doing?" Honestly, I didn't even know where he found the decoration balls from. I didn't put them in the car!

Jace: "It's called FIRE BENDING. Now get the sun roof open." and laughed.

Me: "You're crazzy bro... don't get shot." I said as I opened the roof. 

He was practically throwing fireballs at them. It definitely slowed them down. We were approaching the place Carter told us to lead them to. 

Me: "Get your ass back in the car or someone from the front will shoot you." He did come back in the car. I received a signal from the front I'd been waiting for and hit the NOS. I zoomed right through "Carter's surprise" and what happened to the people following the car... is still a mystery to me. We were joined by Carter's bike. He signed me to take the next exit. This wasn't the plan! What's going on? I took the next exit anyways...

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