Chapter 26

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Jasmine's POV

Carter was back the next morning like Kathy said. They both seemed very stressed and tired.

Me: "Guys, I think you should take the day off."

Carter: "Hahaha... I can't do that but I promise I'll turn in early today."

We were at school and the announcement for a school dance was made. I was excited about it. I really wanted to go but it was already the end of the day and no one had asked me. I went home with the guys as usual, feeling pretty bad about myself when Tyler asked in the car, "Who are you guys taking to the dance?"

Jace: "I don't know yet. But I bet Jake isn't going with that cheerleader." Everyone started laughing. They were referring to the same cheer-leader I had gotten my revenge with. Apparently, she never got close to him after that. 

Jacob: "Ha ha ha (sarcastically), very funny. I asked someone much hotter to the dance and she said yes. The head cheer-leader."

Chris: "Really? Dude, what's up with you and cheer-leaders? Plus, isn't she dating that football guy?"

Jacob: "Nahh... they broke up 2 days ago. Cheer-leader are hot... and they're VERY flexible if you know what I mean." He said winking. 

Me: "EWWW... Jake!"

Jacob: "What?"

Me: "Do I tell you about tampons and menstrual cramps? No, right? I don't want to hear about your sex life. Keep it to yourself."

Tyler: "Aww... Looks like she's bitter because she doesn't have a date. How about I take you?" The way he said that ticked me off. 

Me: "How about NO! I don't need your pity. I'll get a date. Just you watch." All the guys were smiling at this. I don't even know why.

We reached home to find Kathy and Carter home. 

Kathy: "Max, could you please go for a run? Carter and I ran but it was a while ago. I need to talk to your brothers." The way she said it gave me a shiver. 

Jacob: "About what?" 

Carter: "About these." Carter was holding our mid-term report cards.

Jace: "Than why just the two of us?"

Kathy: "Ohh let's see... maybe because you haven't attended 20 classes in total so far and Jake has skipped 23. Max and Jazz on the other hand have attended all their classes." Max left after this. I was still there. I wasn't going to miss this for anything.

Jace: "But our GPA is FINE. Why are you guys on our case? It's not like you guys attend all your classes. This is hypocrisy." I figured this wasn't the smartest thing for him to say as Kathy threw the marble coaster at him and before he could properly react to that he was trying to make Kathy let go of his ear she was twisting.

Jace: "OUCH... Kathy... let go... it hurts." Carter was sitting in his chair like nothing was happening. I didn't say anything either and when Jake tried to help, Kathy screamed at him too.

"Sit your ass down." Jake sat down right away. I've never seen them so scared to anyone.

Kathy: "And you... when you're wrong, back-talking is NOT the smartest idea." she was speaking to Jace now.

Jace: "Okok... I'm sorry. Please let go of my ear." Kathy released his now super red ear gave both of them a deathly stare.

Kathy: "What have you guys been doing?"

Jacob: "Nothing..."

Kathy: "Wrong answer. Don't make me ask again..."

Jacob: "I swear, we haven't done anything wrong."

Kathy: "Well, we haven't been getting phone-calls regarding your absenses so one thing is clear... YOU are LYING. I want both of you attending all your classes starting tomorrow. I'll come and personally meet your principal regarding these absenses. Neither one of you are going anywhere for a week except for school... including work. Have I made myself clear?"

Jace: "Not even work?"

Jacob: "But Kathy that's not fair. Our GPA is fine..." Kathy now picked up the rolling pin and that was enough to make both of them shut up.

Kathy: "Have I made myself clear?"

Jake and Jace said in unisen: "Yes Ma'm." 

This was BEAUTIFUL. They were laughing at me because I didn't have a date, now they probably weren't going to go to the dance with or without a date. 

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