Chapter 42

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Jasmine's POV

I regreted saying it as soon as it came out of my mouth. "I think I'm in love with him."? What was I thinking? I heard four angry voices say "WHAT?"

Me: "Well... it's not to that extent I suppose. I do like him though."

Jace: "Jasmine! You can't like Alec! Out of all people, you had to pick ALEC?"

Me: "I didn't chose to like him. It just... sort of happened!"

Jacob: "If you date that asshole, don't expect me to just sit here and do nothing about it."

Me: "Please! Don't hurt him! And he's not an asshole."

Max: "Did I not warn you?" he gave me a scorching look "Did I or did I not tell you that he's not someone to be trusted?"

Me: "But Max, just because I like him, doesn't mean he likes me too. Why are you guys getting so worked up? Am I not allowed to have a crush on a guy?" 

Carter: "Frankly, I'm not comfortable with the idea of you and him together either."

Kathy: "ENOUGH. I know you guys love Jazz and want to protect her. I also know that Alec is not someone you approve of at the moment but it's her life at the end of the day. You guys can't manipulate it to this degree. You expressed your opinions, it's her decision to make now." She added with separating each word "No-one will force her. Am I clear?" When everyone stared at her in disbelief, she started speaking again, "With that being said, Jazz, think about it and make a wise decision. Know that if you chose to persue this, your brothers won't be happy... unless you can change their mind. Your brothers have good reason to disapprove at the moment."

I couldn't take any more of this. I loved the fact that Kathy was sticking up for me but I knew she was against the idea of Alec with me too. I knew one thing for certain though; they could see Alec and me together. They wouldn't get so worked up if they didn't see it working out. Maybe Alec and I were meant to be together afterall. This gave me confidence but at the same time I am scared for Alec. I started leaving when I heard Jacob say, "If he tries to get physical with her, I don't care what you say Kathy, I will hurt him." I left without turning back to react to that. They didn't understand. This was so much more than just a physical attraction! I mean yes, his sexy body was definitely a contributing factor but I liked him for who he was rather than what he was. 

I went inside the room to see him and soon found myself accompanied by Max and Jace. This wasn't going to be easy. Now that they knew, they would do everything and anything to prevent me from advancing. Alec was recovering... he was in this condition because of me. I waited there patiently watching him. After about 20 minutes, he came to his senses and he seemed like he was in a lot of pain. I saw his eyes water up and I ran out to get Kathy. She gave him morphine and he looked a little better now. He lifted his gaze and his eyes were stuck on me. He tried to move but it hurt him too much so Kathy just asked him to stay put.

Those beautiful green eyes were staring at me! I wanted to hug him, tell him I was sorry for what I put him through but all that came out of me was a sob. I felt tears run down my cheeks. While I was staring at his perfect but now worried green eyes, it was like I could read his mind before he asked me I knew what he was going to say, "what's wrong? Are you alright?"

I answered quietly, "Even in this state you wonder how I'm doing? I'm safe but I'm not fine. I'm so sorry for doing this to you. How could have I been so reckless!"

"This isn't your fault. I am so sorry for putting you through the past couple of days. I should've known they'd come for me. Why did you go running like that anyways?'

His last question made me lose my mind. He kisses another girl in front of me and asks what's wrong? Should I just confess? No, this isn't the right time. Plus, I don't even know if he likes me. What if I end up making a fool of myself? I figured I should find out what he feels about me before saying anything. 

"I'm not sure if you know but Chatara is here I'll go get her." I said avoiding his question. I left the room and went to the third floor. She was there looking out the window. I told her that Alec was awake if she wanted to see him. She followed me to the room Alec was in. Everyone was in that room and Alec started to speak softly, "Carter, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Please forgive me. I'd like to stay here... even if you don't want me in this house, please don't ask me to leave the territory."

Carter: "Alec, I didn't say you have to leave yet. Stop jumping to conclusions."

Chatara: "Why Ace? Why don't you want to come back? You succeeded in finding them. Alpha would be proud of you."

Alec: "Chatara, I want to leave the underworld. I didn't know that there were any alternatives available till I met these people. I want a better life. I go to school here, talk to people for fun instead of just for the sake of selling something. I can be true to myself. I won't go back. I think you should give this life a try. I swear you won't want to go back either."

Chatara: "What about loyalty Ace? Don't you feel anything for our pack members?"

Alec: "What loyalty Chatara? Why should I be loyal to those who betray me? Look, you are a good friend of mine and that's why I suggest that you try staying here. If you don't like it, you can always go back."

Chatara: "If you say so. I hope to convince you to come back with me when I leave."

Kathy: "Alright, let's leave him alone. Let him get some rest. If you need anything Alec, just let me know."

Everyone was leaving the room but I didn't want to. I wanted to make sure he was alright but Kathy tilted her head and indicated that I should step out. I reluctantly went to my room where Max was waiting for me.

Max: "I'm sorry for the way I reacted."

Me: "Does that mean you're ok with me liking him?"

Max: "Hmm... no. I mean that there were better ways of expressing my opinions of Ace."

Me: "Alec. His name is Alec and what is wrong with him? Why can't I like him?"

Max: "Jasmine, calm down. Try and put yourself in my shoes. There's a guy who had strong ties with underworld, worked for a Don who also happens to be your father, came to our family tracking us, and gets you kidnapped. How am I supposed to be ok with this guy dating you?"

Me: "He's a changed man. He didn't get me kidnapped. He's hurt so bad trying to save me. He never tried exposing us to my father. My own brother has had ties with underworld and you're OK with Kathy dating him!"

Max: "Kathy is not a 13 year old child!"

Me: "OMG... I'm almost 14! I just like him. It's not like I'm not sleeping around with him!"

Max: "Jazz! I don't want to hurt anyone. If any of the other 3 hear you, they'll not only kill him, they might hurt you too. Look, this whole werewolf thing is new for you. Why don't you give it some time. Who knows if you wait long enough you might find your mate!"

Me: "What if he is my mate?"

Max: "Than you're going to hate me for the rest of your life because I WILL hurt him."

Me: "But why?"

Max: "Because male werewolves... when they identify their mates, they want to mark them. Females mark their mates too but they're not as crazy as males about it."

I gave him a blank look. Ok, so you mark them! What's the big deal?

Max: "See, this is exactly what I mean. You don't even understand the basics! Marking requires sex and if he so much so touches you inappropriately, I WILL hurt him. You're too young for all this."

Me: "So you're saying you don't want me to date because you think it'll lead to sex too fast? Do you hear yourself Max?"

Max: "Look, Jace and Jacob wanted me to talk to you about this because they didn't want to be the ones talking to you about this. I said what I had to, the final decision, like Kathy said, will be made by you."

This did get me thinking. I trusted Max with the information he gave me. My understanding of werewolf world is very limited and I understand the implications of figuring out whether Alec is my mate... I suppose feelings will have to wait if I want to see Alec alive for a while!

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