Chapter 19

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Max's POV

After Carter and Kathy left to get champagne, we started chatting.

"I can't believe you two were so blind as to not see they were totally into each-other." Jazz said.

"Well, how were we supposed to know?" Jake replied.

Jazz: "Hey, Max knew... so I thought you would too!" 

Jake: "Contrary to popular belief, twins don't exactly work that way." and we all started laughing. Just than Kathy entered with Carter carrying the champagne bottle.

"What are you guys upto?" Kathy asked.

"Ohh nothing much." I said.

"Ok... What do you guys want for dinner today?" Kathy asked.

"How about we order take out. Any suggestions?" Carter added hugging her from behind. Damn, this was going to take some getting used to. Usually a hand that touched Kathy broke... not in this case I guess.

"Italian?" "Pasta?" "Pizza?" "garlic bread" "cheese cake".... we all started talking at once...

"OKOKOK... how about we order pasta with the side of garlic bread and cheese-cake for desert?" Kathy said.

Everyone looked around and nodded in a yes. After she ordered the food, everyone was just hanging out in the house when Carter called us all in.

"Guys, I know this is the boring part but let's just get it over with ok?" He started,

"So Kathy and I came up with a few rules we need to follow. The rest, we will figure out as we go.

1. No shifting in front of humans in ANY CASE.

2. No troubles that can spoil your records on your transcripts, involve cops, media or basically anything that can compromise our location.

3. If I find out that any of you have been smoking, drinking or have done anything even related to drugs, you will never see daylight again.

4. This one doesn't apply to you Jazz but if you guys make a girl pregnant, Kathy will have you castrated.

5. We have nothing against you guys having fun but please inform Kathy AND me about your whereabouts just incase something happens. Oh, by the way, curfew is midnight. Jazzy, sweetheart it'll have to be 10:30 for you for the time being. Does everyone understand?"

Jazz: "Why do I have to be home by 10:30? This is sexism I tell you." She protested.

Jake: "Because you're at no threats of being castrated." he joked.

Jazz: "It's not my fault I can't make girls pregnant!" and everyone laughed... except for her. She was too busy pouting. She looked adorable.

Carter: "Jazz, 10:30 is only if you are out alone. If you're with one of us, you can stay out later."

Kathy: "Jazz, is it ok if we made a little change to your sleeping arrangements?" she said changing the topic.

Jazz: "Yeah, I figured I'll be staying in my room alone starting tonight." she said smiling.

Right than, the doorbell rang. We all thought it was the delivery guy. Carter went to get it but instead of food coming in, Carter went out. We all grew curious so we went to the guest bedroom and started eaves dropping.

Carter: "Hello. Here's the check for this month's rent."

Man: "How many people do you have in there?"

Carter: "We have 3 guests over."

Man: "I thought you said you wouldn't have visitors. None-the-less, I came today to tell you that I need this place. I know I need to give you a month of notice legally but I need you guys to move within next 2 weeks. Do you think you can do that?"

Carter: "Sir, I... it will be very difficult to... just move... I don't even have a place in mind yet."

Man: "You can keep this check son. I know it's hard for you but if it wasn't for my family, I wouldn't have asked you to move on such a short notice." he said returning the check Carter had given him, I was assuming.

Carter: "I suppose I don't have a choice. We'll move out as soon as we can."

Man: "I'm really sorry. If I can help you out any other way, let me know."

Carter: "Well, it would've helped to have a place to move to. I guess I'll be looking for a place for 6 people now anyways."

Man: "I thought they were guests."

Carter: "Yes. They were going to stay till they find their own place but since we won't be staying here either, we might as well move in together." he lied.

Man: "Hmm 6 people you say... well, if you want to, a buddy of mine has a house not too far from here. He doesn't live in the state anymore. It's been vacant for years. It might be on the expensive side if he agrees on renting it but I can talk to him for you if you want."

Carter: "You know all of us are students so we really can't afford an expensive place but thank you anyways." 

Man: "Take care. Good night."

We heard Carter come in. We all went out to the living room. I was expecting him to be worried but he didn't seem bothered atall. 

Carter: "What?" 

Kathy: "The house..."

Carter: "We couldn't live here anyways. He agreed on having 3 people here not 6. It's true I don't have a place in mind but I know we can find one in a few days."

The doorbell rang again. This time it was the delivery boy. The food was here and so was champagne but our special night of celebration had been ruined somewhat if not completely. 

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