Chapter 4

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Jasmine's POV

I was alone in the house when my brothers went out for a run. I wish I could shift so I could go running with them too. Jace shifted for the first time on his 16th birthday. The first shift seemed painful but Carter was there with him through the whole thing and it didn't last longer than 2-3 min. Jace and I do have a mind of our own but Carter's our alpha, although he will never accept it. Carter has by far had the worst of it compared to the time Jace and I had to spend with our father.

He used to help out dad in his business until one day when he found out what dad REALLY does. He fought bloody battles with my dad when he used to work with him. He used to tolerate the abuse dad called training. But I think what he regrets the most is that he had to watch mom die in front of him.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. We were at home when our pack got attacked. My parents were the alphas of the pack and subsequently, we were attacked first. Even though the opposing pack had the advantage of surprise, our pack was bigger and stronger. Carter was 16 at the time. He hadn't shifted yet. Mom told him to protect Jace and me. He took both of us upstairs. He was going to take us to the attic when a huge wolf entered the house through the main door. He was not part of our pack. Carter took both of us to my parents' bedroom and locked the door. He found the gun my dad kept in his drawer next to his bed. We could hear the wolf coming up the stairs. Carter pushed Jace and me in the bathroom and told us to lock the door from the inside. Jace protested but Carter pushed him in anyways. We heard the bedroom door break from inside the bathroom. We were scared to death for Carter. Right then we heard another big crash with Carter screaming "MOM" followed by crashing noises. It was all over within 5 min. but it seemed like an eternity. Everything ended with a gun shot. Jace cracked the door open to find my brother next to my mom in her human form under bedsheets and Carter crying next to her.

We rushed out... too soon it seemed. The wolf Carter had shot wasn't dead. Carter asked Jace to take me to my bathroom and lock the doors of both the bathroom and the bedroom. This time Jace just did what he was told without a word. Just as we left the room, we saw our older brother yell in anger and phase into a grey wolf. We could see that he was in pain but Jace collected his thoughts and ran to my room with me like Carter had asked.

A few minutes later, Carter got back to us with teary eyes and moved us to the attic. Once everything was over, our dad came looking for us. We had won the battle but in the process lost our mom and many other members of our pack. My dad was the alpha of the pack and that was his excuse for coming for us so late. He had to take care of others in the pack. Once everything simmered down over a couple of days, my dad decided to move the family close to Mexico. The members of the pack were given the choice of joining us and some of them did. My dad was a changed man after the event. He started a new business of importing and exporting food items internationally. He became harsh to Carter as he believed that Carter was somehow at fault for our mother's death where in fact, being her mate, dad shoud have been the one responsible for protecting mom.

Dad used to personally train Carter in fighting skills both in human and wolf forms. Carter was also expected to help out with dad's business. He took the responsibility of our schooling, the house... basically everything. Jace and I barely saw dad as he'd leave before we wake up and get back after we were asleep most of the times. We didn't even realize when Carter became both mom and dad for us. 

I remember the day he fought with dad. Dad wanted to start training Jace when he turned 14 and Carter said he wouldn't let Jace go through the training until he shifted. Jace and I were there when the argument took place. Dad had slapped Carter so hard that he lost his balance. 

Carter: "Jace, Jazz... go to your rooms. NOW"

Dad: " Why? Are you ashamed to show them how weak you are? They are going nowhere. Both of you will stay right where you are."

We were confused as to what to do!

Carter: " Beating an 18 year old son is NOT strength dad."

Dad: "Oh, what is then? Letting your mother die in front of you?"

Carter: "That's it... both of you, to your rooms." and he shifted.

Jace and I looked at each other and started walking towards our rooms. Dad didn't stop us this time. We could still hear everything that went on in the living room.

Dad: "You will phase back to human NOW or you have no idea what I will do to you." he said using his alpha tone. Carter phased back as we heard him speak.

Carter: "Dad... please be reasonable. Jace is a child..."

Dad: "No, you listen. You can't expect me to trust you with your sister. You couldn't protect your own mother, I need Jace to be trained so he can protect your sister."

Carter: "You and I both know why you want to train Jace. You can hate me all you want dad, you can even hit me all you want but please... I beg of you, leave Jace and Jasmine alone. They are kids, please don't involve them in this!"

Dad: "I will teach Jace to be a man whether you like it or not."

Carter: "Dad, you can train all 3 of us all you want but that won't relieve you from the guilt of letting my mother, YOUR mate die. Both you and I know that it was YOUR fault, not mine."

And we hear another slap. We heard Carter walking out...

Dad: "I'm not done with you Carter"

Carter: "But I am."

Dad: "If you chose to leave, you know what will happen to you."

Carter: "I'll be waiting."

---------------------------------------------------------- To be Continued -----------------------------------------------------

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