Chapter 9

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Jace's POV

We have only been here for a few months but ever since I joined highschool here, Chris has been a friend of mine. He was hosting a party but I didn't think of it much till Chris personally came to me to invite me.

" Hey, I know you have a million and two excuses not to come to my party but I want you to come. It's on Saturday evening so you should be able to make it. Common dude, live a little!" he said trying to get me to say yes.

"I'll try." I said.

"Common bro! You're coming and that's final." He said.

"Look man, I appreciate this but there are a few things I need to take care of before I can come. I will try to come but can't guarantee." I repeated myself.

"Whatever man, it's going to be epic so you better be there." and he left.

This got me thinking about the last party I attended. It turned into mess, UGLY MESS. If I even bring up another party, Carter will shoot me. The last party he trusted me with was supposed to be a Saturday evening with a bunch of guys playing video games... Instead, there was alcohol, drugs, girls and ohh how can I forget, the cops. They were the real party crashers that night. What can I say, I ended up losing more than my virginity that night. And to top it all, a girl saw me phase. She was high on LSD anyways so people just assumed she was imagining things but I know what I did. I'm not very proud of the fact that I put both Jasmine and Carter in danger. The party ended up in the local newspaper the next day with pictures but for me, the party was over when I came home.

When the cops came, everyone just started running out the front doors. I took the backyard rout to jump the fence and get to the main road. I was pretty tipsy but still under somewhat control. I ran home to find Carter and Jazz both waiting for me in the living room.

"Shit... I... that party... " I managed to say.

"Jazz, go to your room. I need to talk to Jace." Said Carter looking at me like he wanted to kill me.

"I'm going nowhere." Jazz said to my relief because I was sure than I was going to be a dead man if she chose to leave.

"OK... FINE... go get some water. Jace, on the sofa." Carter commanded. I did exactly as I was told because I was in the wrong here. Jazz gave me some water.

"Did you drink?" Carter asked

"Yes... I had a few drinks." I said avoiding eye contact. I could see Carter's hand form a fist and his muscles flex. 

"'A few' is an understatement. Look at me when I'm speaking with you." He said almost yelling. "What I really want to know is, did you take any drugs?" He asked.

"NO... I didn't. I admit I had alcohol but I swear I didn't even touch the drugs." I said trying hard to not shiver my voice.

Carter: "If I find out that you are lying..."

"He isn't... He won't lie about this. I trust him with that... and I think... you should too." Jazz jumped in. Ohh how much I loved Jazz. More than ever right now.

Carter: "I want to hear that from him. I know there were drugs there and he reeks of weed. Look at his eyes, they're swollen and red. You really expect me to believe that he's clean?"

Me: "Carter, A lot of people there were smoking weed and maybe that's why I smell like it too but if you want, I am willing to take a urine test or a blood test right now. Please believe me, I didn't take any drugs."

Carter: "I am very disappointed in you Jace. I honestly thought you were better than this..." right than I felt like puking and ran to the washroom. After Carter helped me to my room he said, "we'll talk tomorrow, you're not in the condition to talk right now."

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