Chapter 27

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Jasmine's POV

Carter and Kathy left for work. I was in my room and the house was quiet... too quiet. I sneaked upstairs to see what my brothers were upto. I heard noises from Jake's room. The door was wide open so I stood outside the door without making a sound. They were all staring at the computer screen.

Jace: "Jake common, tell me you can fix this. Why is it taking so long?"

Jacob: "Don't pressurize me. It's different when I have to hack from a computer that's not part of the system."

Max: "You guys are so dumb! If you were smart enough to change the number of the contact personal, why didn't you change the absences in your report card?"

Jace: "We forgot OK? Why do you even care? You attended all your classes!"

Max: "I care because he changed the contact number for all 3 of us. If Kathy finds out, I'll be in shit with you guys... and I didn't even do anything!"

Jacob: "Ok... I'm in. I just need to get throught this... and change the contact number to Kathy's now..."

Jace: "You're an idiot Jake. Kathy isn't stupid. She'll know we had something to do with this if she goes there tomorrow and finds her number as the contact personal. Change the number to hers except for the last digit. Put a different digit there so it'll look like..."

Me: "They misprinted it."

Jace: "Yeah." after a few seconds, they realized I was standing right there. 

Max: "Jazz!" I could tell they were going to make the run for me so I ran downstairs. I could hear them... 

Jake: "Go after her. I'll figure this out till then and join you."

I was no where close to as fast as them but I got a head start. I went downstairs to the guest bedroom instead of mine and locked the door from the inside. I then ran to the balcony and jumped out as it faces the forest. I started running into the forest... I must've ran for about 5 min. when I saw a huge wolf jump in front of me. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could tell he was a werewolf but he wasn't anyone from my family and it didn't seem like he was someone from the neighbouring pack either. I regretted my decision to run in the forest but it was too late now. I was going to be killed by a rogue!

I thoutht to myself, to hell with this, I will put up a fight even if I lose. I wasn't going to go down that easy. I got myself ready for a fight...

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