Chapter 6

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Jasmine's POV

Jazz: "Carter, what's going on? Why are we running away? Is dad ok? I want to see him."

Carter: "Jazz, Jace... I don't want to hide anything from either one of you. Please just hear me out. After it, if you would like to go back to dad, I will get you to him safely...

When I was gone for a while almost a year back, I wasn't going to come  back. I only came back for the two of you because I promised mom that I'll keep you guys safe no matter what. I thought dad would do that anyways but when I heard that dad started training Jace, I knew Jace would be expected to take my place. I didn't want that.

Please believe me when I say this... dad has formed a pack of rogues, outcasts and banished wolves who seek revenge. He even helps them get revenge on individuals or packs and for that they have to work for dad. I have no evidence to prove it to you but what I can prove is that the import-export business is just a cover. Our father is actually one of the most celebrated international drug dealers. It's because his consignments almost never get caught. He delivers the largest quantities  in the shortest time and is known to be a man of his word. I have a few pictures."

He pulled out some pictures where we saw our dad in different get-ups tasting white powder, smelling what seemed like weed, etc. I was shocked but Jace wasn't surprised.

Jace: "Carter, I have a confession to make. The few weeks you weren't there, I was exposed to the group of rogues dad leads. I didn't understand why he would need them or why dad would help them but this all makes sense now."

Me: "Well, is this even dad? Why would he do something like this? Even if he did, why didn't you tell the police. I'm sure they can do something about this."

Carter: "Jazz, it's not that simple. I have given all the information I could to the Narcotics Department of America but just based on these pictures, they can't do much. Even if they do get dad arrested, he'll be out on bail in no time. And Jace, he... didn't... by any chance... did you end up doing anything... did you "work" for dad?"

Jace: "Not directly I suppose. I just helped unloading fruits one day when he took me to one of the shipping-receiving area. But the group you tell me about were there too. I over-heard them and figured out who they were. I didn't have the guts to ask dad. I wanted to find out more but then you came back and I stopped training and working."

Carter: "Yeah, that was the deal I had made with dad that I would go back to working for him if he keeps the two of you away from his business. He figured that I would do anything for the two of you and started exploiting it. I have done things I'm not very proud of ... let's not get to why I did it because no matter how I justify it, it was still wrong."

Jace: "Carter, don't beat yourself over it. It's not like you were given a choice. I don't want to go back there. Jazz is free to make her decision, I know, but please don't let her go back there. I've only seen very little of what you were put through and I can't imagine Jazz having to go through it."

Me: "Don't get me wrong guys. This was just too sudden and it caught me off-guard. I didn't mean to question your honesty. I believe you. I really do. I will stay here with you guys. Is that ok with you?"

Carter: " OK? It's perfect!"

Me: "But Carter, why didn't you tell us this earlier?"

Carter: "I didn't want to put you guys in danger by telling you. It only took so long to get us out of there because I knew he would find us if I took you guys away then. I wanted to make arrangements beforehand. I found this place where there aren't any wolf families in close proximity. The territory is unclaimed. I wanted to make sure he couldn't track us. I didn't want to do anything illegal so I didn't make us fake IDs... in fact, I took your passports, your school transcripts and anything we would need to resume life."

Jace: " Enough with past. What's the plan now?"

Carter: "I have a part time job here and both of you are already enrolled in the schools here. We should get our car within a week but until then, I have managed to convince our landlord to give you guys a ride to school and back.   

Also, dad will probably find out that I've taken the two of you with me when he gets back from his deal... I need both of you to keep a low profile. I'm not saying don't have a life but try to stay away from anything... too public... you know, anything that can end up on the net, TV and things like that. We can't  have facebook or anything of the sort for the time being. I have pre-paid phones for all 3 of us that are to be used to make calls just between the 3 of us. I'm sorry about it guys but please bear with me here. Is... that ok with you guys?"

Me: "That's just fine!" I said smiling.

Jace: "Carter... Thanks bro." He said hugging Cater. I joined in. I have never seen Jace be more emotional. It was different but I liked it; Carter was finally being appreciated for everything he's done.

I was just re-living that hug when I heard both my brothers come back from their run. The first thing they asked was "Are you ok? You look like you cried."

"Haha... not at all, I was just thinking about our first day away from dad. Anyways, what do you guys want to eat tonight?" I said trying to get away from the topic.

"Do you miss him Jazz?" Jace asked getting worried.

"I never had a boyfriend Jace, how can I miss him?" I said smiling. We all laughed. 

"I'm making spaghetti with meatballs for dinner. It's already 4:45, both of you will be late for work if you don't leave in next 15 min. I have made sandwiches so please take them with you." I said.

After they left, I started cooking. I needed to be done cooking soon as I needed to go somewhere today but didn't tell Carter or Jace. They probably would disagree with it anyways. I kept telling myself that if I leave after them and come back before them, it should be fine! I am going to make this work.

My over-protective brothers, drug scandals and us (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now