Chapter 34

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Jasmine's POV

Next morning, everyone was having breakfast together when I said I wanted to go to school today. Kathy and Carter were a little uncomfortable but they agreed eventually. I decided to wear a white dress today. It was a knee length dress that belonged to Kathy. She had given it to me because I said I loved it, the last time she wore it. I curled my hair, put clear gloss on my lips, eye liner and wore white heels. I came out of my room to and just from the way those green eyes were set on me, I knew they liked what they saw. As expected all 3 of my brothers had the "GO CHANGE" look on their face.

Me: "Before you say anything, if Kathy can wear this, so can I. I am NOT changing." After a 10 min. argument, I won thanks to Tyler. Him and Chris came to get us while we were having the argument.

It was a normal day until lunch. I was on my way to the cafe when I saw Alec by his locker. We made eye contact and after that, he started making out with Nina. A word needs to be invented to discribe her since slut and whore just won't do. Something broke inside of me. I ran to the girl's washroom and let out a cry. I could feel the heat from the fireball warming my body up so I started to try and calm myself. After I was stable, I washed my face with cold water and headed back to the cafe.

Chris: "What's up Alec?"

Alec: "How do you eat this? The food is..." he made a face.

Me: "Yeah, I'm sure nothing tastes better than strawberry lip-gloss." I said taunting him.

Jacob: "Strawberry lip-gloss? Let me guess... Nina? Yeah... she's not that great in bed. I wouldn't waste my time on her if I were you."

Me: "JAKE! How many times do I need to explain this to you?"

Jacob: "okok... I know, I shouldn't objectify women, blah blah blah."

I left the table saying I was headed for the washroom. I had a feeling I was being followed by Alec but I didn't see him. I needed to get out of here, I couldn't erase the memory of Alec making out with Ms.Strawberry-lipgloss and the more I thought about it, the more it bothered me. I don't understand my own feelings... why should I give two hoots for that jack-ass who, after spending an amazing night with me, leaves me saying 'tonight never happened'.

I ran straight for the woods. I didn't bother telling my brothers because they wouldn't understand and thus, not let me run. I walked into the forest and phased. I started running in hopes that this would clear my head but the opposite was happening. In my wolf form I was feeling more hurt... betrayed almost. I ran faster and faster with tears rolling down my eyes. I didn't know where I was going or how long I had been running for when a bunch of male werewolves surrounded me.

SHIT... THIS IS NOT GOOD. Where was I? They all started closing in on me as I started to prepare myself for a fight. Just as I was about to attack, Alec jumped out of no where. He stood in front of me. I was thinking 'yeah, now he cares!' but at the same time I was so glad he was here.

The wolves were moving closer now when they all stopped. A huge wolf made his way through the woods. NO WAY.... DAD? Oh... this was going to get ugly. REALLY UGLY.

I looked around for a way to escape but we were trapped. Alec attacked him and in the next second, he was suffocating under my father's paw. Immediately a plead came out of my mind...

"Daddy don't. Please!"

So this was the telepathy thing Max was talking about. I hoped Mr.Alpha heard it. He let Alec go and I made a run for Alec. Before I could reach him, my father was in front of me with a wolf and a man guarding Alec. Alec was in his human form now.

"Alpha, let her go. This has nothing to do with her. I'm here, aren't I? Do whatever you want with me but PLEASE let her go." the man to his left elbowed his abdomen and kicked his knee from the back such that Alec was on his knees now. I couldn't stand that so I jumped at the man but I found myself flat on the floor. My father had pushed me to the ground.

"Change to human NOW" I got a message from Mr.Alpha.

After I phased back to human, so did Mr. Damien Smith. He hadn't changed alot from the last time I saw him. I couldn't believe this man was my biological father. He went to Alec and grabbed him by his hair. I could see the pain on Alec's face.

"ACE" he screamed, "I sent you here to get me information. To find Carter. What the hell are you doing with her?"

WHAT did I just hear?

"Jazz, please let me explain. Don't judge just yet... please!" said Alec. The grip on his hair tightened. He was in alot of pain. I tried running to him but I was held by two huge men. I gave it everything I had and to my surprise I managed to slip out of their hands. I ran to Alec but now my father was holding on to my hair. I was ok with it so long so Alec was no longer in pain. Alec screamed in anger and I was in his arms in the next few seconds. My father and the other 2 wolves in close proximity were on the floor and the rest were watching with wide eyes.

"RUN" he said. I phased and started running. He was right behind me and so were the half a dozen werewolves that surrounded us earlier. I didn't know this ground so I was just going with my instincts.

"Why are you running towards home?" a message from Alec.

"I don't know where I'm going! Just... lead the way. I don't know this ground." I sent a message back.

He was running next to me now. I was following his direction. We must've ran for a good half an hour when we were trapped again. My father was in front of us and his wolves at the back. Alec and I looked at each other for an idea but nothing came to either one of us. Once my father secured the area and made sure we couldn't run again, he phased back to human.

"If you EVER try to run again, I swear I'll have you dead." he was talking to Alec.

Alec phased back and replied, "If you were going to kill me, you would've done so a long time ago. You don't scare me anymore."

With that, Alpha phased and attacked Alec. I jumped in to buy Alec some time. Alec phased and now him and I were fighting the alpha. A couple of other wolves jumped in and we weren't as strong as them anymore. Alec was hurt really bad. My father held me in a blocked position and asked me to phase back to human. When I didn't, he asked a fourth werewolf to attack Alec.

"Suit yourself. If you don't phase, Ace will die a very painful death."

I agreed on phasing back and he let go of me. I phased back but they didn't stop hurting Alec.

"You said you'll stop them if I phased. STOP THEM!" I screamed.

He phased back and said, "I didn't say I'll make them stop. I said I'd let him live."

Alec was worn out. He was bleeding like no tomorrow. He crashed on the floor, unconscious now. My father started to pull me away against my will.

"This is wrong. You can't leave him here like this. He'll die!" I cried.

"Hey, I kept my word. I was going to finish the bastard but he's alive, isn't he? Now co-operate or I'll make sure he's dead before we leave." He threatened. I had no choice. I went with him. I really hoped that Alec would live. He couldn't die! I loved him... WAIT... I LOVED HIM! He was my MATE? How could I have been so blind? so stupid? I put my mate's life in danger. I was supposed to protect him not kill him...

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