Chapter 37

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Jasmine's POV

"Jasmine... we're leaving after lunch today." Chatara said.

"What? What do you mean leaving? To where?" I asked.

"To our old house. I thought you'd be more comfortable there." Damien Smith entered the room.

"But..." I was processing everything I was just told and everything I knew. Carter was coming... would he be coming here or to the old place? 

"But what?" he asked before I thought any further. I figured he wanted a confession about overhearing his conversation last night. 

"Nothing. How long will I be staying there?" I said avoiding eye contact.

"A week or so." he said with a smirk on his face.

"NO!" I said in a reflex. It came out more like a command than a plea.

His expressions changed and I found myself behind Chatara.

"She didn't mean that. I'm sure it was just unexpected for her. I'll personally see to it that..." she started talking but was cut off by him, "Chatara. Enough. I'd like to hear an explanation from her."

"I... I'd like to stay here for a couple of days." I said peeking slightly from behind Chatara.

"May I know why?" he asked. Chatara moved but I was still half behind her. 

"I'd like an answer Jasmine." he said moving Chatara out of the way, getting close to me. "Fine, I'll tell you. You want to meet Carter, don't you? But rest assured that I won't let that happen. You're leaving today. Have I made myself clear?" he said in a rough voice.

"Yes alpha, I'll take her there personally. Please be assured that there will be no troubles." Chatara stepped in signaling me to move back.  

"I hope so. I will hold you accountable if anything goes wrong." he said to Chatara and left. 

Chatara took a deep breath. She turned to me and said, "I know you don't want to be here. I understand. But for the time being, please cooperate. I don't want anything to happen to you. I owe that much to Carter."

"What? What do you mean?" I asked in surprise.

"Carter saved my life. My mother was an orphan. She lived in an orphanage. She was raped by a rogue at the age of 17. She didn't have money for abortion so she gave birth to me and was asked to leave the orphanage when she turned 18. I was only a few months old. To keep me and herself alive, she became a prostitute. Although she tried her best to keep me away from her world, I've seen men abusing her. She was very ill once and a man came... she screamed and told him to get lost.

He said he came for his daughter. He came for me! In the process of protecting me, my mother died in front of me. He dragged me out of there and took me to a place filled with other werewolves. It wasn't a pleasant place. After a couple of nights of beatings for trying to escape and starvation in a small room, I wanted to kill myself. That's when the gang was attacked and the first person who came for me was Carter. The other members of the pack wanted to kill me too but Carter stuck up for me and my life was spared. He took a lot of shit for bringing one more mouth to feed from the rest of the pack but the alpha decided to keep me. I feel like I keep on failing alpha but I know that one day he'll accept me.

Eventhough I don't agree with Carter's decision to leave, I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. I've known of you and Jace but because alpha wanted to keep family away from business, I was never allowed to meet you guys. Carter told me about you guys. I hope you like it here. I'll try to make it as painless as possible. Just... please cooperate."

Me: "WOW... I... look, I'll cooperate. But can you please help me meet Carter? It's really important. I need to know Alec's safe."

Chatara: "Alec... ACE? He found you?"

Me: "Yes. He didn't expose our location and because of that... your alpha almost killed him. I'm pretty sure he's still alive but I need to know for sure. Can you find out for me?"

Chatara: "I can't promise you that you'll be able to meet Carter, but I can find out for you."

Me: "That's not good enough! Carter needs to see me for his satisfaction. I don't know what it is but I have a feeling I'm here because your alpha wants something from my brother."

Chatara: "You know... my alpha is also your father." I didn't say anything to that.

Chatara: "We'll leave after lunch then?" I just nodded to that and sat down on the breakfast table. I started thinking again. There must be a way to meet up with Carter. I thought I was going to go home with Carter tomorrow but clearly the alpha has a different plan in mind...

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