Chapter 13

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Jasmine's POV

We climbed down via a pipe to the side opposite to the entrance of the yard.

"Ok, HOW do we get out? There are soo many people." I asked.

"Precisely, no one gives a shit because no one knows us." he said and lead the way.

We were out of there and just like he predicted, no one cared. I had an amazing time with him at the beach. We walked on the wet sand for a while, ate food at an amazing restaurant and I tried to limbo. He told me that he goes to a private school but is going to join the same public highschool as me in September. He is currently in grade 8 as well. He pretty much told me the story of his life. He told me that he came out this year. 

"It's not that easy. People try to bully you just because you're gay. I went from being the cool guy to a fag in a matter of days. I guess that's why I'm so damn aggressive. I refuse to take the bullshit. I've been suspended for a couple of times for getting into fights and that's why Chris has been on my case. My mom and dad are usually out on business trips and such. It's just me and Chris most of the time. I was glad Chris was ok with everything. I wouldn't have been able to come out without his support. But yeah, here I am. Tell me about you." He finished his story.

"Well, I've been pretty much raised by Carter... and I guess Jace too. We lost our parents in... an accident. After that my brothers have kind of been a little over protective of me. I love them and all but it can be very annoying. Like they both work but I'm not allowed to. I shouldn't complain though, I get what I want most of the time. I'm their princess." I said smiling. I didn't tell him about the whole werewolf thing and about my dad for obvious reasons but I didn't lie. We kind of did lose our dad after mom died. 

"Umm... if you don't mind me asking... what were you trying to say when you had your little rant? Shorts? Cops?" He asked with a smile on his face. 

"hahaha... well, my brothers didn't approve of the shorts but I wore them anyways. So 'in the heat of moment' I was cursing myself for not listening to them." I said hand quoting 'in the heat of moment'.

"I wonder why they wouldn't let you wear these... you look hot in them." he said laughing.

"It's been one and half hour since we left, we should head back." I said checking the time on my phone.

"Alright, let's get going." He said. We went back the same way we came out. I checked out his book collection. It was impressive. He said I could borrow any book I wanted. We were listening to songs when Jace and Chris came in. 

"Guys... it's enough... come down, join the party. I'm sorry I over reacted." Chris said. Tyler and I looked at each other and smirked. We got to enjoy the rest of the party. I got the attention Carter was talking about but since I was with Tyler, Jace and Chris no one dared to say anything let alone doing anything. I had an amazing time. At 11:30 we drove home on Chris' bike. He said we could borrow it and return it on Monday. I wanted to drive the bike and so did Jace... if the argument doesn't go in my favor... let's hope Tyler was right about the power of my tears...

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