The Group

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Millie's POV:

My eyes flutter open to the sound of something hitting my window that sounds like small rocks followed by faint giggles coming from outside. I slowly trudge out of my bed and crawl onto my bay window, peering down at the five people below. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself as they all make hand movements for me to come down, or rather jump down. I pull open my window and peek my head through, their giggles much clearer. "Millie!" The red-haired girl whisper yells up to me while doing the same gesture as the four other boys. "What are you doing?" I ask back, the dim streetlights making them barely visible in my front yard. "Introducing you! Now get down here!" Sadie exclaims in the same volume. I sigh before changing into some black leggings and throwing on my jean jacket with a fur collar over my white shirt. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I tell myself as I lower myself down from my window until I'm hanging over about a six feet drop that inevitable attempt, my ankles aching shortly after as the four guys giggle. "So glad you could make it Millie." Sadie says while pulling me over to the four boys who are giggling and smiling at each other for whatever reason.

"Okay so.. this is Noah, Gaten, Caleb, and Finn; My squad." She explains while pointing to each boy in order. "So.. is she going to be part of the squad now?" The curly haired boy named Gaten asks. "I mean, if you want to be." Sadie answers while looking at me, triggering all of the other boys to do the same. "Uh.. sure?" I guess, not wanting them to take pity on me. "Yes! God, it'll be nice not having to be the only girl in this group." Sadie exclaims while letting out a sigh of relief as she gives me a quick hug. "Okay, cool, welcome and shit. Sadie can we just go to the party now?" The dark haired boy with a bright blue beanie complains, slightly irritated. Guess now I know what she meant by 'most of them'. "Finn, can you take a chill pill please? Thank you." She snaps, allowing him to roll his eyes as he crosses his arms, clearly annoyed he has to be here. "Party? Is that why you guys are out?" I ask, piecing the puzzle together. "Yeah, the party we're supposed to be at right now but instead we're here picking up the new girl." Finn complains again, deserving a slap on the shoulder from the boy next to him named Caleb. "We were hoping you'd come with us, I know it's your first day here and all but.. I am your guide aren't I?" Sadie suggests with a proud smirk, allowing me to produce a small laugh. "Let's do it." I reply, already walking down the street. "Um.. Millie?" Noah says, forcing me to turn around on my heels. "Yeah?" I ask while watching the others walk the opposite direction. "The party is this way." He mentions awkwardly, as if he feels embarrassed for me. I nod while internally face-palming myself, "Right."

I walk with Noah in the back of the group all the way there, and to be honest, he seems like a pretty genuine guy who knows how to make me laugh. As we get closer I can already start to hear the blasting music fill my ears as Finn does air guitar in front of us as we walk, Gaten and Caleb laughing at him as he rocks out. "Okay guys, don't get too drunk. Got it?" Sadie warns us as we approach the biggest house of the neighborhood, flashing colored lights escaping from their windows as if it were some party from a movie. "Is it always like this?" I shout to Noah as we enter the ear-blistering house, barely even hearing the words I just spoke. He just nods while looking around the humid and sweaty house, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air as teenagers jump and dance to the beat. After a while of Noah and I sitting against the wall awkwardly as the others go off and do something else, Noah suddenly gets pulled onto the dance floor by some girl, disappearing into the sea of people. "Well shit." I whisper to myself while nervously tapping my foot until Sadie comes into view, a random boy following her as she giggles. "Millie!" She shouts while coming over to me with a red solo cup in hand, ignoring the boy behind her. "Come dance with us!" She exclaims before taking my hand and dragging me through the sea of people until coming to a small circle of people dancing together known as 'the squad', except Noah.

"Found her!" Sadie announces to the other boys who are dancing their hearts out, the most impressive being Caleb. Just then a hand grabs mine and begins spinning me around and around until being pulled away by an unknown force. I turn around to find Finn being dragged away by a girl, laughing hysterically while doing so. "There goes Finnlard, I swear this happens every time!" Gaten admits, laughing along with Caleb and Sadie. After about five more songs the group, or what's left of it, decide to take a break and head to the less loud kitchen. "You want a drink Millie?" Gaten asks while offering a red solo cup to me, an unknown liquid inside it. "Depends. Are you trying to poison me?" I joke, he shakes his head while chuckling. "Okay, then sure." I answer while taking the cup from his hand, immediately taking a gulp of it. Just then Finn comes stumbling into the kitchen, a cheeky smile on his face with his hair completely tangled along with a wrinkled and pulled shirt. "You would not believe that girl." Finn confesses as he puts his beanie back on, attempting to fix his hair in the process. "You're such a ladies man." Caleb teases, punching Finn's chest playfully. "I bet we couldn't name on girl in our class that you haven't kissed, besides Sadie of course." Gaten adds, Finn just shrugs proudly.

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