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Finn's POV:

Taking both Gaten and Nick's advice into thorough consideration, I fell asleep with countless questions roaming in my mind. Now I'm at my locker with about a hundred students in the same hallway, listening to Twin Peaks using my white earbuds and Spotify app. "I wanted you.. but you didn't want me. Good lord, heaven knows I'm bad with love." I mutter out with the song, bobbing my head slightly. "Hey, Finn. I need to talk to you about yesterday, and what you saw." A faded British accent proclaims, almost being completely drowned out by the music. Pulling out an earbud, I look over at her to see a familiar navy blue sweater being worn with her ripped skinny jeans. "Is that my swea-" I start before being pulled by the wrist, forcing me to follow her until we reach the unused janitors closet. She quickly swings open the door and drags me inside, closing the door and flicking on the light as I remove the lasting earbud. "Okay, you're going to listen whether you like it or not." Millie states factually, looking at me with folded arms. "I like your sweater." I admit while pointing to it, my hand immediately being smacked away as I giggle. "Shut it. Okay so yesterday my ex from Indiana just showed up at my house uninvited, saying he thought I missed him or something- which isn't the case! And then I had to go for school and agreed to have coffee with him to make him feel better, or 'catch up' as he said. After school he picked me up, we went to Starbucks, and then he tried convincing me to get back together with him in which you walked in right when I was about to reject him." She vents out, not giving me a chance to say a word until she's done. "So where is he now?" I ask curiously while stuffing my hands into the pocket of my soft grey hoodie. "Hopefully long gone, I told him to get out of my life." She answers with a short sigh. "Is that so?" I question with a chuckle. "Yep." She says, popping the 'p'.

"Well Miss Brown, I believe we're going to be late for English if we stay here much longer." I mention in a sophisticated tone. "What's wrong with being a little late, beanie boy?" She purrs out, slipping her hand from my chest to my shoulder while taking a step towards me. My breath seems to escape my lips as I stare into her daring soft eyes, nothing in the world seeming to compare to the feeling I have throughout my body at this very moment. "Quit playing me, new girl." I say with a smile as my hands slide onto her lower back. "But you like it, don't you Mr. Heartthrob?" She teases, bringing herself closer. "Oh, shut up." I say before locking my lips onto hers, and oh how I've missed the touch of her extremely soft, cherry tasting lips. She pulls herself closer to me, if that's even possible, until our chests are touching. Our lips longingly press onto each other, opening and closing in sync for the air we desperately need.

Abruptly, she pulls away and lets her arms fall from me. "C'mon, before the actual janitor comes." Millie says while swinging open the door, I just sigh while nodding. She opens it only to reveal Sadie walking past in the empty hall, catching sight of us and coming to a halt with her jaw hanging and a curve in her lips. "Oh my god." She says in disbelief, a bright smile on her face as she stares at Millie and I standing in the doorway with our cheeks beaming red. "Did you guys-" She questions while gesturing to the closet behind our backs. I shyly nod while scratching the back of my neck as Millie just bites her nails with a smile showing. "Okay I'm totally telling the others, but you guys are seriously late." Sadie giggles while waving goodbye before skipping away, probably headed to the office or something of that sort.

"Hey Finn, can I borrow that?" "Borrow wha- Hey!" I shout as she plucks my dark black, cotton beanie from my head and pulls it over her own hair, looking adorably cute in it. "I think it looks good on me, right?" She jokes while posing like a model, which if she wanted I bet she could be. "Yes, yes, you look great. Stop boasting and let's get to English." I say, already heading towards the classroom not too far from here with her at my heels. Once at the door we both come to a pause, deciding who goes in first so it doesn't seem suspicious. "Just go, Finn." Millie instructs before pushing me into the classroom, quickly moving out of view afterwards as I stroll into the class. "Ah, Mr. Wolfhard. Care to tell us why you couldn't make it here on time?" Mr. Keery questions, not that I have a choice. "Sorry sir, I had some things to help with at the library." I lie in the most innocent tone I can. "Alright, take a seat." He says with his hands stuffed into his pockets, wearing a tucked in white button down and a red tie. I don't waste my time making my way to my seat, receiving some curious looks due to the fact my signature beanie isn't residing on my head.

Minutes pass with no sign of Millie, though I don't seem to be worried considering our plan was exactly this. "So that means- Miss Brown! Please, what's your convincing excuse?" Mr. Keery asks un-amused as he leans on his desk with his arms folded, causing a few students to snicker as Millie just rushes to her seat beside me with her things in hand. "I'm so, so sorry Mr. Keery. I got lost in the halls, but it won't happen again." She states, almost as if she was pleading. "It better not." He says before continuing his unimportant rant. Still surprised by her astonishing performance, I can't help but look over at the girl who wears my beanie with a smile showing on my face. How did I ever live without her?


The school day flies by with the usual complaining by about boring classes at lunch and paying almost no attention at all in class due to the thoughts of one particular girl. As I walk away from my locker where I grabbed my bag, I head over to Millie's further down the hall. Coming up behind her, I wrap an arm around her stomach as she stiffens from the abrupt contact. "Hey, new girl." I greet, staring at what I can of her beautiful face as she relaxes. "Beanie boy." She replies while continuing to pack her bag full of textbooks. I let my arm fall from her waist before leaning on the locker beside hers, grabbing my phone out to text Noah. "Oh right, here." Millie says while holding my beanie for me to take back, which I do with a small smile. "Thanks, though you do look a lot better in it than I do." I mention with a slight smirk, still typing away to Noah. "Yeah, whatever you say." Millie responds with a soft chuckle before closing her locker and swinging on her backpack. "Noah will meet us in the stands." I explain while pushing myself off the lockers to walk with her until she abruptly stops in front of the school-event-board. "Hey Finn?" She questions, tugging my sleeve to get my attention. I only hum as a reply, raising my eyebrows as I follow her gaze to the poster that's been stapled to the board for about a week yet hasn't been talked about due to the new girl in town: Millie. "What's a 'Snowball'?" She questions curiously, obviously never hearing of such an event. "Just a cheesy school dance, why?" I answer with a shrug, never putting too much thought into the annual dance. I would always just go with the last girl I made out with and get wasted with my friends, which sometimes included Jack, Wyatt, and Jaeden. "It just sounds like fun, I've never gone to one." Millie explain with a shrug, stopping the girl who's speeding past us with flyers in her arms. "Sorry, could I have one of those?" She questions innocently with a friendly smile. "Oh yeah- of course!" Mackenzie, Maddie's younger sister, exclaims while handing her one before continuing to run past us. "You've never gone to a school dance?" I question curiously as my hands rest in the large pocket of my hoodie. "Nope, but I guess that'll have to change, won't it?" She says, smirking slightly as she starts walking again with me at her side. "People.. they usually," I cough awkwardly before continuing, "take a date to those types of things." I mention sheepishly. Her brown eyes shift over to me, a smile present on her soft lips. "I know, Finn." She states, slightly giggling. "Right." I mumble, mentally face-palming myself.

Our conversation ends as we make our way to the outside table we sit at every morning, where we're supposed to meet up with Noah. "Hey guys, the game doesn't start for another half hour." Noah greets as we both sit down, drawing in his sketch book. "You draw?" Millie questions in disbelief, only receiving a shrug from him. "Anyway, you heard about the Snowball?" She asks curiously while sliding the paper over to him. "Oh yeah, that's in what.. a week or two?" He guesses as he glances up at her. "Week and a half." She answers factually, with him nodding afterwards. "Great, only a week and a half to find a date." Noah complains while running his hand through his long, gelled hair. "Hey, it can't be that hard. You're a good guy, Schnapp." Millie mentions, attempting to cheer up the hazel eyed boy. "Easy for you to say, you'll probably have guys flocking to you once they realize you don't have a date yet." He explains, causing me to shift in my seat uncomfortably. Millie presses her lips together while looking over at me, her face unreadable to me. "Um.. what about  that Mackenzie girl, the one you stopped in the hall?" I suggest, Millie nodding in agreement. "Yeah! She's cute, right?" She questions to Noah, hoping he'll cheer up about the whole thing. "I guess I could try, but we'll see." He replies with yet another shrug, putting a smile on Millie's face regardless.

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