Says You Are

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Millie's POV:

My eyes squint as they open due to the sun's rays basking into my room and into my face as I lay in bed, probably only hours before noon on a Saturday. I force myself to get up and trudge out of bed, grabbing my phone to check on the latest updates. "Two texts from Sadie.. one from Noah, one from- Wyatt? How'd he even get my number?" I ask aloud, tapping on his contact first.

wo: hey millie, so i may or may not have made myself a contact in your phone hen you weren't looking, sorry.

wo: hi, wyatt again. i just want to apologize, i noticed you and finn fighting and i just hope it wasn't the cause of something i did.

After reading his last text in my head, it just shows how he is a good guy and doesn't have the intentions Finn seems to think he has. I bet he was just jealous I was talking to Wyatt before he got the chance to find me. Yeah, probably. I quickly tap into the other's contacts.

ss: hey, where are you?

ss: nvm, noah told me. get some rest, talk later.

I simply smile at her texts, loving how caring of a best friend I have and that she doesn't judge me. Gosh, everyone needs a Sadie in their life.

ns: millie, i still think you should take into consideration that finn wasn't just being jealous, he's trying to protect you. plus, is it wrong to not want your girlfriend cheating on you?

I simply brush off his words, already annoyed with the two boys once again. It's not like I planned to flirt with Wyatt or anything. I mean, just because he's a guy that's not in our friend group, he can't be my friend? That's bullshit. I leave messages and decide to just scroll through Instagram. Seeing a couple of posts that I'm tagged in from Sadie or Gaten, I obviously like them and comment something about the day or night the picture was taken. Bored, I shut off my phone and trudge over to the bathroom to do my usual routine, instead changing into some leggings and a hoodie to lounge around the house. I walk downstairs to reveal no one's up yet... weird. I quickly click on my phone only to sigh of relief, the time being 8:21 am. My dad must've already left for work, but everyone in the Brown family usually uses Saturdays for sleeping in. I make my way into the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal, eating it at the counter where we have bar stools. Finished, I take my bowl and spoon to the sink and set them in the bubbly warm water. Abruptly, two knocks echo into my ears, coming from the front door. I quickly dry off my hands and go to slowly open the door to reveal  the one person that caused all of the drama in the first place. "Hey, um.. I know this may sound weird but I was wondering if you'd like to grab a coffee? That is, if you're not too busy." The light curly haired boy asks, pointing his thumb behind him. "Uh.." I start, looking over my shoulder to see if anyone's up. "Right now?" I question with my brows raised. "If you want to." He replies, shrugging. "Okay, let me get my shoes." I say, closing the door slightly and pulling on my black converse. Without another word we're outside, walking side by side along the sidewalk, headed to the Starbucks Coffeehouse.

"So.." Wyatt whispers out, clearing his throat awkwardly. "how are things with Finn?" He asks curiously, seeming to actually care. "If I'm being honest, it's not the best right now." I answer with a sigh, looking up a the sky. "And why's that?" He questions, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Well, ever since you and I started actually speaking to each other, he's been kinda... over protective in a sense?" I guess, not really knowing what to call it. Regardless, he nods understandably. "I don't blame him, I wouldn't want my girlfriend spending time with me either." Wyatt admits, now making me the confused one. "Why not? You seem like a good guy." I assure, to which he just smiles softly. "I've done things in the past I'm not proud of: broken countless of girls heart, flirted with any I could, thrown away my purity like it was nothing." He confesses, his voice full of regret and disappointment. "People can change, Wyatt. That includes you." I state as I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Wish everyone was as forgiving as you." He says with a somber smile, ending the conversation there as my hand drops back down to my side.


"So you're telling me, Jaeden got a concussion after you just threw a snowball at his head?" I ask with a chuckle, holding my hot cocoa tightly. "Well, in his defense, I'm pretty sure there may or may not have been a ball of ice in the middle." He says, putting his hand up in surrender as we both laugh. After our laughter dies down, I decide to ask my own set of questions. "So Wyatt, how did you and the 'party throwers' all become friends?" I question with a small smirk at Finn's nickname for the group. He lets out a small chuckle as he taps his cup. "Um... well I think it was Finn who kinda brought all of us together. I had known Jaeden before just because we're family friends, so I used to go over there a lot with my parents. I met Finn at a football camp, and he knew Jack from school. So one day the four of us just had a sleepover at Finn's house.. and the rest is history. Of course, his main group of friends have always been you guys but- he still makes some time for us." Wyatt explains with a shrug. "Woah- back it up there. Finn played football? And went to a camp for it?" I ask in complete shock, staring at him with wide eyes as he nods with a smile. "Yeah, we were like.. 12 or something. He always was more interested in music though." He confirms, still nodding. "Huh. The more you know, I guess." I mutter, causing him to laugh softly. "Anyway, I better get home before my parents get back. Thanks for this, Brown. There's not many people as golden hearted as you anymore." He states, scratching the back of his neck as he stands up from his seat. "Thanks, I guess. Y'know, you're really not the guy everyone says you are." I mention, looking up at him as I continue sitting. He faintly smiles as he stares down at his shoes, "Yeah, I'd like to think that." He says quietly before strolling out of the coffeehouse, slipping on his grey jacket as he walks outside.

With a sigh, I quickly finish up my hot cocoa and throw it away just as I too walk into the November afternoon. I stroll along the cement sidewalk, kicking the few pebbles that come in my way as I silently stare down at my feet. I hear the sound of a skateboard start to come up from behind me, assuming the person would simply pass me, I just continue my actions. That is until a panicked "Oh shit!" is said right behind me and the sound of the wheels stopping abruptly, before I know what's happening the person launches onto my back, causing my body to fall onto the cement in a split second. I groan in pain as the person rolls off of me quickly, their quick breaths showing that they're panicking. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm really sorry." The person blurts out, concern present in his...familiar voice? I push my upper body up as the side of my face stings, my hands feeling the same. I look down at the cement that has a blood print right where my cheek planted, a lighter shade where my hands were. "Shit, I-I'm really sorry." He says once again after seeing the same view. I let my eyes move over to the boy, the sight of him making my stomach drop and mind think 'why him?'.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I ask in annoyance, causing his dark mazes of eyes to shoot my way with a confused expression before seeming slightly afraid. "Why you, anyone else could've done this.. but you? Right now? Ugh." I whine, not caring about how my words effect him right now as I climb to my feet. "Millie, you're bleeding- let me help." He instructs, his expression serious but eyes full of concern and pleading. "I'm fine, Finn." I assure, giving him a small glare. "No you're not, now stop pushing me away just because your mad and let me help you." Finn says firmly, that same begging look in his eyes yet his expression doesn't show it. I roll my eyes as I let out a deep breath, looking away from him as I reluctantly give in. "Fine, but don't think I forgive you from yesterday." I warn, pointing my finger at him. "I never asked."

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