Late Calls

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Millie's POV:

After Charlie had finally retreaded to his room I rushed over to my door and locked it, my brain and body being 100% done with being social for the day. I then trudge over to my closet and slowly change into some fluffy pajamas followed by wiping off the little makeup I had. With a thud I fall onto my bed and snuggle under the covers, grabbing my phone for my normal nightly routine until a mental reminder flashes on in my brain. "..Gosh dammit, Finn." I whisper aloud, almost annoyed at the fact my feelings won't refuse his last request. I let out a tiresome sigh as I fly through my contacts until I land on the one and only, Beanie Boy. My finger lingers above the call option until I finally give in to my emotions and gently place my phone next to my ear. After half of the first dial an all too familiar voice speaks through my phone. "Hey new girl, didn't think you'd call." Finn's quiet voice greets, causing an abrupt smile to form on my lips. "Neither did I." I answer jokingly, allowing him to let out a light chuckle. "I had fun today, y'know that?" He mentions with the sound of blankets rustling in the background. "Yeah, nothing better than free cocoa." I admit, causing another chuckle escape his lips. "Um.. there's a party tomorrow, if you were interested in going. I mean, none of the others are but.. I am." He says, his voice suddenly sounding vulnerable and nervous. "Well as much as that sounds like an absolute blast, I'd rather have a chill day for once since I got here. For a new girl I sure have an eventful calendar." I explain, muttering the last part. "Yeah- course, completely understandable. I-I guess we can hangout Sunday or something." He blurts out with his voice sounding weak rather than his usual confident self. 

"Finn, are you okay? You're acting a little different." I say, my British accent laced into my words. "I'm.. I'm fine, don't worry about me." Finn protests. "Okay.. you know I'm here if you wanna talk or anything." I mention, hoping he'll crack. "Yeah, yeah I know. There's nothing to talk about though, everything's good." He explains with a forced yawn. "Finn Wolfhard, really- what's going on?" I question sternly as I sit up in bed. "Nothing! Nothing is going on, at least nothing that should concern you." Finn says lowly, trying not to raise his voice in the dead of the night. "Finn.." I state, having no other words. "I'm sorry, it's just a little bit of nerves... some nerves that came out of no where, for no apparent reason. It's weird." He confesses with a sigh. "No reason?" I repeat curiously while furrowing my brows. "Well- maybe... I don't know, it's stupid." He remarks, his voice growing quiet. "Finn." "Yeah?" He answers slowly. "Friends don't lie." I insist, even though I don't see him as a 'friend'. "I guess.. what I'm trying to say is," He starts before taking a deep breath. 

"Millie, you're different than other girls- different than any other girl in town. And no, it's not because you're new or anything. You're different because when you met me, you didn't see me as just a pair of lips or some good look looking guy- even though I'm not. Millie, you're probably one of the first people to see the real me.. the me that actually admits all this instead of just making flirtatious remarks or messing with your head. The fact that you have this effect on me that you created in a matter of days, which no one has ever done, scares me. And I'm not exactly sure why." Finn vents out, every word rolling off his tongue as if he's been holding them in forever. "Does that mean you're... scared of me?" I ask curiously as I cross my legs together, ignoring the flustered expression I obtained after his speech. "No, no. I'm just worried how everyone will act when the realize I can actually be changed by a girl, rather than forget them after a few dates and move on." Finn explains, once again causing me to feel all giddy and become flustered. "Y-Yeah?" I question with a smile, hoping to reassure myself. "Yeah.. and to think, I haven't even kissed you yet." He remarks with a chuckle, causing me to join him. "Oh don't worry Wolfhard, you'll get your kiss... someday." I state flirtatiously, my own voice even causing me to blush. "That someday better come fast, Brown. Before you know it, I'll have you crossed off my list in no time." He shoots back, his tone switching to match mine. "Ha, you wish, beanie boy." I add as a smirk forms across my lips. "Let's hope it comes true. It's past one, we better get to sleep." Finn mentions with a yawn. "Yeah, night Finn." I respond tiredly. "Night Millie." He whispers back before ending the call with a press of a button. I slowly plug in my phone and click it off before happily drifting off to sleep, with one dark haired and freckled boy on my mind.

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