That Much Memorable

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Finn's POV:

After my fourth period, when I was supposed to go to lunch, I slipped out of the crowd in the halls unnoticed and headed straight to the gym where I knew some student council members would be setting up for the dance. I push through the double, thick wooden doors, my entrance causing all eyes to shoot my way. Though I'm sure it wasn't finished, everything already looked dream like. Snowflakes hung from the tall ceiling, the stage already set up for the DJ with fancy lighting ready to sprout color onto the dance floor. "Finn Wolfhard- what would a guy like you want from people like us?" Jennifer, the president of student council, asked as she came over to me with suspicious eyes. Slightly nervous, I cover up my weakness by looking around the gym at all the decorations, as if I just noticed them. "Nice decor you got here, real winter-y." I comment, gesturing up at the flakes as I ignore her question. "Yeah, that's kinda the point. Now you here to compliment my work or are you going to tell me what you're really after?" She questions, folding her arms as she looks at me up and down with raised brows. "If you're talking about getting with me, I'm sorry but I'm taken." I warn while putting my hands up in surrender. Jennifer scoffs as she rolls her eyes, turning away from me.

"Wait-" I blurt, pulling her arm so she faces me and quickly retracting it. "I want to play a song." I explain vaguely, making her eyebrows scrunch together. "A song? Why?" She queries, her features softening slightly. "Because.. I wrote this song for Millie and I wanted to perform it to her, but I couldn't think of anywhere I could do it but here. And if I play it for her tonight, a night she's been waiting for since she found out it was a thing, I know it'd make it that much memorable." I rant out, the words tolling off my tongue before I can get the chance to stop them. When I'm finished, she stares at me like I'm some stranger she hasn't known a day in her life; completely, and utterly shocked. "What?" I ask after a few seconds of her staring, my voice snapping her out of her trance. Jennifer seems startled as she attempts to recompose to her usual bossy self. "I mean, if you really want to-" She trails off, looking over her shoulder at the stage with a sigh. "I guess.. I could allow it." She mutters the last part, though still making it hearable for me to show her a genuine, toothy smile. "Thank you, Jenn. You won't regret it!" I shout, pointing to her as I jog back to the entrance I used before, hearing a 'don't call me that' in the distance. Alright, where and when is done- now all I gotta do is perform. Easy, right?


Millie's POV:

"Ha ha, very funny. Seriously though, where's Finn?" I repeat to the others, all of them shrugging. "Stop worrying so much, I bet he's just late or something." Caleb explains as he picks through his food, his eyes aimlessly wandering. "Well.. I'm sorry for being a caring frie-" "Girlfriend." A voice cuts me off matter-of-factly as his arms wrap around me from behind, his chin resting atop my head. "Well speak of the devil." Noah states sarcastically as he gestures to Finn. "See? Told ya!" Caleb mocks, to which I simply snicker at. Finn's arms unravel from my torso as he takes the empty spot next to me. "So, did I miss anything?" He asks curiously, glancing at everyone. We all shrug or shake our head until Sadie looks as if a light bulb just flickered over her head. "Oh! Noah, I almost forgot- how was lunch with Kenzie yesterday?" She questions eagerly, leaning on the table as she faces him with a smile. My eyes shift over to the boy's beaming red face as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat, setting down his fork. "Yeah, how'd that go?" Gaten adds, nudging him as he chuckles. His face somehow grows darker, looking like a ripe tomato. "Uh.. well, I think it went good." Noah answers vaguely, making all of us groan in unsatisfactory. "Sorry! I don't remember everything that literally lasted for 30 minutes." He complains, putting his hands up on the table. "Fine, we'll let you off the hook this time." Caleb sneers, turning back to his food.

"So guys.. I got the house to myself tonight." I mention suggestively, raising my brows at them. "And?" Gaten asks with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I let out a disappointed sigh, "Seriously Gaten? C'mon, big house, no parents.." I explain, waiting for him to get it but he just shrugs. "A party, she thinks we should have a party." Caleb states sarcastically while knocking off Gaten's hat, resulting in the blue eyed boy to punch him in the arm as he retrieves his hat- causing the two to start wrestling like little kids in the middle of lunch. "Hey guys!" Finn shouts, causing the two to stop and turn to him with angered faces. "Knock it off." He instructs, the two give each other another shove before returning to their food. "I swear your like kids." Sadie jokes, shaking her head as if she was their parent. "Anyway.. I think it'd be cool to like have a Snowball after party, and anyone who ants to come can." I explain, all of them nodding in approval. "Yeah, that'd be pretty cool." Finn confirms with a soft smile, causing my lips to tug upwards slightly unknowingly.


"You did not!" I exclaim with my hand covering my mouth, looking at the red with wide eyes. "I mother-fucking did." Sadie admits with a toss of her hair as we stand on my porch, both already dressed and pampered. "Sadie, you are a queen." I state, wrapping my arms around her in a welcomed hug. "Alright, now lets go before people start thinking we're some celebrities." She blurts, causing me to laugh. We walk down my driveway in our heels to the long, black limo Sadie's family rented for tonight. Man, I wish I had parents like hers. The two of us climb into the limo where Gaten and Noah already are sitting there in their tuxes with bright smiles, and of course with Kenzie at Noah's side. The ceiling of the car has a lining of colorful lights and the sound of music blaring through the high class speakers. "Wow, Millie, you look fucking stunning!" Noah exclaims, receiving a slightly curious look from Kenzie that he doesn't notice. "Thanks Schnapper. Kenzie, I love your dress!" I mention, hoping it'll reverse whatever doubts she just had. A bright smile replaces her previous expression as she looks at me, "Awe thanks Millie, same!" Kenzie states as she gestures to mine. The five of us continue to talk or belt out to the music as the limo drives to Finn's house where Caleb and him are waiting for us.

Soon the car comes to an abrupt stop, sending Gaten flying into the middle floor as we all chuckle. Noah stands from the sofa that loops all along the walls of the limo and opens the sunroof to stick his upper body outside. "C'mon fools, let's go!" He yells with his voice sounding slightly faint, his words probably to Caleb and Finn. "Chill Schnapp, we're coming!" I hear another voice reply happily, the blissful sound making a smile creep onto my lips. Sadie gives me a smirk as her shoulder bumps with mine, knowing exactly why I have this expression. "Shut it, Sades." I snap with my finger pointed at her face, wearing a reluctant smile. She only giggles. Just as I drop my hand back to my lap the limo doors swing open followed by Caleb and Finn stepping inside, Finn of course, with his hands stuffed in his pockets as always. Caleb's striped tux truly shows how stylish he can be, the colors somehow seeming to mix perfectly with Sadie's baby blue dress. And Finn? Well Finn's never looked so bloody hot in something so simple as a grey suit. Caleb climbs over to where Sadie and I are sitting and thuds down next to hear, beaming with joy.

As for Finn, he's frozen in place at the doorway with one foot still on the pavement and his eyes locked onto me as his mouth gapes open. He blinks a few times as his eyes travel from my face to my heels with that same 'in awe' expression. "Holy shit." Finn manages to say aloud, all of us having our attention on him as he continues to stare. "Wolfhard, we get it, Millie's a fucking goddess. Now get in here before I freeze to death!" Sadie scolds playfully, her words making him fall out of his state and climb inside only to end up sitting at my side, his eyes still full of admiration. The limo starts moving again and everyone starts chatting up the space, I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice Finn staring every once and a while with a small 'you're gorgeous' or 'did i ever tell you how much i love you' whispered in my ear; every time making my face beam red. He'll be making me look red all night if he keeps this up.

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