Heck Of A Drive

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Millie's POV:

Only minutes later the sun disappears under the peak of the buildings, the same glorious colors still present above it. "Finn.. this- this view is just plain stunning." I say, almost breathless from the sight as I stare out in awe. "Yeah, it is." He replies flatly. When I look over at him, curious of his tone, I'm met with the same familiar pair of dark brown eyes that drown me with wonder and admiration. He allows a light breath to escape his smiling lips, his dark eyes never leaving mine until they trail down to my lips. Hesitant, he starts leaning in slowly, the space between us becoming smaller and smaller. As his chapped, yet soft lips press onto mine, my breath suddenly hitches as I instinctively pull him closer by the back of his neck. Only seconds later, I pull away as our lips stop moving in sync, a sheepish smile present as I bite my lip. "Hey, new girl.." Finn whispers, our lips still about an inch apart. I stay silent, knowing he'll continue without an answer. "Check." He says, his signature smile finding its way onto his face as he references his 'kiss list'. "You're such a loser, Finn." I state with a smile before pressing my lips back onto his gently. Our lips open and close in unison, every touch from him sending strange jolts of lighting through my body. No wonder they call it 'a spark'.

Abruptly, Finn pulls away while walking backwards, strolling over to his car door with a cheeky smile showing. "It's a long drive back to Cumming.. wouldn't wanna miss curfew, now would we?" Finn questions as he cocks his head sideways, as if he were an adorable puppy. I roll my eyes playfully as I push myself onto my feet, joining him in his low rider, pitch black, camero. Soon enough, he's driving out of the parking garage and into the busy streets of the lit up city. "So.. are we not actually going to talk about what happened up there?" I ask with disbelief, gesturing behind us as a shade of red coats my cheeks. "What do you mean, the kiss?" He questions with a raised eyebrow, looking at me with interest. "No Finn, the sunset- of course the kiss." I say sarcastically, laughing cheerfully as he smiles. "What's there to talk about?" He says curiously with a shrug, facing the road again. "Well there's, y'know...." I trail off, not actually finding anything to say as I let my mouth move with no words coming out. "Exactly. Just let it be what it wants to be, Mills." He advises, tapping his thumbs on the wheel casually. "And what does it want to be?" I ask, a tiny bit of attitude in my voice. "Whatever you make it." Finn answers, in a tone similar for telling advice. A sigh escapes my lips as I redirect my gaze over to the window to my right, peering out at the various streetlights in the city.

"Hey.. you okay?" Finn asks, obviously confused by my reaction. "Yeah, I'm fine." I assure him with my most trusting voice. "Millie, fine means you're lying. What's wrong?" He questions, glancing over at me countless times as he drives. "Finn, am I.. Am I just gonna be another girl in your life that you kiss then drop and never talk to again?" I ask sternly, furrowing my eyebrows as I watch him bite the inside of his cheek. "Millie-" He starts with a low breath, never taking his eyes off the road ahead. "Well am I, Mr. Heartthrob? Hm?" I snap, my voice rising slightly as I peer into the side of his face. He clenches his jaw, not daring to look at me. "Speak! Say something, for Christ's sake!" I insist, the back of my mind regretting my sudden outburst but knowing it has to be done. "Millie, can we not be fighting right now? It's a heck of a drive." He pleads, finally looking at me once we're at a stop light. "Maybe I should just take the bus then, take the burden off you." I suggest sassily, ignoring the part of me that's regretting my words. "Millie, that's not what I'm saying." He states without hesitation, taking his beanie off and tossing it inside the console. "Why do you do that? Why do you lead girls on who are already head over heels for you, just to break their hearts?" I question, the image of Maddie flashing in my mind. "I don't know.." He mutters under his breath, his stumbled words indecipherable. "What?" I ask sharply, daring him to repeat.

The camero suddenly turns off the road, pulling to the side just as we escape the city. "Damn, Millie." Finn says as he puts his forehead on the wheel, his arms resting on it. "I know I've broken people's hearts, believe me. You have no idea how many times I've seen a girl's joyous smile just drop, just because of me. I don't know why I do it, I don't know why I make out with a girl one time at a party and never talk to her again, I truly don't know. But Millie, since that night we talked in the woods: I've wanted to change. I've wanted to stop doing what I have been for years, and actually find the one I've been looking for my whole life." He vents out, afterwards running his hand through his tangled hair. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have freaked out on you, I know you're a great guy. I've just.. had my doubts due to your past." I confess, my voice more soft and gentle. "I don't blame you. I'd probably be the same way if I were you." He admits simply, shrugging as he switches back into drive and rolls back on the road quickly.

Sudden music starts echoing in the car, the source being non-other than Finn's phone. "Hello? I can't talk right n- here." He blurts out quickly before handing me the phone, the person still on call. I hesitantly lift it up to my ear, unsure of what to say or do. "Uh..hello?" I greet with my brows furrowed. "Hi, who is this? Where's Finn?" A male's voice questions, in a rather annoyed tone. "I'm Millie, and he's driving." I answer simply, getting a low groan as a reply. "Um.. who are you?" I ask curiously as I bite my nails. "Nick, his older brother. I'm guessing you're that girl that slept over, right?" He guesses, causing my cheeks to change color as I get flustered with my words. "Y-Yes, that'd be me." I admit, my voice quieter than before. "Okay Millie, where the hell are you?" He questions sternly, only making me feel smaller and more flustered. "Uh..well- um." I blurt out before looking over at Finn, hoping he'll make up an excuse for me. Seeing my reaction, he quickly reaches into the back and grabs some bubble wrap, handing it to me. Without hesitation I twist the bubble wrap, causing about a hundred to pop within a few seconds, my voice muffled in between the pops. "I..we're....breaking....up." "What?" "...sorry..Nick." I say before tapping the end call option, not giving him a chance to say another word. "What if he calls again?" I question worriedly, clutching his silver iPhone in my hand. "He won't." Finn assures me, letting me nod as a response.

I stay silent as a I stare at him, not even caring if I get caught as I try my hardest to memorize every single detail about him, just so I won't forget; his light brown freckles that are sprinkled along his cheeks and nose adorably, his defined cheekbones that anyone would kill for, his sharp jawline that could grate cheese, the dark brown pools that surround his bright pupils that expose his emotions with one look in the eye, his curly tussled black hair that's mostly pushed to the left, for once not being covered by a soft beanie that completes any of his outfits, and his special signature smile that can make any girl fall in love with him and his pearly white teeth, charming even the most stubborn people with his cheeky grin. Finn Wolfhard truly is a heartthrob. "Y'know, I don't deserve to be stared at by someone far more attractive than me." Finn confesses with a grin, glancing over at my now flustered face. "I-I'm not.." I stutter out while shaking my head as I stare at the car floor. "Don't deny facts, new girl." He retorts with his eyes still glued to the long road ahead of us. "But what if they're false?" I ask as I raise my eyebrows, knowing part of the 'fact' to be wrong. "What part of that could be false?" He shoots back with a smirk, a look of disbelief in his dark eyes. "Me being 'far more attractive than you', obviously." I answer with a light chuckle, watching as he shakes his head with a disapproving smile. "What?" I question, reluctantly smiling as I watch his every move. "Millie, you are a goddess, and the fact that you don't see how gorgeous you are is simply insane." Finn states, his voice showing he meant every word. "We all have our opinions, beanie boy." I say with a sigh, directing my eyes over to my window as our conversation ends with those words.

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