After Party

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Millie's POV:

Soon after Finn's performance and all the compliments and cheers were thrown onto him and myself, for being 'queen'. The whole gang and I, including Kenzie, rode back to my house for the after-party I'm hosting for basically anyone who wanted to come. Gaten and Noah had helped me set up my house for the party earlier on today, and though it was annoyingly hard work, it payed off in the end. The seven of us walk up my driveway, waving goodbye to our gracious limo driver with pure joyous smiles. "Damn, I still can't get over your song Finn." Noah admits, patting him on the back supportively as the rest of us nod. "When I told you to write a song for Millie I didn't expect you to write a fucking masterpiece. That shit should be on record, man!" Caleb exclaims, causing me to raise my brow as I smile. "You wrote that song for me?" I ask, looking over to Finn as I unlock my front door. He smiles with his perfect teeth showing shyly, he lets out a nervous breath before nodding. My smile only grows wider as I feel my cheeks grow hot. Seriously Millie? You're back to this again? I luckily hide my flustered expression by opening the door to my house that already has snacks, drinks, and shot glasses in the kitchen, karaoke set up in the living room, along with snow-themed decorations. "Wow, you guys got this place looking  like a winter wonderland." Finn chuckles, touching one of the hanging snowflakes with the tip of his fingers.

"Go big or go home." Gaten replies, patting Finn's shoulder a few times as he walks past him and into the kitchen; filling up a shot glass with vodka, raising it to us, before throwing his head back and downing the liquor in one gulp. He lets out a satisfied 'ah' sound as the shot glass hits the counter, a sound you'd usually only hear after some actor in a soda commercial took a swig of the 'refreshing drink'. "Well, if you keep taking shots like that I don't think you'll ever make it home." Sadie states with a short laugh, looking at the curly haired boy in amusement. As everyone starts betting on how many drinks it'll take until Gaten is passed out drunk, I slip away into my own thoughts as I peer over at the clock hanging on the wall: 11:20 pm. That means people with probably be arriving any minute now. With the teacher supervisors kicking out the way too energetic kids and some students getting tired of nonalcoholic drinks, they should come rolling in within the next 20-30 minutes.

My thoughts come to a halt once a soft hand touches my shoulder, causing my attention to turn to them. Her fiery red hair is pinned up in a beautiful bun-type hairstyle that couldn't go better with her dress, her blue sparkling eyes full of care and gentleness despite her tomboy, rough and tough exterior. "You going to be alright?" Sadie asks with a smile, a hint of tiredness in the creases of her smile. "Yeah, I'm good. Just a little.. overwhelmed, a lot has happened so far and there's still so much more that could happen." I answer with a light giggle, looking at her with my eyes widened as if to say 'i'm scared'. She flashes me yet another comforting smile, one that shows it's going to be okay. At least one of us is sure of it.


As I expected, students of all ages starting coming in within the exact time I thought. And surely enough, complaining about the same reasons I thought they would. I'm probably some physic.. totally- like That's So Raven. ~If you could gaze into the future.. future~. I brush away my alluring thoughts as I dim down all the lights and instead turn on the light-disco ball thing that spins with a bunch of colorful spotlights morphed into the sides to make a ball. With music already blasting and teenagers already drinking, talking and drinking, or singing with the karaoke, I let some stress roll off my shoulders. Everyone's happy, you're happy, you're doing great. I escape the living room and walk over to the kitchen where I find it to be much less energetic but still loud enough for you to be forced to talk above your usual volume. As I slowly make my way over I watch as Finn leans back on the island's counter, a red solo cup in hand, his suit jacket fitted perfectly on him with his dark curls hanging loose, and a laugh escaping his lips as he talks with Gaten. The blue eyed boy has his black tie loosened around his neck, his white button down shirt un-tucked from his pants, and his jacket nowhere to be seen.

"Hey boys." I say casually as I come up beside Finn, taking a solo cup from the stack set on the counter and pouring some of the 'special punch' (as Gaten calls it) into the cup before turning my attention to them. "Uh.. Millie, I'm not sure you'd-" Gaten starts, his voice raising in worry as I bring the liquid to my lips and take a sip. He let's out a defeated breath, " that." I raise my brows at him in confusion, not finding the drink bad in anyway. "Why wouldn't I?" I question curiously while scrunching up my eyebrows. Gaten's bright blue eyes glance over to meet Finn's before shifting back to mine, seeming as if the two just intercepted some secret conversation within each other's minds. His expression seemingly changes from worried to calm and carefree. "No reason." He answers with a smile, taking his famous hat from the counter and fitting it on his head comfortably. I narrow my eyes at him, deciding to drop it with a long, hesitant 'alright'. I turn to Finn as he takes a long sip from his cup. "So.. how long have you been keeping the song a secret?" I ask, raising a brow to him. He presses his lips together in thought, biting his top lip before finally answering. "I think about.. a little less than a week?" He guesses with a shrug. I shake my head as he takes another sip, "What?" "Nothing- I'm just surprised you've been able to keep it a secret for this long... especially from me." I answer, about to flirt with him until I realize Gaten's continuing presence. "Well, it was Caleb's idea." Finn mentions while nodding his head to the side. "Really? Caleb suggested this?" Gaten asks in complete doubt, almost to the point of sarcasm. Finn just nods while shrugging as a response. The blue eyed boy shakes his head while scoffing lightly, still seeming to doubt him but not willing to protest, as he looks over at the living room with his cup to his lips. His eyebrows furrow as something catches his eye, and without another word, he exits the conversation and heads in that direction. I turn back to Finn as he does the same, both of us cracking a smile as we realize how awkward Gaten's exit was. "And that's Gaten for ya." He jokes, making a small laugh to come from my lips as he smiles.. that damn smile. As our laughter lessens, I glance over to the karaoke machine and notice the person is almost done. "So beanie boy.." I say with my eyes still fixed on the machine, getting Finn's attention as he follows my eyes and chuckles softly while facing me again. My eyes meet with his as I bite my lip, raising my brows as if to ask him what he already knew was coming. Another light hearted breath, "N-No.. I can't, Mill." He states, shaking his head. I quickly change into a pout, grabbing his free hand and interlocking my fingers with his like a high five gone to hand-holding. "Pleaaase?" I beg using my innocent, puppy dog voice and eyes. Finn gives me a admiring smile, "Cute, but not cute enough." He informs me with a good-guy smile, I know you know what I'm talking about. "C'mon Finn, pleaase? It'll be like High School Musical when they first meet and be all cute and stufff." I explain, setting down my drink so I can wrap both hands around his single free one. "Oh, well in that case- a definite no." Finn confirms, giving me a stare that similar to a mother's when telling her child to stop trying to convince her to buy a toy. I pretend to give up, dropping the act. "Alright, fine, I'll just go on my own." I say confidently, shoving my drink to his chest before walking to the karaoke machine that a few teens just finished using. Chatter fills the room as I go through the songs, trying to decide on a good one. This should be good.

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