Let Me Help

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Millie's POV:

We walk up to the familiar Wolfhard residence, his house being much closer from where we were than mine. He puts his bike back into the garage before bringing me inside, and up to the bathroom across from his room. "Take a seat." Finn says, gesturing for me to sit on the edge of the fairly nice tub. I watch patiently as he takes a small clean rag and wet it under warm water, wringing it slightly before coming over to me. "This might sting a little." He warns before carefully pressing the against my bloody cheek, the wound being fairly wide. I wheeze with my teeth clenched together, my palms still bleeding and therefore stinging. "I'm almost done." He assures, his voice still low as usual. He pulls the rag away, a read splotch visible on the white rag until he runs it under the sink again. Doing the same thing as before, he comes closer. "Can I see your hands?" He asks, though it sounds more like a statement. Not answering, I lift my hands up to him, letting him hold onto the back of one as he presses it against the wound gently, doing the same with my other hand. "Okay, now put your hands under the water so we can put on some Vaseline." Finn instructs as he finishes wringing out the cloth, setting it to the side. I climb to my feet and do what I'm told, feeling an uncomfortable tension between us. God, I wish it would just go away and we'd be like before. I carefully dry off my hands, wincing when the towel grazes my wounds. Turning to Finn, I show the palms of my hands to him, preparing myself for a sting as he gently applies the clear cream. The second his hand touches me mine my heartbeat quickens as I attempt to hide the way my breath hitched slightly.

"Millie?" He says, his tone more comforting as he continues to apply to my hands. I hum as a response, afraid my voice will sound high pitched from being nervous. "Were... were you with Wyatt? Before I ran into you?" He asks hesitantly while gazing up at me, almost as if he didn't want to hear the answer. "I'm sorry." I state softly, both of us knowing what the answer was. He just nods, focusing back to his task. "Nothing happened- we actually just talked about you most of the time." I mention, making his eyebrow raise in interest. "Bad things?" He guesses, refusing to look at me. "No, but I didn't know you used to play football." I admit, causing him to snicker with a small smile. "Were you any good?" I ask curiously, just as he finishes applying the cream. "Define 'good'." Finn says with a soft chuckle, putting the Vaseline back onto the shelf. "Okay, only one more thing we gotta do- bandages." He informs me, grabbing a roll of white cloth from the shelf as I sit myself up onto the edge of the sink. "I don't think it'll hurt, but be prepared." He warns, starting the wrap from the back of my hand and rolling around, finishing both hands with ease. "And there you go, all done. Now was that so hard?" He teases with a faint smirk, resting his hands on either side of me against the sink. "I wouldn't have to have been helped if somebody didn't fall on top of me." I mention, tapping his shoulder when I say 'somebody'.

"C'mon, princess, you know you missed me." He teases, inching closer as his eyes glance down to my lips. "I wouldn't be too sure." I mutter, not really focusing on anything else but him, and the closing space between us. His lips finally touch mine, his lips gently moving against mine My hand rests on his shoulder, our lingering kiss slow and soft. Finn abruptly pulls away, causing me to retract my hand as he clears his throat awkwardly. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He mutters, backing away from me as he refuses to look me in the eye. "Finn, it's fi-" "No, we can't just act like the party never happened- we have to talk about it before our relationship goes any further." He states firmly. "Alright, what is there to discuss?" I ask, not really wanting to do this. "Why have you been hanging out with Wyatt?" He questions, a mix of anger and curiosity on his face. "I don't know, because he's a good guy who could be a reliable friend?" I answer, shrugging. You don't ask someone why you're becoming friends with someone, it's just how making friends naturally works. "So you're telling me you don't find Wyatt attractive? Cause from what I saw when you first met him, that's not the case." Finn mentions, causing me to roll my eyes. "Sure, he's a good lookin' dude, I'm not going to deny that. But do I have feelings for him? No." I explain with a shake of my head, still not wanting to talk about this right now. "Ever thought maybe he likes you?" He questions, seeming to be waiting for me to give him the 'wrong answer'. "So what if he does? Finn, I really think you're making a big deal out of nothing." I insist, hopping down from the sink and wrapping my arms around his neck. "He's got a bad reputation, that's a given, but he's harmless and I'm not stupid." I add, raising my eyebrows at him. "I know.. I guess I'm just worried about him stealing you away from me." He admits, wrapping his own hands around my lower back as he looks down at me due to our height difference. "Don't be, I'm all yours." I confirm with a smirk, causing one to grow on his lips as he slowly leans in and gently presses his lips against mine, letting it linger as he pulls away just as slow as he leaned in. My mind now focusing back on reality, I let out a sigh as I remove his hands from my waist. "I better go home now." I mention, knowing my parents are probably up by now. "Right." He says with a nod, letting me walk downstairs with him right on my heels.

"So, you're sure you wanna walk home alone? I could-" "Finn, it's the middle of the afternoon. I'll be fine." I assure, putting my hand on his chest as we both stand in the front doorway. "Yeah, but-" "I'll text you later, okay?" I interject, pulling my hand away as I slowly back out of the house. He let's out a sigh, realizing there's no convincing me. "Okay, see ya new girl." He states, giving me a small wave. "Later beanie boy!" I shout back, already half way down his driveway. I notice him stifle a laugh before shutting the door, leaving me with an amused smile as I begin my walk back home.


"Millie Bobby Brown! Where the bloody hell were you?" Mum scolds the second I get inside the house, making me want to turn back as I quickly hide my bandaged hands in my sweatshirt's pocket. "Uh.. at Sadie's." I answer, acting as if I was confused by her out burst. "I let you go to a sleepover, on family dinner night! I call Sadie's mum, and guess what? She says you never spent the night! Don't lie to me, Millie!" She exclaims, making me slightly panic as I begin to brainstorm excuses. "I was about to call the police!" She adds, throwing her hands up before slamming one on the island's counter. "I-I'm sorry, I was with.. Finn." I admit, only telling half the truth. "You were off with a boy?! Doing what?" Mum questions, her voice still loud and angry. "We were at a party last night, everyone from school was there. Nothing happened, I swear." I explain quietly, refusing to look in her in the eye. She lets out a frustrated groan, letting me know her anger towards me has lessened. "Why didn't you tell me? Or call me to let me know you were safe?" She asks, her tone more worried and disappointed. "My phone died- I didn't think you'd let me go." I answer, my voice still small and fragile. "Millie, just tell me the truth next time. Promise?" Mum pleads, pulling me in for a hug. "Promi.." I answer, not finishing the word so I don't feel guilty when I most likely do it again. She pulls away, now actually focusing on my appearance, more so my bandaged hands and small gash on my cheek. "Woah, what happened sweetie?" She asks worriedly, her eyebrows furrowed with concern. "I-I just fell, Finn helped me." I answer truthfully, praying she won't question any further. "Hm, you've been spending an awful amount of time with that boy- are you dating?" She asks curiously, raising a brow. "Uh.. would you get mad if we were?" I shoot back, waiting nervously for an answer. "Of course not, love! If you think he makes you happy, then go for it." She advises with a motherly smile. "Great, well I have a lot of stuff I gotta do. Talk later?" I suggest as I slowly back away to the staircase. "Alright." Mum answers with a sigh, now back to doing whatever she does. I flash her a smile before bolting up the stairs to my safe haven: my bedroom. That could've gone a lot worse.

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