It's Different

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Millie's POV:

"Okay, but whatever you choose- keep in mind I don't look good in bright colors." Finn warns as we stroll along the sidewalk in the dead of the night, him being much more sober after he drank more water and ate. "I think you'd look good in anything but whatever you say." I admit with a shrug, causing him to look up at me with a genuine smile. "Are you going dress shopping anytime soon?" He asks curiously, taking my hand and warming it with his breath as he watches me intently. "I think Sadie and I will tomorrow." I answer as he brings out interlocked hands back down to our sides, shoving his free one into his jean pocket. "I got work tomorrow, so I guess that pans out perfectly." He mentions with a pleasant smile, causing my brows to furrow. His express changes to match mine, letting out a nervous laugh. "What?" Finn questions, not understanding why I'm confused. "You work all this weekend?" I ask, making his confusion grow. "No, I only work tomorrow." He protests, his voice making it obvious he's still confused as to why I'd even ask that. "But Caleb said you were working down at David's today, and that's why you weren't there already." I explain, he gives me another confused look before his his dark eyes widen slightly. "Oh, yeah- I did work today. But it was just a small job that David wanted me to do quick, nothing big." He says, facing straight ahead. I stare at him a little longer after he finishes talking, already knowing that he's lying from watching how he lies to others, more so his parents. Deciding not to confront him, I simply just nod and continue walking with his comforting hand laced into mine.

"Finn?" I ask quietly, he hums a response. "Before I came here.. what were you like? I mean, besides all the heartthrob stuff." I question, having thought to ask it many times but never finding the chance. "Well, I was less.. happy. Most of the time I kept to myself, and only really talked to the group. I'd never talk to a girl unless I wanted something from her, which isn't really something I'm proud of. I was just a guy, that's it. With you- it's different, I don't do and say the same things I would if I were talking with one of my friends." He explains, facing forward the whole time as he speaks. "When I'm talking to you, I pay more attention, care to hear what your saying, tell you what I actually think and things I've never told anyone; I take in every second I get to hear your one-of-a-kind voice. I include the romantic part of me when I'm with you, and that's the main thing that really separates me from the past." Finn confesses, gazing down at me as the last sentence rolls off his tongue. I stare into his mesmerizing eyes with smile plastered on my lips, taking in every aspect of his memorable face: his fascinating brown eyes that if stared into for too long you get lost in, his chiseled cheekbones any human desires, his sharp jawline that seems to be able to grate cheese, and the incredibly attractive freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheeks that just make you love him more every time you notice them.

Finn breaks our eye contact as he finally pays attention to where we are, my house. "That was a fast 10 minutes." He states in disbelief, sighing as we make our way to the end of my driveway. "Thanks again for walking me home. Being with you.. it's nice." I admit, my bandaged hands overlapping as I press them to my chest. "Well I'd hope spending time with your boyfriend would be nice." He remarks, causing me to laugh softly. A comfortable silence fills the air between us as I unknowingly stare at him with my lip between my teeth. I see a specific glimmer in his eye as he stares back at me, a glimmer I haven't failed to forget. Finn takes a a quick step towards me and cups my face in his hands, pressing his lips onto mine as my breath hitches abruptly, causing him to smile at his affect on me. He probably loves knowing he still has it. After a few moments we pull away in sync, both having rosy cheeks and bright smiles. I press my lips together as I look down at my shoes shyly, never really have gotten used to the butterflies he always causes. "I'll see you tomorrow, Millie." Finn says, kissing my forehead before starting to walk in the opposite direction we came. "Finn?" I blurt out, making him stop abruptly, turning to me with raised eyebrows. "I..I love you." I confess, the simple phrase seeming so overused yet still having that same powerful meaning. A smile grows on his lips as the words escape mine. "I love you too," He says assuringly, facing forward before staggering back to me. "new girl." He adds with a smirk. I crack a smile as he then continues down the sidewalk, not once looking back at me as he strolls with his hands stuffed in his black jeans. Oh Finn, what have you done to me?


I quickly jog down the stairs at the bright time of 9 am, ready for another day in the small town I've grown to love. "Oh Millie! I should remind you that we're going on a little trip to visit Paige back in Indiana, we'll be gone for the next two days." Mum informs me as she stands in the kitchen. My brows furrow in disgust as I come into the kitchen. "No, I can't do that. Tuesday is the Snowball." I protest, resting my hands on the edge of the counter. "Well I'm sorry Millie, but you're coming." She confirms sternly, brushing off my words. My lips part as I roll my eyes in annoyance, not giving up just yet. "Mum, it's the Snowball. That's like.. prom here!" I state, throwing a hand up in the air. She presses her lips together as she gazes at me with her motherly look. "Millie, this'll be one of the only times you'll be able to see Paige this year. You know you want to go, so it's final." Mum remarks, much to my frustration. "This is such bullshit!" I shout, smacking my hand on the counter, careful not to hurt myself. "Language!" I hear Dad yell from the living room, to which I just roll my eyes at. "Listen Millie, if you really want to go to this 'Snowball'- then you'd be all alone, and unprotected to anything that comes your way." Mum warns while pointing her finger at me. "So? At least I wouldn't miss out on the biggest dance of the year." I mention with an annoyed shrug. She lets out a sigh, "Alright. If it means that much to you, you can stay. But- you must call me before and after school, and answer when I text or call you. No matter what, don't answer the door to anyone unless you invited someone over. Oh- and no parties or boys at this house, understand?" She explains, the similar accent we share thriving with each word she says. With a smile, I nod enthusiastically before giving her a tight hug. "Thank you, Mum. You're the best." I exclaim, running over to grab my converse and jacket to go shopping with Sadie. "Oh, by the way I'm going dress shopping with Sadie. Love you, bye!" I blurt out before bolting out the door, spotting Sadie's jeep the second I step outside as it's parked aside the curb.

Jumping inside, I can already feel her smile from the side of my face as I close the door. "Hey Mills!" Sadie greets cheerfully as she shifts into drive. "Hey, what's got you so happy?" I question suspiciously. Of course, Sadie's always been known to be a relatively happy person, but this is a whole nother level. "Oh nothing.. just the fact that Caleb asked me to the dance." She answers casually, though I'm not surprised at all, I still give her my best shocked expression. "Oh my gosh, really?!" I squeal, grabbing her arm in excitement as she nods, beaming. "Yeah, it was so cute cause he got down on one knee and gave me flowers and just-" She presses her hand against her chest and lets out a dreamy sigh. "Sounds swell, Sades." I tease in a southern accent, to which she simply snickers at while nudging me in the arm as I giggle. "What did Finn do to ask you? Anything special?" Sadie questions after our laughter dies down. "Well, he asked me when we were dancing in his attic to some 80s song his mum loved.... the story sounded better in my head." I answer, causing her to chuckle in amusement. "Millie, I think that's as good as it's gonna get." Sadie teases with a snicker. I playfully roll my eyes as I look out the window. "With him, you can never be too sure." I mutter quietly, memories of that day flashing in my wandering mind.

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