Day Of It

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Millie's POV:

I quickly open my eyes to find a curly haired boy staring at me with bright blue eyes, his arms crossed on his chest. The sight causes me to jump while muttering a curse word, sighing after. "You know it's not true, right? You're being dramatic for no reason, really." Gaten states simply, staring down at me calmly with his hat casting a slight shadow on his forehead. I just shrug as a response, not feeling like talking to one of my friends I'm least close with.. which I don't know why we aren't close. He presses his lips together before sitting down next to me, his hands falling into his lap comfortably. Silence fills the space between us as we both just look around the beautiful scenery. "He really likes you, y'know." He mentions casually, his eyes still wandering around the forest as mine land on him. "Hell, maybe he even loves you." Garden adds with a soft chuckle, causing me to look away with my lips pressed together. "Finn... he's always told us how he wants someone that loves him for him, who looks at him the way Sadie looks at Caleb, that kinda soulmate type thing. I always thought he was sorta stupid for wishing for something so... unachievable, nonexistent." He explains, seeming deep in thought with a hint of unhappiness in his bright eyes. "Your point?" I ask while glancing over to him. He looks down before his eyes meet with mine. "Well, that was until you came... and his wish- his unachievable wish, actually came true." Biting the inside of my cheek, I force myself to look away from those eyes full of honesty and truth. "And Millie?" He asks, I unwillingly glance back at him. "Don't be afraid to let your heart decide." He instructs calmly before climbing back to his feet, peering down at me afterwards as I squint back up to him.

"You coming?" Gaten questions as he slides his hands into his pockets, watching me curiously. I take a glance around before answering, "In a little bit.. it's peaceful out here." I state simply, he nods in agreement before walking into the trees, headed back towards the school. Waiting until he's out of sight, I rest my face in the palms of my hands with my elbows leaning on my knees. I take a deep breath through my nose, enjoying the silence of the forest and scent of pine trees in the distance. "What am I even doing right now? Sitting in the middle of the woods, skipping school, all because of a stupid comment Caleb said? Even Gaten said it was bull, and that I'm Finn's wish come true! God, I'm such an idiot." I rant aloud, the only company being myself. I let out a groan as my fingers race through my thick brown hair, tired of having feelings and stress in my life. I just need a break from life, from people, that's it. And since I'm already counted absent, why not just make a day of it? With a smile I grab my bag and start walking farther away from the school, ready for a day off in this seemingly eventful town.


Finn's POV:

"What do you mean she 'might be coming'?" I retort sternly as Gaten and I stand next to his locker right before our third period with no sign of Millie. "Finn, I don't think you should be so worried. She isn't mad or anything thing, just kinda.. needs time alone. She hasn't gotten a day to herself since she got here." He exclaims calmly as he gathers supplies for his following class. I lean my back on the lockers with my arms crossed in front of me, feeling jittery about the whole thing. "Hey, Finnie." A girl greets with a flirtatious smile as she approaches me, waving at me with her fingers. "Hi." I greet back, trying to act nice as possible. "I hear your into music." She mentions giggly, twirling her hair with her fingers. "Uh.. yep." I answer, not paying too much attention to her and rather the people roaming the halls, hoping one of them will be Millie. I see her fake smile falter in irritation before bouncing back on. "Maybe we could write a song together, people tell me I'm a good singer." She suggests, all her fake happiness and smiles making me want to barf. "Actually I already am writing one with my pal, Gaten here." I lie while putting my hand on his shoulder firmly, causing him to look over his shoulder at the girl and give her a friendly smile. The girl licks her lips while staring at me up and down before suggesting yet another thing, "Then maybe you could teach me to play guitar, have some private lessons?" She whispers seductively, touching the hem of my bomber jacket. "Listen, I'm flattered but, I'm seeing someone." I mention as I remove her hand, slightly uncomfortable. She pouts like a lost puppy, "And who would that lucky girl be?" "Millie, Millie Brown." I answer simply with my arms crossed. "Billie? Isn't she the new girl everyone's talking about? I hear she was a slut back in Indiana." She gossips, making me look at her in disgust knowing it isn't true. "First, it's Millie. Second, don't you ever call her that again or you will not hear the end of that little nickname from third grade.. Sarah Snar-" "Okay! I get it... damn, what happened to the old Wolfhard?" Sarah responds, mumbling the last part as she walks away. "You sure took care of her." Gates states with a chuckle as he closes his locker. "Yeah, thanks for the help." I reply sarcastically before heading to my next class: Chemistry.

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