The Game

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Noah's POV:

After chatting about our classes the time finally comes where the game starts. All three of us put our bags in my car before heading to the game, pumped for the events to come. "I swear, if we don't beat them, I'm dropping out." Millie states, causing Finn and I to chuckle at her dramatic attitude. "Do you even know how football works?" Finn questions with a raised brow, deserving a gasp from Millie. "Of course I kind of know!" She exclaims, her words completely defeating her tone. "As long as you know the basics you'll be fine, and if not, just do what everyone else is doing." I explain with a shrug before walking up to the admission box and showing the woman my activity pass all students get in middle school that allows you to get in for free, with Millie and Finn close behind. "You guys want to get anything before we go to the stands?" I question the two that keep glancing over at each other subconsciously. It's both incredibly adorable and annoying as f*ck. "I'm good, you?" Finn asks the brunette beside him, receiving a shake of her head as a response. "Alrighty then, let's go watch some football." I say while rubbing my hands together in excitement, already rushing to the student's part of the bleachers where all the high-schoolers stand cheering on our team.

Millie's POV:

"How is he so excited? I mean, I never really took him for a football kinda guy." I admit to Finn as we stroll in the same direction as Noah ran. "His dad always took him to games. At the time he wasn't that big of a fan, but now that his parents are divorced, I guess it's kind of a way he can still connect with his dad." He explains with a sigh, making my lips to willingly press together in pity for the carefree guy I've grown to love like a brother. "That sucks.. I guess this really means a lot to him then." I say, letting my thoughts be heard aloud as Finn nods in agreement. "But hey, let's not make this game depressing and enjoy it, right?" He pipes up as he bumps his shoulder into mine purposefully, causing a shy smile to grow on my lips. "Whatever you say, beanie boy." I remark with a smile, following as he picks up his speed until we're standing on a steel bleacher with Noah on my right, and Finn to my left.

"Finn, what's going on?" I ask loudly over the sound of teenagers talking, chanting, and cheering. "Interception, which means it's our ball." He explains, seeing as I can only see half of the field due to my short height. I nod before looking over to Noah who's face is just beaming with happiness, his perfect teeth shining brightly as he watches excitedly. "So Millie.." Finn starts, causing me to draw my attention back to him. "I was wondering if you'd be-" He says before a loud roar engulfs his next words, the people around us cheering loudly as the announces shouts, "Touchdown Raiders!" "What'd you say?" I question once the cheers die down as he continues to nervously chew on his hoodie string. "Nothing, it's not important." He states nervously, his head only facing the ground. "If you say so." I reply, hesitant to stop studying his expression.

Suddenly my focus draws to the girl in front of Noah, her hair seeming oddly familiar until I finally figure it out and lean over to Noah's ear. "Mackenzie's right there, just ask her now!" I whisper-yell, giving him a thumbs up as he nods anxiously. He stutters to tap her shoulder until she ends up falling back due to her friend pushing her playfully, Noah catching her in his arms instantly. "Hey." He greets while staring down at her with a shining smile. "Hey." She replies before Noah snaps back to reality, pulling her back up to her feet. "Noah, right? I hear you're some kinda chemistry genius." Mackenzie mentions, receiving a sheepish smile from Noah as he rubs the back of his neck embarrassingly. "Hey, don't worry. People call me a book worm so..." She trails off, ending her words with a shrug. "Um, so Mackenzie.. do you have a date to the Snowball yet?" He questions curiously, a look of hope in his colorful eyes. "Not yet, and you?" She responds with a raise of her eyebrow. "N-No. But, since neither of us have dates.. would you like to mine?" Noah asks hesitantly as he bits his bottom lip in anticipation. A look of thought flashes over her face before settling on a smile, "Sure, I'll give you my number?" "Y-Yeah! That's fine." Noah exclaims while scrambling to search himself for a pen before an arm reaches over me, and in their hand a dark navy pen. "Thanks Finnlard." He says as he takes the pen and gestures for her to write her number on his wrist. I let out a small giggle as I look away from the adorable new lovebirds, my brain instantly thinking of The dark haired boy next to me as I then look over at him while he peers out at the game. "Hey." I say as I gently bump shoulders with him, the slightest contact able to make a smile grow on my lips as his eyes meet with mine. "Hey, enjoying your first NFHS game?" He asks curiously while bumping shoulders with me again, causing a light giggle to escape my lips. "Yeah, I am actually." I answer with an approving smile. "Good to hear, new girl." He teases, a smirk on his chapped lips as we continue to unknowingly get lost in each other's eyes.

The teen standing in front of me suddenly clears his throat, causing my head to come his way to show a boy with dirty blonde hair quipped up attractively with good-looking features all around. "Excuse me, but can I just please say just how beautiful you are.. I mean, wow. Surely an attractive girl such as yourself has a date to the snowball already, no?" He questions with hope lingering in his bright blue eyes. "Um.. actually no, not yet..." I trail off, waiting for him to add in his name. "Levi, Levi Miller." Levi introduces while offering his hand out, in which I happily take. "Well Levi Miller, I'm-" I start before an all too familiar voice cuts me off. "Millie Brown, sixteen. Though you wouldn't know that, would you Miller?" Finn taunts as we then awkwardly let our hands drop. "Um, I guess not Wolfhard." He says while giving him a strange look before looking back to me. "Anyway, I was wondering if you'd give me the honor to be your date to the Snowb-." Levi states before the familiar voice interrupts yet again. "How bout you ask someone you actually know instead of a literal stranger, Levi?" Finn spats out, glaring at the annoyed boy. "Thanks to you, I didn't even get to ask." He mutters loud enough for me to hear. "Let it stay that way." Finn adds as Levi turns on his heels to look forward again, a look of irrational on his chiseled face. "Millie, we should go." He whispers in my ear with a hand on my lower back, sending chills through my body as I scrunch my brows. "Why, be-" "Just c'mon." He states as he holds my hand and leads me out of the jam-packed area full of parents, kids, and teens.

Once into the parking lot, I yank my hand away and stop in my tracks, causing him to do the same. "What the hell Finn?" I scold, not used to the tone I'm using on him as watch him stand there with his head tilted towards me and his jaw clenched, still looking hot as ever. After a few moments of no answer I let out a groan. "Finn, you can't just stay silent when someone confronts you on shit! You have to speak, use words!" I exclaim while throwing my hands up as he holds the bridge of his nose in between his thumb and index. "Millie I-I got jealous," He admits with a nervous sigh, letting his hand drop back down. "and that's a feeling I'm not really used to." He adds before pressing his lips together. "Why?" I ask while taking a step closer, the space between us about 6 feet. "Because he was going to do something I don't have guts to do, something I'm nervous about doing because I want to do it right.. and if I can't do that, then I shouldn't at all. Cause Millie you deserve it done right, and he wasn't going to give that to you." Finn rants out, gesturing towards the field at the end as he shakes his head. "Finn, I don't deserve anything, truly. But not everything you do, will, or even can be done right..even so, you still should do them just because you can and you want to." I protest, taking a few steps towards him and letting my fingers graze his.

He lets out a laugh like breath as he shakes his head in disbelief, "Is there anything you can say to make me stop lov-" Finn starts with a smile before drawing out the 'v', realizing what words were escaping from his lips as his eyes widen and fingers quickly back away from mine in an instant. "Make you stop what?" I ask innocently as I grow nearer with an obvious smirk showing. "Uh.. t-to make me stop loving this.. weather. Yeah! That's it, this weather." He stutters out though it's obvious that's not the truth. "Sadie was right, beanie boy." I mention flirtatiously as I wrap his hoodie string around my finger, while he just stares down at me in confusion. "You're falling Finn, and you're falling hard."

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