Lake Nights

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Millie's POV:

"I swear, ever since I moved here there hasn't been one second that I wasn't busy. Can't a girl just chill?" I complain to Sadie as she drives her bright red jeep, headed towards the lake with our swim suits under our warm clothes, just in case. "Nope." She answers, popping the p. "Mills, this is what it's like to have a life that's fun to live in. I don't know if you've realized this, but you've got some people at school noticing you since you started hanging with us... since the day you moved here." She explains with a light giggle, causing me to do the same. "What do you mean: noticing me?" I ask curiously while raising my eyebrows. "Well.. you're still the talk of the school. And I've heard some comments about 'how attractive' you are, and uh- some other things I don't wanna say." She mentions with a smirk, causing my jaw to drop as I realize what those things are. "R-Really?" I ask in disbelief, only getting an assured nod back. "Wow.. wait, who?" I question further, curious to know. "Wyatt Oleff, Chosen Jacobs, I think Jack Grazer also said something. Y'know, just some guys." She lists off casually, shrugging them off. "Huh... ain't that interesting." I state, not finding anything else to say as we drive down the road named 'Kiger St'.

"Alright, let's go hang with those dimwits." Sadie announces as she shifts the car into park and climbs out, with me shortly after. "Hey Sadie!" Caleb greets, waving her over to where himself, Noah, and Gaten sit on the dock. "Sup guys, where's Wolfhard?" She asks as we join them, most of my attention directed towards the moonlight glistening on the water magically. "If I knew, I'd tell you." He answers with a sigh. "So.. what exactly are we doing out here?" I question, mostly just to fill the silence between all of us. "Ah! That reminds me, I brought beers." Gaten mentions cheerfully as he stumbles onto his feet, rushing into the darkness where the cars are parked. "Yes Gaten! You're the man!" Caleb exclaims with his hands in the air happily. "Yes, let's get drunk under the correct age and inevitably fall or get pushed into the freezing lake on a Saturday night." Noah suggests, his voice complete monotone to show he disapproves of the situation but will give in easily. "Yep, not like we haven't done it before though." Sadie mentions with a shrug, him and Caleb nodding in agreement.

Suddenly a pair of dim yellow lights come peeking into view from the area where our cars are parked on the grassy dirt followed by the sound of a car lurching to a stop, the lights shining on Gaten who holds two boxes of beers in his hands. We all watch in silence as the lights flicker off, the sound of a car door creaking open echoes in the air, and Gaten strolling over to us unfazed. Soon after Gaten arrives back to the dock, footsteps thudding on the old wood follows, until eventually the moonlight reaches the figure and reveals a boy that suddenly makes my heart skip a beat, wearing khaki joggers and a plain white shirt. A dark red beanie covers over most of his pitch black hair that curls out onto his forehead, with familiar freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheeks. "Hey, sorry I'm a little late." He greets with his hands stuffed into his pockets as he towers over us, all of us having our legs dangling over the edge of the wooden dock. "Was starting to think you wouldn't come." Caleb admits jokingly, gesturing for him to sit with us. "I'll sit if you promise not to push me in." Finn states cautiously, pointing at the dark skinned boy. "I don't make promises I can't keep." He confesses with an amused smirk, his white teeth contrasting against him. "Yeah, sadly I've learned that the hard way." Finn says lowly before walking over to me and sitting in the free space next to me, Noah on one end and Finn now on the other. "Okay, who wants a beer?" Gaten asks cheerfully while holding up three unopened bottles that quickly get snatched out of his hands and passed down the line until everyone has one of the brown glass bottles filled with alcohol.

"So, how has your 'chill day' been going?" Finn questions, his knee lightly grazing mine. "Um.. good." I answer hesitantly, knowing very well it hasn't been a 'chill day'. "It wasn't a chill day, was it?" He asks, lightly chuckling as I shake my head. "Well, with us in your life- you'll never have a 'chill day' again." Finn admits truthfully, bumping shoulders with me.  "Is that a warning or a promise?" I ask flirtatiously, my lips tugging upwards as I stare at the smiling boy next to me. "Both." He answers softly, our eyes never leaving each others as he slowly starts leaning in, his eyes closing gently as he places a hand on my cheek. "No! Wait!" Sadie squeals out before a loud splash cuts off her next words followed by hysterical laughter, causing both Finn and I to snap our heads towards the scene. "Caleb, you idiotic jerk!" Sadie scolds as she emerges to the surface of the lake, her bikini being the only thing on her body. I look over to the other guys who still are dying laughing, Sadie's clothes rolled up into a ball and laying in replace of where she sat on the edge of the dock. The three boys then start stripping off their shirts, already wearing their swim trunks. "Here, I'll help you up." Caleb offers Sadie, holding his hand out for her. She happily takes it with two hands before pulling him into the cold water, causing Gaten and Noah to burst into another fit of laughter before pushing each other in. I turn my head back to Finn who meets my eyes instantly after gazing at our friends, raising his eyebrows as if to say 'you wanna join them?'.

"C'mon Mills! Strip!" Noah urges on, tugging on my ankle gently. I stare down at the pale boy, his hair slicked back with lake water as a pearly white smile shows on his face. Without another word I pull off my clothes quickly to reveal my British flag themed bikini, causing both Noah and Finn to laugh as the look at me up and down. "You coming, beanie boy?" I ask in a whisper, my tone flirtatious as I tug the end of his short sleeve. "Millie stop flirting and come in! It's not as cold as you think." Noah explains, allowing me to quickly jump into the lake, my skin instantly finding goosebumps as my short hair soaks in the dirty water. I quickly emerge to the surface, glancing over at Finn who still looks awestruck as he stares at me with a smile. "Finn! Come. On." I yell, snapping him from his trance as he then throws off his clothes, his plaid trunks revealed under his joggers. He takes a few steps back before running off the dock, pushing off the edge and flailing in the air until his body slips underwater.

Noah swims away to have a splash war with Gaten as Sadie and Caleb play the game where you hold someone bridal-style, ask them a question about yourself: if their answer is wrong you dunk their head underwater, and if it's right you flip their whole body underwater. Finn quickly swims up to the surface, running his hand through his soaked hair as he lets out a pleased sigh. Gosh, why does he have to look so hot with everything he does? Because he's the heartthrob, duh. Millie don't fall for him.. not just yet. "Like what you see?" Finn asks smugly, letting me realize how long I was staring at him as I shrug like his words didn't effect me, which basically every word he says makes my heart beat faster. "Well, I definitely like what I see." He admits as he stares straight down at the water that reaches below his collarbone, knowing I'm watching him. "Dark water, nice." I joke, causing him to laugh as he looks up just to be met by a wave of water I pushed to him. "Hey!" He shouts while trying to block himself before dunking himself underwater, disappearing from my sight. "Uh.. Finn?" I say while looking around the water, seeing my other friends still doing the same things as my toes step on the cold sand under me. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around my waist and hoist me onto their shoulder, with me squealing the whole time. "Finn! Put me down!" I demand, though both of us are laughing hysterically. "What's the magic word?" Finn asks, his tone resembling a mother. "Please, put me down.." I answer calmly. "As you wish, princess." He replies before throwing me over his back, sending me straight to the water in within seconds.

I push myself to the surface where the familiar boy laughs lightly, the sound slowly fading as I run my hand throw my hair and wipe away the water from my eyes. By the time they flutter open Finn is only a few inches away, staring at me in admiration. "What.. do I have something on my face?" I ask curiously with a small smirk. "Besides smeared mascara, just beauty." He answers although the last part is muttered as I splash my face with cold lake water, wiping under my eyes vigorously. "Millie-" Finn says as he holds my wrists carefully, stopping me in my tracks. "I don't care." He admits truthfully, raising his eyebrows in concern before letting his hands fall back into the water. "Good, cause I don't think it's gonna come off anyway." I add, letting out a relieved sigh as he smiles approvingly. As silence fills the air between us I find myself watching Sadie and Caleb get flustered by each other with wide grins and heart eyes in the distance, the moonlight shining over them and the rippling water. "He's always thought Sadie was the most perfect girl in the world, since day one." Finn mentions abruptly after following my gaze, his voice snapping me from my trance. I look over at him, his eyes never leaving the two love birds. "Caleb always looks at her.. as if she's the only person in the world. And for me, that's how I've always wanted to feel towards someone. But-" He explains before letting out a sigh, "I guess feelings take time." He adds simply before redirecting his view from them to me, pressing his lips together as his eyes fall from mine to the water. "Why aren't they dating then? They both obviously have feelings for one another." I question, my mind thinking logically. He shrugs, "That's one question I have yet to answer, new girl." Finn answers as he pushes his hand through his pitch black hair, lake water making it even darker than normal. "Key word: yet." I add, causing a light snicker to escape his lips as they tug upwards.

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