Rough Monday

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Millie's POV:

I bet you're wondering what exactly happened between Romeo and I to decide to breakup, or why he's even in Cumming, Georgia. Well to start off, Romeo and I met at school with the both of us being the new kids in town, that happened to both be from England. Later on we started dating and was the perfect couple, everyone always called us Romeo and Juliet, at the time we were the definition of 'relationship goals'. Yeah, all that stopped when my dad announced we were moving to Cumming for his new job. Romeo and I argued on and on about whether to do long-distance or not, with me wanting to not do it. Eventually I just broke up with him, though it was one of the hardest things I've ever done, I don't regret it. And now I'm here, crushing on the school heartthrob with Romeo being the last thing on my mind. Funny he showed up right when I was over him, isn't it?


"Okay nerds, we've arrived to the living hell." Sadie announces while turning her car key and stuffing it into her pocket. I blink a few times, still coming out of my thoughts as I swing my bag onto my back and jump out the orange jeep with Sadie and Noah at my side. "So wait, why would your ex drive all this way to see a girl he isn't with anymore?" Noah questions, proving that it makes no sense. "If I knew, I'd tell you. He just showed up, no warning or anything. It's weird." I answer while furrowing my eyebrows, still confused myself. "Have you told Finn about him?" Sadie asks worriedly, putting all her attention onto me. "N-No, but he knows who he is." I answer with an innocent shrug as we reach the school doors, our group deciding not to go to our traditional table due to the rain last night. The second we step inside, noise flood our ears by the sounds of lockers, footsteps on the tile floor, and chattering galore. With a sigh I make it to my individual locker, grabbing all of the things I'll need for my following classes, the first being with Mr. Heartthrob.

A abrupt bang fills my left ear due to someone being thrown into the locker beside me, that person being Gaten himself with Finn and Caleb, all of them messing with each other and laughing. "Alright, leave me alone you morons." Finn insist while pushing them away, a bright smile still on his freckled face as they shove him back lightly before walking down the hall. He turns around to face me, causing my eyes to instantly shift back to my locker to continue grabbing books. The same bang fills my ear as he leans on the locker beside me, a look of interest in his eyes as he watches me. "Hey, what's up?" Finn greets with his arm holding his body, wearing his grey nett beanie and seemingly favorite green bomber jacket. "Nothing much, Finnie boi. How bout you?" I question while slamming my locker shut with my eyes still on him, putting a light smirk on his lips as he bites the inside of his cheek, looking at me up and down.

"You're looking cute today, who's the special guy?" He asks as his smirk fades, his eyebrows beginning to furrow. "If there was a guy, would you be jealous?" I question with a smirk. "What? No! I-I don't get jealous." He answers quickly while shaking his head repeatedly. "Chill Finn, there isn't any guy.." I start before leaning into his ear, "at least not that you're aware of." I whisper before walking past him and towards our shared class, hearing the sound of him stumbling onto his feet as he tries to catch up to me but fails until we finally walk inside the English classroom. "Millie, what were you talking about?" Finn asks quietly, his tone worried and anxious as he follows me to the back where are seats reside. I simply ignore him as I get my notebook out of my bag, waiting to see how far he'll go. "Millie. Don't act like you can't hear me." He says sternly as his right knee shakes like crazy, bouncing on the tiled floor anxiously. Already feeling guilty, I grab his hand that he was using for hand movements, my touch causing his leg to stop completely. "There's. No. Guy. Now can you please focus on on Mr. Keery for once?" I ask hopefully, receiving a nod as he then faces the front with me mimicking his action.

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