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Millie's POV:

After finishing our food Finn finally gave in and told me he'd show me the hangout place he'd been talking about non-stop. "Finn, I swear if you say it one more ti-" "Fillie." He repeats for the billionth time, knowing how much it annoys me. "Oh my god, for the last time 'Fillie' is not a thing!" I retort as he giggles like a little girl with one hand on the wheel. "C'mon, you know you love it." He teases as he slips his free hand into mine, a smirk on his face as he stares for my reaction. "Shut it, Wolfhard." I snap while untangling my hand from his, causing him to chuckle. "How much farther?" I complain as he redirects his attention to the dirt road ahead. "Eh, I'd say 15 feet." He answers while putting the car into park and bolting out to the almost visible white van in the depth of the night. I get out of the car and start strolling the direction he went just before I freeze at the sight of, what seems like thousands, Christmas lights hanged across the trees, brightening the whole area to reveal a bonfire with white fold out chairs placed around it. "This. Is. Amazing." I confess as I stare at everything in awe. "Yeah, it's pretty cool." He adds while jumping down from inside the van to join me side by side. "You made all of this, today?" I ask in disbelief while looking over at him. "Well, with the help of the guys." He explains, walking over to one of the chairs and thudding down with a sigh. "Not gonna lie, this is incredible." I say as I sit down in the identical seat next him.

"You wanna start the fire? It's supposed to get pretty cold tonight." Finn offers while rushing over to the van where he grabs a bright blue lighter along with some lighter fluid. "Uh.. Finn, you do know that lighter fluid is pretty intense. Don't you have matches or something that won't cause you to burn your hand off?" I question worriedly, causing a pleased smirk to form on his lips. "I mean we do.. but where's the fun in that? Here's what I'll do, so first I spray the wood with the lighter fluid and then I light a rolled up piece of paper and then throw it into the pit and bam! Bonfire." He exclaims while walking over to the bonfire and squirting the lighter fluid all over the wood. "Just, be careful." I mutter while leaning back in my chair with my arms crossed. He holds the piece of paper between his thumb and index finger cautiously while flicking on the lighter and holding it under the ball until it almost reaches his fingers where he then drops it into the bonfire, backing away quickly as flames rise into the sky. Finn lets out a chuckle at his success as he makes his way back to his chair, never taking his eyes away from the multi-colored fire. "Surprised it actually worked." He admits while glancing over at me. I just nod my head as a response.

"Hey um.. Millie?" He asks, causing me to look over at him with my brows lifted. After a few seconds of his jaw hanging open with no words coming out he clenches it shut and stares over at the fire, shaking his head slowly. "Nevermind." He mutters while fidgeting with his hands. "No, no. You can't just say nevermind, tell me." I insist as I put my hand on his upper arm, causing him to smile gently. "Um.. well, would you maybe-" He starts, a faint smile on his lips as he takes a deep breath, "Would you possibly want to go.. out, like on a date?" Finn questions while looking over at me with his bottom lip between his teeth, his hands folded together. As I stare into his brown eyes, visible by the clicking fire, it's like the first time I truly see him.. see who Finn Wolfhard really is. He isn't some stuck up heartthrob who only kisses a girl for the hell of it or goes to parties just to seem popular, Finn is truly just a goofy guy with a golden heart and vulnerable mind who just wants to live life to the fullest with those he honestly cares about at his side. "I'm sorry, you don't want to and that's fine." He says, causing me to realize how long it was taking me to respond. "No! Finn, I-I'd love to." I protest while pressing my hand on my chest. "Really?" He asks, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Yeah.." I answer while faintly grinning as I watch a genuine smile find it's way onto his face, his perfect teeth showing. A look of realization washes over his face as he forcefully coughs, acting like everything was super casual for him. "I mean, uh yeah.. cool." He says while nodding casually as he stares at the fire, causing me to burst out laughing which only causes him to reluctantly join me.

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