Snowball | Pt. 3

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Finn's POV:

(the song Finn 'wrote' is at the end of this chapter- its from Riverdale XD) 

"I get a little bit overwhelmed.... but I find you when I need you most. You are the compass that I've always held.. 'Cause around you I can be myself, " I sing aloud, somehow managing to not mess up. My eyes slowly move to look at the people around Millie; Caleb with a smirk on his face and his arm around Sadie as she 'awes' with her hands to her chest, Gaten with his mouth agape yet somehow still smiling, and Noah with his hand placed on Gaten's shoulder, watching me with a proud grin plastered on his youthful face. "I'm trying though, I'm turning the page.... We're animals breaking out of our cage," I sing more confidently this time, adding a small jive to my body as my hand moves against the guitar and slides down each chord. "There's nobody, no one, no way who gets me like you do.... And I know it ain't gonna change, you always pull me through. We're as wild as we can be- I got you and you've got me," Now I look at the crowd as a whole and notice others tapping their foot to the beat, swaying to the music, or those really 'i don't give a fuck' kids who are just straight up dancing. The sight doesn't fail to make me uncontrollably smile. "I got you.. You got me."

With that last part of the chorus I stand up from the stool, unable to contain myself as I close my eyes shut and just sing out the words I wrote in my messy room with the thought of them in my head, but more so, her. "We grew tall in the same small town... Stealing shopping carts that we'd race around. Late at night looking at the stars... Carry moon beams home in a mason jar." Soon I start singing the chorus again while moving to the sound of my guitar that I passionately keep strumming, hearing some small cheers and feet stomping or dancing from the crowd. I just keep going, opening my eyes every once and a while only to make my smile to grow wider with the smiling faces beaming back at me, the dancing students, and some even attempting to sing along. I sing the chorus for the last time, everyone's hype slowly coming to a halt with the last lyrics that slip out of my mouth. "I got you... You've got me..." Letting the last chord linger in the air, I let heavy breaths escape my lungs and finally acknowledge the small sweat beads at the seams of my hair. That is until every student present in this very gym starts bursting with cheers, clapping, phrases like 'way to go Wolfhard!' shouted from the guys or 'love you' riskily admitted by some girls.

But none of that mattered once I finally saw Millie and the rest of the gang bolting through the people and practically trampling over one another on the small staircase up here. I quickly take the guitar off of my body, realizing someone would get hurt with it's presence. Before anyone else can reach me Millie is the first to come quickly walking to me with long strides. "You're ridiculous, Finn." Throwing her arms around my neck, she presses her lips tightly onto mine as if I was her sense of oxygen. Her lips soften as she pulls away, the cheering of students the only thing present in my ears. Before I could even say a word back the 5 missing pieces to our puzzle form a group hug with us smashed in the middle. "So I'm guessing I did good?" I ask with a small laugh, everyone only complimenting me more. "Are you kidding me?!", "You we're fucking legendary!", "Told ya she'd love it.", "Proud of you, Finnlard." Are just some of the few things I could piece together from all the compliments they kept throwing at me, but only one made a permanent mark... "I love you, beanie boy."



i know it's a shorter chapter, less than half of my normal ones, but I couldn't let myself keep going when that seems like the perfect ending for this small Snowball Pt (?) section. and as an "i'm sorry" present i'll show you the pictures sadie took at the snowball right below the video, the next one will be normal length and published soon! ps. i actually made them so.. XD

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