Our Own Contemporary Life

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Millie's POV:

Finn makes his way towards me in the hall with that same heartthrob smile, putting his hand on my upper arm once reading my expression that I quickly hid by turning away. "Hey, what's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost." He jokes, letting his hand drop without a second thought as to my behavior. Play cool, Millie. He probably didn't notice Wyatt. "I just.. I don't feel very well." I explain with a shrug. His smile fades into his normal expression, "Do you want me to drive you home?" He suggests as he watches me stack more books into my locker. I snicker, "No. That's the last place I want to be." I admit with a sigh. I can't see my family's faces more than I have to, not when we're so close to leaving. "You feel it too?" He asks, though saying it more like a statement. I raise a brow at his sorrowful face, "Feel what?" Finn's face falters slightly, almost like he's disappointed I don't know what he's talking about. Oh, but I do. "Nothing, it's stupid." He mutters as his eyes move to the people passing by us to lunch. "Finn, you know the rule: friends don't lie. That counts even more as my boyfriend, so spill." I instruct kindly. He sighs uncomfortably, "The guilt, the fact that you already miss them." He shifts between his feet quickly, obviously insecure from his feelings. I lower my eyes, "Yeah. I feel it too." He nods as his nerves seem to come at ease.


"Sadie, I have to talk to you about something." I mention after the one thought had haunted me all day at school. "Okay, hit me." The fiery red haired girl insists as she plops herself down across from me on my bed. "Well.. I guess I'm just nervous about going back to Indiana." "Why?" She asks in confusion, her eyebrows scrunched. "Because.. that's where Romeo is and if I have to deal with him again-" "Mills, if there's anything I can promise.. it's that that Rome-hoe bitch isn't coming within 5 miles of you or any of us." She promises, putting her hand over mine and giving it a squeeze. "Yeah, I know. I guess I just don't want to go through that again with Finn. I just want it to be us, for good." I admit with a sigh, feeling a small sense of embarrassment seeing as he too is her best friend and could tell him everything I never get the chance to. "Well, I guess all we can do is have faith in your relationship. Hell, I know I'm already fully invested." She giggles while wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk plastered on her pale face. 

"Oh shut up!" I playfully yell as my cheeks grow hot, pushing her slightly. "Finn and Millie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" Sadie sings out as she twirls around my room. "What are you, twelve?" I joke as she then stops abruptly with a glare headed my way. "I'm eleven bitch so shut the fuck up." She sneers, reenacting the vine that had become our shared favorite. I burst into a fit of laughter as she then breaks, the two of us laughing our heads off with our hands clutching to our burning stomachs.


Hours later I woke up to Sadie walking around my room, gathering things from my walls (like the photos) and clothing from my closet. "What-What's going on?" I ask groggily as I watch her whip her head to me. "I'm packing for you." She explains with her hand gesturing to the suitcase that lays open at the bottom of my bed, where my feet rest under my bed covers. "Oh, by the way, Finn's coming over." Sadie adds casually, continuing to run around my room. I lower my eyebrows into a confused state, "Why?" "Fun. He should be here any second." She answers, looking through my closet.

Our conversation is ended at the sound of my bedroom door being knocked on. "Come in." I allow while sitting up in bed, fully aware of who will walk through the door. "Hey, I got your text red." He greets until his eyes quickly fall onto me. "Were you asleep?" He questions with a small, pathetic laugh. I roll my eyes, "No Finn. I just somehow got bedhead." I joke as he stands at the edge of my bed with a smirk. "Best case of bedhead I've ever seen." He flirts as he attempts to ruffle my hair but fail due to me smacking away his hand. He lets out a cheerful laugh, obviously not affected as I try to suppress a contagious smile. "Well.. I guess you didn't see me on the morning after the Snowball." I mention with raised eyebrows, smirking lightly. "Oh trust me.. I did." He jokes with a smile. "And?"  I query while sitting up slowly to my knees so I'm almost eye to eye with Finn, moving my hands onto the back of his neck where they intertwine. A smile starts forming on our lips as the space between us begins to lessen, his dark eyes gazing at my lips eagerly. "Guys!" Sadie shouts abruptly, the two of us shoot our attention to her, my hands falling from his neck. "Can you not?" She asks, eyebrows risen with her lips in a grimace. I roll my eyes playfully as I reestablish the space between Finn and I. "What'cha doing?" Finn questions Sadie as he gestures to the suitcase. "Packing for her, because I'm a better person." She remarks jokingly, causing him to roll his eyes as he scoffs. "Right, okay Sink. We'll go with that." The dark haired boy retorts sarcastically yet also jokingly. Sadie glares at him with the smallest flicker of a smile as she turns back to my closet.

"How do you even know what I want to pack? Or even what I need?" I question, my accent flourishing through every word. "Because I'm your best friend and I know what your favorite clothes are, and it's basically like packing for college." She explains as she comes back out with five more clothing items I own and start folding them into the suitcase. "How do you know what packing for college is like?" Finn remarks with an eyebrow risen. She shrugs, "I just do." Finn and I exchange a confused glance but dismiss the answer anyway. Whatever. We have bigger things to worry about than how Sadie knows what to pack for. "So, tomorrow's the day huh?" The boy asks as he walks over to my bay window, peering out with his dark green beanie covering the perfect amount of his curls. I let out a deprived sigh, "I guess so. Tomorrow we'll get the van from the hangout, pick up Caleb, and that's it- we're gone." "Guess you could say tomorrow we start our own 'contemporary life'." He says calmly as he turns back to us. "Did you just say 'contemporary'?" Sadie snickers in amusement, to which he flips her off. "No Finn," I protest, "we start our runaway life."

Contemporary Life // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now