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Millie's POV:

After about 45 more minutes of a comfortable, wordless, radio playing ride back to town, we finally end up lurching onto my driveway at half past 9. "Thanks again, for today and everything." I mention as I gather the few things I brought with me. "Anytime, Brown." Finn replies with a nod, the sight of him without a beanie on still making me stare in awe. "I'll see you tomorrow then, at school?" I question, seeing as he skipped last time. "Yeah, course." He answers quickly, nodding aggressively. A smile forms on my lips as I turn over to the door handle, ready to get out. "Millie-" He blurts out, stopping me in my tracks with my hand still on the silver handle. I hum as a response before feeling a pair of lips pressing on to mine, with a soft hand touching the side of my neck gently. For the second time today I feel like I'm floating on clouds, with just him and I existing in this whole world, including the joyous and adrenaline feeling of his lips on mine. Within seconds I melt into the kiss, my hand slipping off the handle slowly as it deepens, both of us not wanting to disconnect our lips but gasping for air every time we do. I reluctantly pull away gently as I realize we're still in my driveway, and that there are other people besides just the two of us on this planet.

"I..I should go inside." I mention softly as I bite my lip with an obvious smile, my eyes looking down at his olive green bomber jacket that fits him perfectly. "Please tell your mom I'm sorry I couldn't make it for dinner, I really don't want her hating me." Finn pleads, his smirk fading into a small frown. "I will but I don't see how anyone could hate you. I mean, you are the Finn Wolfhard." I joke, my accent thriving through my words as he chuckles playfully. "I'll see ya later, new girl." Finn states after I force myself to get out of his car, still wanting to spend all the time in the world with Mr. Heartthrob himself. "Only if you're lucky, beanie boy." I tease with my lip between my teeth, smiling at him without a care in the world. I watch as he flashes his signature smile that I've grown to oh so love, backing out of my cracked driveway and driving down the road to who knows where. The smile never leaves my face as I stroll into the middle-class house I call home, a light hop in my step as the memories of today flash through my mind on repeat.

"Welcome back, book worm." Charlie greets from the kitchen as he leans on the granite counter, a bright red apple it his hand. "Sorry, it took a little longer than we thought it would. Where's Dad?" I explain while scanning the main floor where Mum watches Dance Moms on the couch. "Asleep, he's got work tomorrow." He explains, allowing me to nod as a response before watching Ava skip down the stairs with a mischievous grin on her adorable face. "Hey Char, Mum, guess what?" Ava says cheerfully, gathering everyone's attention. "Millie kissed a boy in the driveway!" She tattles, drawing out the 'y' while all eyes shoot to me. I feel a sudden warmth in my cheeks as I open my mouth to explain but nothing but stuttering air comes out. "Uh..I..whaat? I don't know what she's talking about." I lie, which none of them buy. "Wait, was it Finn?!" Mum questions with a shocked expression. I let out an extremely high pitched hum as my brows raise and eyes widen, paralyzed by the sudden words that came from her mouth. I'm dying, I'm dead. Someone please kill me now. "That beanie wearing guy with the camero? No way.." Charlie pinches in as he shakes his head with doubt, only making my thoughts run faster through my mind. "Oh, um Mum- Finn says he's sorry he couldn't make it for dinner. Okay now, bye!" I blurt out as I rush up the stairs, my words stumbling over another as I dash to the safety of my room.

The second the door closes behind me I turn the lock, pushing my hands through my soft hair as anxiety rushes over my body, filling my mind with questions that can't be answered at this time. "Stupid Ava with her spying and tattling." I scoff, my voice below a whisper as I let out an annoyed sigh. Why don't we just go to bed and forget my family for now? Then maybe I'd actually get a full night's rest since I got to this small town. With my decision decided, I quickly stroll to my shared bathroom and wash the light makeup from my face, brushing my teeth before heading back to my peacefully quiet room. Too tired to actually put any thought to my sleepwear, I trudge into my walk-in closet and choose the neatly folded clothing that lies on a vacant shelf. Lazily walking over to my bed, my eyebrows furrow to the familiar scent that engulfs the cotton outfit I wear. I look down at the familiar grey sweatpants and navy blue sweater I'm wearing, my eyes widening at the sight as I realize who that scent belongs to that I now smell with every breath. Gosh, it's like I can't escape this guy. I press my lips together before shrugging as I lay down in my bed, snuggling into my silk purple covers. With minutes I drift off to sleep, feeling safe in the comfort of his scent while my mind imagines him being with me rather than simply his clothes.


The sound of my phone blasting a melody on repeat forces my eyes to open with a light moan escaping my lips. I snatch my phone from my bedside and click off my alarm, jumping out of bed hastily as I throw on a pair of leggings and a grey Calvin Klein sweater. Just as I finish applying my light makeup a sudden ring echoes throughout the house, sparking my interest as I come out of my room with a confused expression. I watch from the top of the staircase as Charlie opens the door to reveal a particular someone I thought I'd never see again, or standing at my doorway on a Monday morning. I stare in shock as the two speak, both their voices faint and indecipherable from my distance. Before I have a change to speak, his light brown eyes glance up at me, his all too charming smile only growing as he looks at me from head to toe.

"Hey Mills, you miss me?" He greets just as Charlie invites him in, the boy's eyes never leaving mine. "I-How'd you get here?" I ask in disbelief, my hand now grasping onto the railing next to me as my feet refuse to move. "Well, I thought you might be a little homesick, so I decided to drive over for a few days." He explains, his British accent laced into his words. "Uh.. yeah, cool. Where are you staying, exactly?" I question before biting the inside of my lip, staring at him intently. "Just a hotel not far from here. I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed.. I drive all this way and I don't even get a hug?" He asks in disbelief as he holds his arms out, giving me no choice but to come down and accept his open arms. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me makes me feel both nostalgic and slightly uncomfortable, his familiar scent seeming less comforting than I remember in Indiana. "Well, uh.. I have to go to school. I guess we can talk more after, grab a coffee or something?" I suggest after pulling away and rushing over to grab my favorite furry jean jacket, black leather backpack, and only pair of black chucks. "Yeah, course Mills. I'm just gonna catch up with your family then, have a good day!" He exclaims as I dash out the door, Sadie's jeep already parked along the curb with her texting on her phone as she waits for me. I quickly sprint over and jump in the back seat, Noah already sitting in the passenger. "Hey Millster, who was that guy that went inside?" He asks curiously while looking over his shoulder to face me, obviously interested. "Who ever he was, he was totally smoking hot." Sadie adds as she starts the car, her tone honest. "Trust me, I know. He's my ex that I left in Indiana.. Romeo Beckham."

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