Hang Out

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Finn's POV:

I flutter open my eyes to the sound of my alarm clock shouting at me to wake up for school, yet today I wasn't going to go... and only three other boys knew that. I quickly put my plan into action by first trudging over to Nick's room where I hear him humming some song while getting dressed. I slowly open the door and put on my best 'sick and miserable' face, making him furrow his eyebrows in worry instantly as he looks at me. "You okay, Finn?" He asks while putting on his shirt. "I. Feel. Like. Shit." I explain while swaying slightly as if it was tiring me to even stand. "Yeah, you look like it. Um.. just go back to bed, I'll call your school and text mom. Will you be okay being home alone?" Nick questions while grabbing his laptop and sliding it into his bag. I just nod incredibly slowly as a response, hoping he'll understand my slight movement. "Alright, I'll be home late, I got a big group project." He explains while ruffling up my hair before running down the stairs and outside to his car. My parents both work in the medical business, Dad's a doctor and Mom's a nurse, meaning they both work late hours and we rarely see them. The only reason Nick still lives here at 22 is because he attends the college not far out of town and my parents think he should be here for my own safety, and I don't blame them to be honest.

The second he's out of the house I cut out my act and rush to my room to get dressed. Last night I thought of the best idea in the world, and today that idea would become reality. Remember what I said about only three other boys knowing how I'd be skipping? Well they aren't exactly who you might think they are. After getting dressed I quickly grab my phone from under my pillow and text the group chat I made for this specific idea.

fw: hey guys, you ready?

jdg: i am. where is this going to be anyway?

wo: ^

jl: ^^

fw: just meet up at jack's house, then we'll have to clear an area for it using axes or something.

jl: i have a chainsaw!

wo: i have a bunch of camping stuff, and fold out chairs.

jdg: who said you guys could come over?

fw: me, and yeah bring that stuff.

wo: okay

jdg: fine

jl: i can't wait to use that thing

fw: okay, i'll see you guys in a bit.

I click off my phone and stuff it into my pocket before dashing out of my house and into my backyard where I jump over the five foot fence to end up in the forest that resides behind my house, the exact place where this idea will become reality.

I jog the whole way through the vast forest, by the time I make it out on the other side where the 'rich kids street' is my legs are aching and my heart is pounding. "Hey Finn! See any good areas while you were in there?" Jaeden asks as we walk over to Jack's house, the same house that hosted the party. "Was mostly paying attention to where my feet landed, so no." I explain with a sigh as we walk up his driveway. "Finally, took you guys long enough to get here. I got the van in my garage." Jack exclaims as we enter his house where him and Wyatt are sitting on the couch. "Please remind me, how are we going to drive the van into the forest?" Wyatt questions me while furrowing his brows. "Okay well first we get all the chairs and stuff into the van and drive down my street where there's a fairly wide path that goes pretty far into the forest but stops at some small tree area thing, so we drive down that and then cut down those trees to make an area at the end of the path where the hangout place will be. We set up the bonfire in the middle of the area and fix up the van so it'll be like a kitchen of some-sort with the mini-fridge and yeah, it'll be the best exclusive hangout spot in town." I explain with various hand gestures. "Sounds pretty dope." Jack mentions, the other two nodding in agreement. "Yeah well let's get it done today because Jaeden's also got his party to set up for tonight." Wyatt adds while getting up from the couch and heading to the garage. "Let's get this shit done!" Jaeden shouts as he runs outside to load the van with all the supplies Wyatt brought, with me close behind.

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