Write A Song

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Finn's POV:

"Wait, so they're just friends? Wyatt Oleff is 'just friends' with a girl?!" Caleb questions in disbelief, sitting in my desk chair as I aimlessly strum my guitar while sitting on my bed. I nod, still looking down at my fingers as they pluck each cord. "You actually buy that?" He asks curiously, a hint of worry in his voice. "I trust Millie, you should too." I advise, glancing up at him. "It's Wyatt I don't trust, man. Yeah, he's a cool guy to chill with- but I don't think Millie and him should be hanging out alone." He states, obvious concern in his usually cheerful voice. "Wyatt wouldn't do anything like that, Caleb. He's just a harmless flirt." I inform him, becoming slightly annoyed with his protesting against their friendship. "He better be, or I'll rip him in half." He warns sternly, causing me to roll my eyes in amusement. "So, are you guys officially dating or..?" Caleb mentions as he draws out the 'or'. "Yeah, I think so. We haven't really talked about our 'title', but we're definitely not single anymore." I admit, he simply nods understandably. "What about you? You and Sadie have started being a little more.. what's the word?" I say, trailing off. "Couple-y?" I guess, giving him a confused look. "We thought it was about time we acted on our feelings, and even if things don't work out, we can still be friends." He explains with a shrug, to which I just nod with an approving smile.

We sit in silence, leaving the conversation there as he pulls out his phone and starts texting whom I'm guessing is Sadie, just because of that stupid smile he unknowingly has on his face. I continue to try out different patterns and chords, aimlessly messing around with my guitar with no soul purpose other than I feel at home when I play it. "You should write a song, for Millie." Caleb says abruptly, causing me to look up at him with confusion. "What?" I ask, not really paying attention before. "I said, you should write a song for Millie. She's only heard you play at the bonfire." He mentions, to which I simply shrug. "She also told me to start a band, and look where that's going." I state, now looking back down to my guitar. "Finn, I seriously think you should though. Girls live for that type of shit." He explains, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him. "Yeah?" I ask teasingly. "Yeah! C'mon, she'd love it." He urges, gesturing to my guitar. "What do I even write about?" I question. "She's your girlfriend, you decide." He answers, standing up from my desk chair. "Where you going?" I question, not really wanting to brainstorm alone. "Sadie wants to hang- good luck with the song though, make it good!" Caleb exclaims, shooting me a finger gun before running out of my room. "I'll try." I mutter to myself, knowing he's already out the door by now.

I spent the next few hours brainstorming lyrics into my notebook and trying out different chords for the song, putting off anything else I wanted to do and instead putting all my energy into this. It has to be perfect. During those hours, I received a couple of texts from Millie and simply told her I couldn't talk right now for an excuse I've already forgot. "Hey Finn?" The familiar voice of Nick calls out, knocking on the door. "Come in." I answer as I continue to write down the lyric I'm currently working on. I hear the door crack open as he enters my room. "What'cha working on?" Nick asks, causing me to drop my pencil and look up at him. "Just a song." I answer casually. He nods, glancing around my room. "For who?" He questions, his curious eyes meeting back with mine. "Who said it was for anyone?" I shoot back, giving him a suspicious look. "Finn, you never spend this much time playing. Who's it for?" He repeats, seeing right through me as I defeatedly sigh. "A girl." I answer vaguely, looking down at my notebook full of quickly dashed down lyrics. "You gotta be a little more specific, bro." He states, folding his arms across his chest. "Millie." I mumble, refusing to look at him. "Millie? Isn't she that British girl you're always with?" He guesses, to which I simply nod. "Okay well.. good luck." He says before slipping out of my room, fortunately leaving me to work.


Millie's POV:

"Wait- you're telling me.. you don't eat the cherry first?" I ask in disbelief, staring at him in awe. "Nope, I eat it last." He answers with a innocent shrug. "That defeats the whole purpose of putting the cherry on top!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air. "Well maybe they shouldn't have put it there in the first place." He retorts, his voice still at a normal volume. "You're insane, I'm friends with a maniac." I say as if I was talking to someone else, gesturing to him. "Hey! I'm the best maniac there is!" He protests, putting his hands out at his sides. "Pfft, good one." Sadie jokes, pointing at him with an amused expression. "Oh yeah? And what makes you a 'maniac', Sink?" He taunts, leaning closer to her. "Well.. I'm dating you, which could go very, very wrong." She states as he continues to lean in closer with a smirk on his lips. I watch in slight disgust as their lips connect, the sight making me want to barf. "Okay! Let's stop doing that!" I interrupt, clapping my hands together to make them part. "C'mon, it's not like you haven't flirted with Finn in front of us." Caleb sneers playfully, sitting back in his original position beside Sadie on the brown couch. The three of us sit in Caleb's basement with the TV playing the current football game, and all the lights on as the couple sits on the couch with me in a leather recliner. "Actually, no, I haven't. Nor have we kissed in front of you, so.." I trail off, already making my point as they just shrug.

"Speaking of which, why doesn't Finn come join us? It could be like a double date.. but just, hanging out here." Sadie suggests, staring up at Caleb as she snuggles with him. He looks down at her, opening his mouth to speak but with no words coming out. "Uh- he's busy. I think he's down at David's shop, working on cars and shit. Y'know, just Finn stuff." He explains with a shrug, focusing on the game now. "Maybe I should go see him, I haven't been to his work yet." I mention, standing up from the recliner as Caleb suddenly starts to panic. "No, no, no. Stay, he um.. David doesn't like it when people visit Finn during work." He protests, putting his hands out for me to stop as I stare at him in confusion. "So?" I ask, not seeing the big deal. "Well, do you want him getting fired?" He asks curiously, though the answer is obvious. "No.." I answer quietly, sitting back down in the chair as he eases up. "Then there ya go." He says through a breath of relief, snuggling back up with Sadie. They both tune into the game, rooting for the same team they have been for their whole lives. As for me, I get bored easily and start scrolling aimlessly through Instagram; mostly on the explore page where old memes and random fandoms talk about 'how cute' someone or something is. My boredom soon turns into tiredness, my eyelids becoming heavier as I continue scrolling with each meaningless post I double tap. Deciding to just give in to my body's want, I stare at Caleb's extremely soft, red blanket laying on the couch next to the couple. "Hey Sades, could you pass me that blanket?" I ask, using all of the energy I have to appear energized. She glances over at the blanket and easily throws it over to me, not taking another second to look away from the TV as I luckily catch it. I snuggle myself into the recliner with the blanket surrounding me in comfort, and before I know it, I'm drifting off into what I call the 'sleeping abyss'.


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