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Finn's POV:

"Hey man, morning." Caleb says as I close the door to his black truck, the time being 7:08 am. "Morning, thanks again for driving me today. Mom caught me sneaking back in last night so no car privileges." I explain with a sigh before throwing my backpack into the back seat. "Damn, for how long?" He asks as we start the drive to NFHS, our worn down, old ass high school. "I think for 2 days but if I be on a 'good behavior' then probably by tomorrow." I answer, air quoting good behavior. "Does being on a good behavior include no sneaking out?" He questions while frowning. "Not if I get caught it doesn't." I exclaim with a smirk, only making his frown turn into a cheerful smile as we lurch into the school's parking lot. "So.. what do you think of that new chick, Millie?" Caleb asks as we walk towards the school, our bags slung over our shoulders. "Seems cool enough. Why do you ask?" I answer honestly. He shrugs, "You seemed to talk with her the whole time we were in the forest, just wondering what you think since she's joining our group and all." He explains as we approach the school, heading straight to the outside seating to meet up with the others like always.

Millie's POV:

"Okay so we meet here, every morning?" I repeat, all three of them nod. "It's like our reserved space for the mornings, and sometimes after school." Noah explains with various hand movements. "Anyway, let me see your schedule!" Sadie exclaims enthusiastically. "Oh, I don't get it until I go to the office at the start of school." I mention, making her giddy expression lessen to a frown. "Then let's just hope and pray we have at least one class together." She adds, her fiery spirit bouncing back in an instant. "Finn, did you seriously get caught again?" Gaten asks as Caleb and Finn take the last seats in the round table, arriving just seconds ago. "What can I say? My mom has eyes like a hawk or some shit." Finn explains with a shrug, obviously annoyed a the situation. "How'd you know he got caught?" Sadie asks in confusion. "The only times he rides with Caleb is when he gets caught sneaking in, which means no car privileges for him." Gaten says as if he was tired of explaining. "Bingo." Finn adds while pointing at Gaten. Right then the bell rings, warning all of the students to get to their first class. "Well, that's our cue." Noah mentions as we all grab our bags and head inside the building known as school.

"Hey Millie, you're sitting with us at lunch right?" The dark haired boy asks as he adjusts his black beanie, a look of hope in his eyes. "If you want me to." I answer while shrugging, allowing a pearly white smile appear on his face. No wonder he's called a heartthrob, that smile could make any girl fawn over him. "In that case, I'll take that as a yes." He says with the same smile before changing his direction, headed to supposedly his locker. I try to be as small as possible as I push through the many people in the hallway, for a small town they sure have small hallways. After following the directions Sadie gave to me before school I finally end up in the office. "Hi, I'm Millie Brown... here to pick up my schedule?" I say to the receptionist, the middle-aged woman nodding cheerfully. "Yes, yes. I've been expecting you Miss Brown, here you are." She exclaims while handing me a folded piece of paper with various room numbers, teachers, class subjects, and locker information printed onto it in bold letters. "Thank you, have a nice day." I add before exiting the fresh-book scented room, a faint 'You too' following. Okay, first class is English... one of the worst subjects in the history of school. Aren't I just the luckiest?

As I enter the room numbered 207 I'm greeted by everyone's eyes piercing into my body as the teacher, Mr. Keery, pauses mid-sentence. "Sorry to interrupt, I'm the new student.. Millie Brown." I explain to the teacher as he gives me a kind smile. "Right, welcome Millie. I'd introduce you to the class but I'm mid-lecture, so why don't you take the free seat next to Mr. Wolfhard so we may continue." He suggests while gesturing towards the one of many free seats in the back row. I nod my head before following his finger only to find myself looking at that same cheeky smile I saw last night and this very morning. I walk down the free lane between the desks and hang my bag over the chair, pulling out the supplies needed from it as I sit down. "Well hey there, Brown. Strange seeing you here, isn't it?" He playfully says, his fawn-able smile never fading. "Quite." I answer, a small smirk present on my lips as I switch my focus back to Mr. Keery. "You know Millie, I still have yet to cross you off on my kiss list." Finn flirtatiously mentions while leaning over to me, his gaze still on the board. "Oh, so you have a list, do you?" I reply, a smirk clearly present on my face. He nods, "I do indeed, and you're yet to be crossed off new girl." He adds with the same flirtatious tone. "Yet." I repeat, luckily ending the conversation there before Mr. Keery caught us in the act of talking.. ooo.

After what seems like forever the bell finally rings, allowing me to escape from that literature hellhole. "Hey new girl, wait up!" Finn teases as he jogs to catch up with me. "Why do you get to call me a nickname and I don't?" I ask curiously. "I don't know... I mean you can give me one right now, and I bet I'd be completely fine with it." "Hmm. Well it has to be at least a little bit embarrassing.. got it, your new nickname is beanie boy." I proudly inform him while pulling off his beanie and placing it in his hands. "Beanie boy, it suits me." He remarks with a genuine smile before covering his messy hair with the cotton hat once again. What doesn't suit you? Finn and I part ways to our separate classes, all three of them flying by until the long awaited lunch hour. "I'm starving, I could eat the whole McDonalds menu right now within like.. 5 seconds." Sadie admits as we walk out of our shared Math class, her tone completely serious. "More like 5 days." I mention as we head to my locker. "Okay, you're right. Within 5 minutes." She jokes, making both of us let out a short lived laugh as I stuff my books and bag into the small rectangular locker numbered A101.

Once arriving at the cafeteria Sadie instantly jumps in line without a second thought, leaving me with no choice but to join her. "Hey new girl." A familiar voice teases as he passes both Sadie and I. "Beanie boy." I shoot back, making him chuckle as I can't help but smile. When I look back to Sadie she has her eyebrows raised and a smirk smeared across her face. "What?" I ask as she switches her gaze from me to the dark haired boy sitting at a table who's staring directly at me. "You and Finn, never would've thought of that happening." Sadie mentions, a small smirk still present on her lips. "It's not happening. He's just a.. cool guy." I explain though she shoots me the same 'seriously, i'm not stupid'  look. "Listen, I don't blame you. You're not the first girl in this town to fall for that Wolfhard." She says, occasionally looking back at him as we talk. "Who ever said I fell?" I ask, slightly offended. Sadie just shrugs her shoulders before grabbing her tray and getting whatever she wanted food-wise, me following close behind as we then walk towards the round table located directly in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Hey ladies." Caleb greets as we both sit down in the only seats left of the table, as if the table was specifically made for this group. "Yo." Sadie replies casually before taking a bite of her bright red apple. "So I hear Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is really good.. and it's playing tonight at AMC, you guys up for it?" He suggests, we all nod or shrug as a sign of saying 'yes'. "What time?" Gaten questions before taking a drink of his green lime Gatorade. "Uh.. 10:05 pm," He answers while checking his phone. "Or 10:45 if we want 3D." "Let's just do regular, 3D gives me major headaches." Noah explains, Caleb nods understandably. "So.. movie tonight, Jaeden's party tomorrow?" Finn suggests, bringing up another name I can't match to a face. "Jaeden?" I repeat with my eyebrows furrowed. "Jaeden Lieberher, he's one of like the party throwing guys along with Jack Grazer, Wyatt Oleff, and sometimes Chosen Jacobs." He explains while listing their names off on his fingers. "There's a lot of party throwers for such a small town." I mutter under my breath that he somehow heard. "Yeah, but that just makes them even more legendary." He exclaims with a cheerful smile as the others nod in agreement. "But yeah, Jaeden's tomorrow for sure." Gaten answers while resting his arm on Finn's shoulder.

Just then the same girl that dragged Finn away last night came up to our table, her target the one and only Mr. Wolfhard. "Hey Finnie, I had a lot of fun last night." She exclaims with a flirtatious voice as Finn turns around to face her. "You did?" He asks with the same cheeky smile that almost every girl adores. "Yeah, we should do it again sometime." She suggests with a wink that somehow makes my heart beat faster and a nervous rush wave over my entire body to hear his answer. "I don't like to make promises I can't keep, darling." Finn slyly replies with the same signature smile before spinning in his chair so he's facing us again, leaving the girl to be dumbfounded as she quickly backs away. All of us attempt to hold back our laughter but inevitably fail. "Wow, what a stud." Gaten teases while giving Finn a fist bump. "Kinda harsh don't you think?" I say through my light laughter. "It's better than a flat out 'no', isn't it?" He asks, we all just shake our heads while irresistibly giggling. "Oh.. well too late now, had to tell her I'm not interested some how." He explains while shrugging, making some of the others furrow their brows. "Not interested? Usually you'd be up for it in a heart beat, especially with a hottie like Maddie." Caleb exclaims but Finn just shrugs, now leaving him and the others quite dumbfounded themselves as he gives me a reassuring smile. "I guess I'm interested in someone else at the moment." He whispers under his breath as he stares at his folded hands. Strange how the one heartthrob of the school.. well, can make my heart throb.

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