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Millie's POV:

The short ride to Finn's house was silent yet comfortable, everything an extremely tired girl like me could've wanted. As we lurch into his driveway, he warns me that Nick might be awake so instead of him going to the guest room upstairs where he usually sleeps for some reason, we're going to his real bedroom that's in the basement. "Shh!" Finn scolds at me playfully while pressing his finger to his lip. "I didn't say anything!" I whisper-yell back, causing him to throw his hands in the air before doing the same 'shh' action towards me. We quietly tip-toe through his unlit main level, freezing every time the floor makes a creak under our feet until we finally make our way into the basement. "You're the loudest person on earth, Brown." Finn states while sitting down in one of many stools that reside at their bar. I look around the fairly large basement to see a pool table and ping pong table, along with another living room with black leather couches and a flat screen TV, and a some sort of console hooked up to it. "Wow, you have like.. the best basement for a party. How come you never throw any?" I ask while glancing over at him. "Because no one ever catches them. I may be the so-called heartthrob of the school, but I'd rather not have females as my only guests.. no offense." Finn explains with a sigh. "None taken. So, where are we gonna sleep?" I question as I scan the basement once more. "Um.. the couches." He answers as if it's plainly obvious, gesturing over to them. "Right, yeah." I mutter while walking over to them and sitting down on the shorter couch, knowing if he sleeps down here he'd need the longer one since he's basically a tower compared to most teens.

"Here, um.. we have pillows and blankets in the closet so... I'll be right back." Finn says before running down the hall, leaving me to do nothing but look around at all the old family pictures. I sit up from the couch and walk over to a hanged black wooden frame with a much younger version of Finn and who seems to be his brother, Nick. Along with his parents,you all four of them dressed up formally. I can't help but smile as I stare at the little boy with curly dark hair, freckles across his nose and cheeks, and a bright and cheerful smile printed on his face. "Like what you see?" A voice whispers in my ear, causing me to practically jump out of my skin as I almost fall to the floor. "Oh my gosh.. you fucking scared me." I mutter while attempting to recover as he just laughs hysterically, dropping bedding onto both couches as he does so. "That's what you get for staring at 12-year-old me." He explains with a smirk. "I wasn't staring!" I protest, sounding like a child. "Whatever you say, new girl." Finn says with his hands up in surrender.

After we both lay out our make-shift beds on the couches Finn walks around to ever light switch and flicks them off before coming back, by that time I'm already snuggled up in a heavy yet soft comforter with my head on a pillow. "Are you still wearing your clothes?" Finn asks as he walks over to my couch. "Uh.. yeah. What kinda question is that?" I shoot back with my eyebrows furrowed. "No, no. Like your 'day clothes', I'll go get you some of my old pajamas.. one sec." And with that he's off, running up the stairs without giving me an option to decline. As I wait on the couch, all snuggled up in my blanket, I slowly drift off to sleep until I'm about to lose consciousness when I hear Finn announcing, "I got it!" as he dashes down the stairs causing me to shoot open my eyes tiredly. He walks over to me while holding a folded pair of grey sweatpants and a dark navy blue shirt, gesturing for me to take them, which I oblige. "Um.. Finn, can you turn around or something?" I say as he stares at me before nodding and turning around, awkwardly laughing as I then begin to change into the now-unfolded clothes.

"Okay, I'm done." I state, my voice sounding like a low whisper due to how tired I am. Who knew spending the whole day at school and then with Finn Wolfhard would be so draining? I slowly lay back down and cover my clothed body with the soft comforter, a cotton pillow case under my head. "Night Millie." I hear Finn whisper in the darkness followed by blankets moving where he is, most likely getting comfortable. "Night Finn." I whisper back with effort, it's crazy how someone can be so tired that they actually have use all their energy left to speak. As I breath out the last 'n' my eyelids fall heavy as I gratefully fall asleep, forgetting about my surroundings and the boy laying on the second couch with ease.

{Next Day/Saturday}

I flutter my eyes to open to the sound of running water and a bitter taste in my mouth due to the fact that I never brushed my teeth the night before. I lean on my elbow as I scan the same room I fell asleep in, furrowing my eyebrows at the sight. Right, I slept over... but where's Finn? Apart of me is whispering to go look but the other is warning me about Nick and how I could possibly find him rather than the curly, dark haired boy with scattered freckles on his face. I hold my breath at what I'm about to do, "Finn!" I shout while squinting my eyes shut in hope that his brother isn't the one to reply. Abruptly the sound of a shower cuts off quickly at the sound of his name, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin as I freeze in my place. "Yeah, Millie?" A familiar voice replies before emerging from around the corner with a dark gray towel tied around his waist while ruffling his moppy, soaking, dark black hair. His wet hair makes his skin look even paler in contrast, his stomach is toned with an obvious six-pack but not too chiseled, the same goes for his arms that mess with his hair, only to make it even more naturally attractive. "Uh.. nothing." I admit, terrified that his towel would drop somehow. "Feel like a dog with this hair." He confesses while walking over to me and shaking his head rapidly, causing his hair to fling small droplets of water on me as he laughs. "Stop! Ah!" I squeal out while trying to protect myself from the cold water.

"Hey Finn, what time is it?" I ask as he ruffles his hair a bit more before while walking over where a clean pile of clothes sit on the coffee table. "Um.. 10:26 am, why?" He answers as he picks up the neatly folded clothes in one hand, checking his phone for the time in the other. "I should get going soon, see my family and all." I explain while rubbing my hands over my face, not wanting to go back there. "Awe, too bad. I like having you around, especially when you wear my clothes." Finn teases while shooting me a wink, showing his signature smile that makes my knees go weak. "They're comfy." I admit as I look down at my outfit. "Good, they look better on you anyway." He says before strolling back to the bathroom to change. I lightly smile at his last words while hugging myself in his dark navy, cotton sweater that smells of his comforting, crisp cologne. I could get used to this. I let out a sigh happily as I drop my arms and begin folding the bedding I slept in, not knowing what else to do.

By the time I'm done, Finn is walking back in the room wearing a black t-shirt, faded out jeans, and one of his many beanies that now cover his damp hair. "So Millie, I was thinking and.. would you be okay with the idea of me taking you to the skate park for our first date?" Finn asks while folding his hands across the back of his neck. "Finn.. I don't know how to skateboard." I mention with a frown. "Well yeah, I know.." He trails off while biting his lip as he looks down at the carpet, his expression showing he's deep in thought. "How about, we all go to the skate park to hang out today and I'll teach you while they skate around and shit." He suggests as he raises his eyebrows, his eyes full of hope. "Okay, whatever you say beanie boy." I say with a smirk, causing a genuine smile to appear on his lips as he looks in my eyes before dropping his hands and grabbing my balled up clothes from the day before. "Oh, your clothes." I exclaim while pulling on the navy blue shirt. "Keep em, just say they were Sadie's hand-me-downs." Finn insists, coming up with an excuse with the snap of his fingers easily. "You have an answer for everything, Wolfhard." I say as I shake my head, a smile present on my face. "I try." He adds while handing me my worn clothes.

"Well, I better get going before Sadie blows my cover somehow." I mention as I start making my way up the basement stairs with him close behind. "I can drive you home, if you want." Finn offers as he opens the basement door, exposing the living room. "As much as I appreciate it, it would probably make some questions come up if my family sees your car.. and you." I explain with a shrug, him just nodding understandably as a response. "So uh.. I'll see you later then?" He questions as we walk over to his front door, his hand now on the cold silver knob. "Yeah, if you're lucky." I tease, causing a faint smile appear on his face as he rolls his eyes. "But seriously, Millie." He protests, his smile slightly fading. "You will, don't worry so much. Oh! And thanks for letting me crash here last night, and giving me your clothes, just thanks for everything." I say with a shrug. "Don't mention it.. and Millie?" He asks just as I walk out the door, pausing my steps as I turn back to see him coming over to me. "You forgot this." He whispers in my ear while placing something in my hand, sending a rush through my veins as his soft voice imprints in my mind while his finger tips linger on mine before he backs away and swiftly walks back inside without another word. I stand there paralyzed with my mouth cracked open and fingers grasping the small piece of paper he gave me tightly, still shaken by the event that just happened.. the event I wish to happen again.

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